"No, it is Mo Soft." Leizan said, "She is very dangerous now, but I am not convenient to protect her, so I want to trouble you, I will help me stay in her days."

"What's going on? You both ... don't you have anything?" Zhuohang felt wrong.

"She is sinned by the clue of my dad, she is sinned, and she is chasing. How can I lose people? Don't say nonsense, her address is XXXX ..."

"Ok, I will go right away, but Le Le, I can remind you, don't go too close to Mo Soft, you can't do something that can't afford to fate !!!"


Hanging up the phone, Le Le is still very guilty, just in the face of Zhuo Air, he avoids light, avoiding a positive topic, but now thinking about it, why is he not a deficiency?

His relationship with Moof has become a foregone, a big mistake, no matter how it can't be recovered.

Now, he can only try to be responsible for the protection of Mo Mo, but his heart, always only Williapi is a person ...

Thinking of this, Leizie tried to call Williapi's phone, still unable to connect, this time, Fei Lier is still lingering with Austum? ?

Leigh raised his hand and felt very frustrated ...


In the following time, Leles began to rush for the father of Lei Zhen Ting ...

One day in the past, the Williafifei in Dubai hareled a heart every day, spent the struggle, and she always remembers the agreement with my love, often reminds himself, to take the courage to take the courage Step by step, no matter how you remind her, she can't do it.

Until the seventh day, the last day of Williapi and the Austine holiday.

Early in the morning, William Feier just got up, the maid handed her with a mobile phone: "Miss William, the phone of the Duchess."

William Feather stunned: "Is Austine not exercise in the garden?"

"It is the Duke of Love." The maid smiled slightly.

William Feier is shocked, and it is fearless and uneasy. "Hey ..."

"On the last day, I see, do you probably don't want to save the Relie?" Ai Huade said is cold, "How? Just do him die in the palace, you don't care?"

"I ..." William Philippine is anxious, "Not, I don't mean this, you promised to help me save the Leidie, don't let him have something."

"Now there is no confidence, people who define the agreement are you." Ai Huade said coldly. "Since you are not willing to fulfill your promise, I have to help you save people?"

"No, I ..." Williamphi didn't know how to explain, she never confused like this is so confused.

"On the last day, tomorrow morning, you will return to France, before you board the special plane, if I have not fulfilled promise, I can't help Leis, I heard that he is in the palace to be brought to the queen, away from If you die, you will be angry. Do you want to save him, you can do it yourself. "

Ai Huade is cold and finished, and the phone is directly hung by the phone.

"Don't ..."

Williamfi shouted, but unfortunately heard the blind sound from the phone, there was no response, her tears fell, thinking that Leles may be seriously injured, always have a danger, she is worried I am so worried, what should I do? How to do? How to do? ? ?

"Hey ..." knocked on the door outside. Subsequently, the Gusheng's gentle voice came, "Feier! Hello? Come down and have breakfast."

"Miss William, mobile phone ..." The maid reached out to Williapi.

William Fiier also gave her mobile phone, she quickly removing the call record, hiding the phone, and turned around. .

Open the door, the maid rushed to Austin: "Master!"

Austin has a look at her, and I looked at William Feather: "Fili, what happened?"

"I, I am somewhat uncomfortable, I don't want to have breakfast." Williafei turned around and flustered and wiped tears. I didn't want him to see my wolf.

"You cried ??" Austin saw the tears on her face, and his face changed, and the women who had just went out, "I will come in !!!"

The maid was scared, panic came in: "Master ..."

"Said, why do you cry?" Austin is asked.

"I, I don't ..." The maid hurriedly explained.

"The monk, even for the Feier !!!" Austish waved her hand, Williafei quickly pulled him, "Don't, it's not her business, it is my own mood to cry." "

"Really?" Austine has some questions.

"Well, really." Williampi nodded again, "You believe me, this thing is really unrelated to her."

"Good end, why is it a bad mood?" Austin asked.

Williapi is going to the eye, and there is no talk.

"Go out!" Austin pair the maid order.

