"What are you doing?" The voice of Leles came from behind, and Mo You jumped, the kettle in his hand fell on the ground, and his eyes were very flustered, but she quickly resumed calm, "I, I want to speculate boiling water."

"You hurt so serious, don't run, let me come." Le Le came over to pick up the kettle, picking a pot of water, picking up the base to boil water, and concerned, "Are you hungry?"

"It is a bit." Mo Siro cares with the abdomen, "there is something in the refrigerator, but it is born, I will give you some point."

"I have told you to rest, I will come." Leizan took her to sit down on the sofa, then went to the refrigerator to find something, "You are fruit and drink, even the vegetables are not, look at the freezer room have what……"

He opened the following, "Wow, many frozen seafood, and beef."

"Oh, I usually have a meal at home. In addition to fruit and drink in the refrigerator, there is nothing new food, these seafood and beef are sent by my brother." Mo Port is sorry.

"It seems that you can't eat it simple, you have to eat dinner." Leizan took the seafood and beef to thaw, "You are hurt, you can't eat seafood, I will give you a bowl of beef noodles, as for me, Hey, you can eat a rich seafood. "

"Hey, as long as you like, eat the things in this refrigerator empty, I don't mind, I am so happy." Mo Shun smiled and looked at Le Lee, "I just hurt now, it is not convenient to help you Can you be busy with you? "

"There is no problem, I used to give her a meal when I was with Feier."

Leles out, after finishing, then, at this moment, what is Feiier doing? Is she lingering with Austine? ?

Moofy's face became stunned, although Leisan people were around her, but his heart was in William, it seems that she still needs to continue their efforts ...

The atmosphere became awkward, and the two people were silent. Leizan was busy, Mo Fu intentionally broke the deadlock: "I will do rice, just is very busy, I am very busy, so I don't do it, every time I don't do it. I will give my dad and my brother. "

"That is, your brother has often praised your kitchen art before." Leigh should be a sentence, and we still think about Williafi, and you can't get up.

"My mom has done a woman in the world, and my family will only make me do it." Mo Ziro said, "When I got to go to college, I have to wash more clothes every time I go home. I have sent clothes home to my clothes, I just contrary to them, huh, huh. "

"You can do it very much." Leighing rose.

Mo Port saw that he didn't think about talking to her, so he no longer bother him, holding fruit cuts ...

"Water is burned." Leigh off the switch of the electric kettle, "Do you want to drink water? I will give you."

"I am burn to you." Mo said soft to say, "Look at you for a day, even the water is not drinking, so I want to give you a boiling water, soak tea."

"Thank you, you are really careful." Leizie is a little touched. "I am really thirsty, but the tea is not used, just drink warm water."

Said, he gave himself a big cup of boiling water, and asked, "Do you want to drink? I will give you a cup."

"No, I will take a fruit." Moof will deliver a piece of Sydi in his mouth.

"Also, eat more fruits to your body, good to the skin." Leizan laughed and continued to be busy.

When Mo Soft, he observed him. After he cut the beef, he was so cold, so he was drunk. .

Mo said soft and sore, it seems that tonight, she can become a woman of Leles, I didn't expect to go smoothly ...


About an hour, Leles did a rich dinner, beef noodles, seafood dinner, color fragrance, and it was coveted. .

"I have collected a bottle of red wine, take it out to give you a fresh big meal is just right." Mo Shirou wounded to the wine cabinet to take red wine.

"No, if I drink too much, I will take care of anything." Leager.

"There is no thing, the insurance system here is very good, and it is a police station, and those bad guys don't dare to mess, and then, they all grab the information back, and there is no need to die again." Surveying red wine came over, I also took two cups. "I have a drink with you, let us have forgotten the troubles."

"You can't drink, you still have hurt, you have to avoid alcohol," Leisi took red wine, "I will drink alone, you are right, you can get rid of thousands of drunkenness, may be drunk I won't be so troublesome. "

Said, he gave himself a large glass of red wine, and did it directly. I remembered William Fi's thing. He is very uncomfortable, and it is drunk. It is not so painful. .

