I don't know how long it takes in the room, Williapi's mood falls to the bottom of the valley, it is very desperate to life ...

Leigh's betrayal made her heart, she didn't understand why things would make this. She started from her day. She thought that he was an honest and reliable man. She once thought that even the world The man is betrayed, but he will not ...

But I didn't expect, so fast, he betrayed her, betrayed so thoroughly! ! ! !

Push her from heaven into hell, fall to the pink bones ...

Now, her heart is hollowed out.


Hong Kong, Le Le Lie found Liu Kang and Zhuo Air, and also convened some brothers, preparing to go to Zhao's house to go home.

However, the car just opened into the villa area. In the front, the explosion of the earth was shocked. Leager looked up, it was the home of Zhao, the burning fire reflected in the sky, the thick smog was raised, the original luxury The villa has been fried into a ruin ...

"How can this be?" Liu Kang asked.

"It seems that the director of Zhao has someone, and that person worried that he leaked the confidentiality, so directly kills the extinguishing port." Zhuo was frowned.

"That Mo Mo?" "Le Lee is awkward," she, shouldn't she still have an accident? "

"Worse, it is really likely ..." Liu Kang out.

"No." Le Lee is in a hurry, "parking, parking !!!"

Zhuohang stopped the car, Leigh rushed to jump off the car, like a arrow, ...

Liu Kang hooked up, Zhuo Airlines also followed, but the brow was tight, and said that "Le Lee is definitely not generally with Moofang's relationship, it is so nervous, what should I do?"

"You don't say, Leles like Fili, how can I betray her? He just thinks that Moof is going to do things because of him, so will it be so nervous?" Liu Kang advised.

"I just replant is not worth it. Her family has so many things, now I need Leles, but Leles can surround the other women, have he thought about it?" Zhuohang angry Unequal.

"When I am not angry now, I will go to save people again." Liu Kangra took Zhuo Huai to chase Relie.


The explosion has not yet sailed, Leizie wants to go in, fortunately, Liu Kang and Z Zhuo will take him in time: "Le Le, what? Explosion is so serious, you will be dangerous."

"Let me let me, I want to save people." Lere excited.

"You can't save it in this way, you will not live, we still call the police." Liu Kang took out the phone.

Leizie took this opportunity to break free from Zhuo Air, regardless of everything, ...

"Hey, Le Le ..." Liu Xian hurried to Lalere.

"Don't pull him, let him go." Zhuo Airlines angry, "For another woman, don't you want to live, what?" What? What is her in your heart? "

Le Leran suddenly took the footsteps, didn't look back, didn't turn around, didn't talk, but I was a windy cloud ...

I think of William Feather, he is still very embarrassed, although he is not his own, but he is really betraying William Fei, and now it is desperate to another woman ...

He also smashed his heart in his heart, but changed a angle to think, Mo said to make this completely because of him, he can't set it.

Thinking of this, Le Le is still a footsteps ...

"You ..." Zhuo Air was about to be unscapage. "It seems that Mo Port is far more than Fei, I am too disappointed with you."

Leizan did not care, continue to go forward ...

"Mo Fu !!" At this time, Liu Kang suddenly shouted, Le Leng looks back, it is really Mo Sir, Mo Lu is hurt, the pace is coming from the side, a pair of tears blurred eyes deeply look Leigh, tears, rain ...

"Mo Port!" Le Lee excitedly ran in the past, helping Mo Soft, giving her up and down, "Are you okay?"

I didn't say a word in Moof, just hug Leles, crying and shaking ...

"Don't cry, it's okay." Leizie lightly patted her back, thinking that this woman has so much for him, so much damage and wronger, he is really distressed ...

But at the same time, he is also thinking about Zhuhang just said, these days, he has always been around Mo Fu, it seems that it really ignores William Fi, it is really no, I don't know how Fiier is now Sample, maybe before those things are just misunderstandings, maybe she didn't betray him at all, he should not be embarrassed with her and Austin. .


Dubai. .

After two hours, Williafi was still in a dazzling room, and there was a knock on the door outside, as well as a generous greeting of Austin: "Fei, are you okay?"

There is no movement inside, and Austin shouted a few: "Feiier, Feier ..."