The maid hurried out, and the door was closed.

"What happened?" Austin held William Philippine's face, distressed her tears for her, "Is it worried that your mommy? She is nothing, the injury is much more."

"I am worried about ... is Leizie." Williapi drums to say this, "Austin, you will help me, right???"

Austine slightly, nodded: "Yes, I will help you!"

"If your father does not believe, you will stand at this side, right," William Fei, asked again.

"Yes." Messtone did not hesitate to answer, "But why do you ask this question? What happened?"

Williapi bites bite lips and starts taking off your clothes ...

"Feier, what do you do ???" Austin looked at her.

"You are not always I want to get me?" Williafei's tears blurred him, "Now, let me be your woman ..."

Austine is stunned, is this true? He felt that he was like a dream, but he didn't dare to believe in everything in front of him. He has been eager. One day, Williafei will take the initiative to send him, but I didn't expect it so fast, and in this kind Uncertain cases ...

Williapi took off the skirt, leaving only pure white underwear, she closed her eyes, I plan to continue to take off, but the tears can't help but fall ...

"Enough!" Austin launched her hand, "You are not willing to be willing, why do you want to do this ??? Is I forced you?"

Williapi opened his eyes and looked at him: "You don't have to ask so much, in short, now I have to be your woman, how? Don't you want me?"

"not me……"

"No, it's okay." Williafei put his hand in his own chest, "Come, is this not you have been dreaming? Today, you will be able to be able to do it."

Austin confused, he loves her so much, so fascinated her, and now I have a chance to have her, this opportunity, he really doesn't want to miss ...

He gradually closer, close, close, thin lips and kisses her petals and delicate lips, hard kiss, just want to have more, more. .

Williamfi closed his eyes, silently endured his hot kiss, in his heart, William Fi, don't be afraid, only this, only this, you can save Leigh.

Austin fell Williapi in bed, and he was more enthusiastic to kiss her, and his hands couldn't help but move. .

William Feather is very nervous, the whole body is shaking, but she doesn't resist it as before, but silent ...

For a long time, Austin couldn't help but worry, and the urgent wants to enter her, and this critical moment, she suddenly cried: "Don't, don't ..."

"What happened?" Austin held her face, "Do you just don't work very well?"

"I can't do it, I'm sorry ..." Williafei flusked to open him, shrinking to one side, wrapped in the body with the quilt, crying, "The people I love is Leizie, I can't do anything. This kind of thing is really no way. "

The low head of the Austin lost, depressed, sitting on the bed, no words.

"Sorry, I am sorry ..." William Fili's apology.

"You don't have to say sorry, you don't sorry anyone." Austin low, "this matter, it is not your fault, you don't love me, you can't deceive people."

William Feier is crying, I don't know what to say.

"You told me directly, don't be afraid, isn't I threaten by me?" Austine turned her, "If so, I will definitely help you."

"I ..." Williamfi is crying, but I can't say it.

"He threatened you with Leles?" Austine trial, "He didn't say it, as long as you go to bed with me, he will help you save the Relie?"

William Fiier stunned, did not expect, he actually guess.

Austin hesitated, and he was courage to say: "You don't believe him. In fact, Leizie has long left the palace."

"What ???" Williafei looked at him horror, "Is this true?"

"Well." Austine nodded, sad sigh, "I also know last night, I didn't sleep last night, I didn't tell you this, I was very tangled, I am afraid. You know, I will leave me immediately, I am very chaotic, this morning, I finally decided to tell you the truth, I didn't expect it just now ... "

"When When did Leilak left the palace?" William Fire did not want to pay attention to his mood, just urgently asked, "Where is he now?"

"I received the news, he is our day to leave the palace, it seems that I have been tracking us, but I have not found it, maybe ... he misunderstood you, then return to Hong Kong, and later ..."

Austin is not saying, not to say.


Recommend my new book "Championship: Love the Evil President" http: yunqi. QQ. COMBKXDYQ506947. HTML, I hope everyone will support it! ! ! !

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