"Wow, this wine is really good." Le Leidu poured a cup, "Is there still? This bottle is not enough, take a few bottles."

"Well, I will go to you soon." Mo said to take two cups, all open, "I woke up, the taste is more alcohol."

"Come, eat it." Leles pushed the beef noodles in front of Mo Sof, "How to taste it, don't eat habits?"

"It's very good to look." Mo Zoupened, praised, "Well, it's so delicious !!!"

"You like it, hungry for a day, hurry, now it is more than ten o'clock." Leigh said softly.

"Well, you also eat." Mo Shiwei looked at him, "" I all eat these seafood, I will let me send it tomorrow. "

"Okay." Leizie began to eat, but he did not eat, but it was a lot of wine, because the brain is Williafi, thinking of she now with Austin, just like a fire like fire, Can only take a cup to drink a cup, you can relieve your worries ...

I don't remember how long it took, Leizie drunk three glasses of red wine, drunken, squatted on the table, confused, whispered the name of William.

I watched him in the William of William, why did he toss himself in order? ?

"Good hot ..." Leizie suddenly sat up, irritated frowns, creating the collar, "How to be so hot ??"

"Le Le, you drink too much." Mo said is a little nervous, she knows, it is a pharmaceutically happening, Le Le is a special training elite, these three glasses are not enough to let him lose their mind, let him become The abnormality is the cup of boiling water, because her is adding her - medicine. .

She advised him to drink, I want to use the wine to cover the charm, even if the Leles wake up, she will not doubt her, I thought I was in the past, and I was confused, and the things tonight will also become a foregone. .

"Good thirst .." Leigh off his clothes.

"I will pour you the water." Mo said to the kitchen, and hetero the water of the potter, and poured a big cup for Leisheng. Now the water is already cold, and the Leizie will take a breath. .

"I support you back to the house." Mo said Leigh.

"No, no, you still have hurt ..." Le Lee has some kindness, talking is clear, "I don't know what happened, I feel so strange in my body, like a fire is burning ..."

"You, just drink too much." Mo said Le Leed into the room, push him in bed, "You first lie down, I will give you a hot towel to rub the face."

Leles took off the shirt, looked into the wild chest, exhausted in bed, covering his eyes with arms ...

Mo said with a hot towel and wiped his body, and found that there were two small wounds on his chest. She was distressed in his injury: "It turned out that you were hurt, I actually do not know.."

"Feier, Feier ..." Leishami's name, the emotional decline, "Why don't you believe me? I can help you .. Why do you want to walk with Aust????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? "

"Le Leh ..." Mo Luoqi is holding Leles' face. "She doesn't cherish you is her loss, you don't have it, you are sad, I will feel distressed ..."

Said, Mo said, deeply kissed Leigh. .

Leles' awareness has been completely blurred. It feels that someone kisses him in a confused, and his mind is full of Williafi, just as a Williafaf, wild, kissed them. Holding her hands on her waist, holding her, turned the passive as the initiative, and loved her ...

Mo said soft, enthusiastic response, give himself to him.

"Feier ..."

Leizie shouted her Williafi's name to enter her. In her body, she fell into her body, and Mo said soft and sorrow, but at the same time, she was also fortunate, no matter what, she has succeeded Leles' woman started from this moment, they will have a clear relationship.

She has completed the task of Austin, and she won a large amount of fund returns. At the same time, she can also follow the Leigh.

She will not believe that she can't win William Feather ...


The muddy camera will be taken in this camcorder and send it to Austine through the network.


Dubai, the ward of the castle, Austin received video, happy eyebrows, immediately sending information to the hackers under the hand, let them work in the computer, then, only waiting for these evidence to present these evidence Williamfi, let them really have a break! ! ! !

The next room, Williafei woke up from the nightmare, opened his eyes, and looked at the ceiling. He was full of sweat. She just slept too tired, but I dreamed that Leigh, dream In the case, Le Lee was hurt, and he was blood. She went to him, she wants to help him, but he is unrequited, let her go ...


Recommend my new book "Championship: Love the Evil President" http: yunqi. QQ. COMBKXDYQ506947. HTML, I hope everyone will support it! ! ! !

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