Still not responding, Austin is anxious, immediately refund two steps, hit the door, hit a few times, finally hit, he stepped in, see Williapi Piper, sitting in bed, suddenly ...

It turned out that she didn't have an accident, but still quiet in the sadness, the mobile phone has been broken, and the quartz fifty cracks fall on the carpet. .

"Fili ..." Austin walked to Williafi, gently patted her shoulders, "Are you okay?"

William Fiier looked up, laminated to watch Austine: "Why? Why do he want to be like this? Why??"

"You don't have it ..." Austin is so comfortable, "even if he betrayed you, but you have at least me, I will never betray you."

Williamfi felts into the arms of the Austin, crying ...

Austin hugged her, said softly in her ear: "Cry, cry, just ..."


Hong Kong. .

Zhuohang really watched it with Mo Shuo, one left.

Le Le will send Mo Shuo to the hospital for treatment, Liu Kang stayed with the police to negotiate this case.

The doctor said that Mo said that Mo said that it is only a serious injury, not very serious, but it is still hospitalized, and there is also a wound that has to be handled in time, otherwise it will leave a scar.

Le Le arranged her hospitalization and arranged two medical care for her, and then prepared to leave, Mo said softly tightly: "Don't go, I am afraid ..."

Le Le looked at her chu, my heart was soft, I have to stay in her.

The night is deep, Mo Fu is a medicine, exhausted sleep, Le Lee looks at her, and the mind is full of William, and I think about it. He tried to call Williafield phone, still can't Turn on ...

He helplessly took the forehead, the mood is very complicated, Feier, Feier, where are you? ? where is it……


Enter the night. .

Austin's special plane fly to France, special plane, Williapi's mood still low departure, don't eat without drinking.

Austin is very anxious, and finally took a glass of water and two sleeping pills to her: "Feier, you have to sleep, otherwise the body will fall."

"I can't sleep ..." Williamphi said, "I also want to sleep, I don't want to think about it, but I can't control myself ..."

"You can't do this." Austin is anxious, "Hey, I will eat this, you can fall asleep after eating, and will not think about those unhappy."

After listening to the other words, Williafi did not hesitate to take the two sleeping medicines, she really reluctant to think about those things, not willing to think about it.

Soon, Williafi fell asleep, before closing his eyes, the mind was still thinking about Leizie and Mo Soft, sliding down from the corner, dripping in his mouth, bittering into a heart ...

Messtin looked at her, very distressed, he gently touched William Philippine's beautiful face, gentle: "Feiier, why do you want to tears other men? This world is the most love you in this world. I, only I, always have a change to you, never changed, never ... "

It is a pity that Williafield has not heard a sentence.

Austin jugged over, deeply kissed William Fiier, poured all emotions, he did even have a impulse, I really want to get Williapi, now, even if he really has her, she will not blame. He, but ... he won't do this, he really loves her, respect her.

He is going to get, is her heart, her life forever ...

Now, he is finally close to a step, and Williafi and Leles have a big problem. It will not be so easy to renew, but it is still a little bit of mind.

Thinking of this, Austin took out the camera that was ready to put it next to the camera, the lens paired the bed, then took off the clothes of William, kissed her on her, and then continue ...

At the critical moment, he used the quilt to cover his and Williapi's clothes, pretending in her body, although he did not really occupy her, but from the perspective of the camera, he and she is doing that kind of thing. .

This camera video is impeccable, it seems that there is no problem at all, it is entirely the scene of Austin and William, and any people who see it will not be suspected. .


Hong Kong, Leles standing in the window of the ward, the mind is full of Williafi, and the heart is very anxious. He tried to call the phone of Sophia, directly reminded the shutdown, his heart is more anxious, Feier Where is it?

I want to go, Leles think of a person, Williapi's biological father Darn, maybe he will know their news.

Thinking of this, Leles immediately called Dinn, very fast, the phone was connected -


"Afather, hello, I am Le Le, I want to listen to you, I don't know ..."

"You now think of her now? Will it be too late?" Darn's voice is cold, "You are with the woman who name Mo Mo, already goes to bed? Do you think, will I still let you close my daughter? ?? "


Recommend my new book "Championship: Love the Evil President" http: yunqi. QQ. COMBKXDYQ506947. HTML, I hope everyone will support it! ! ! !

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