"Really?" Williafei didn't dare to believe his ears.

"Of course, is it true?" Austin looked at her, "We are going to pick your mommy!"

"Thank you ..." Williafield touched into Aussic, sad and low, she didn't pay, nothing, but Austin persuaded Ai Huade to let them ...

William Fiier has never had a good face for Austin, or even hurts him again, but he is so good to her, so much;

And what? Her favorite man, she gives everything, including her body, her feelings, her trust ... and even when she accidentally, she doesn't leave him, now I am turning her something, he When you fleeing, it is still turning on another woman. .

Such a distinct contrast is really cold. .

Messtin strokes William Feier's long hair, said softly in her ear: "Nothing, everything has passed, no one will hurt you and your mother, in the future, you can choose your favorite life."

"Well ..." William Fiier cried very wolf, she would like to say something to my gratitude, but his emotions are too excited, she can't say a word.

She thought, only Austine in this world, only him, so so good to her, except for her, no other person ...

Including Leles! ! !


Le Le Lie did not sleep, the whole person was like a dead, the day, the slight sound came, the mother was cold, and the ice has got up to prepare breakfast. Today is the days of Lei Zhen Ting's final review. Everyone is strict Waiting, ready.

Leigh, now the mind is still Williafield and the hot lingering scene, heart, painful pain. .

The spirit is going to collapse.

"Tap, don't wake Leizie and Night flames. They both are too tired, let them sleep for a while, get up at 8:30." There is a cold and generous, There should be connected, and then a light hand is acting.

Le Lee is embarrassed, everyone is worried about him, for fear of noisy to him, but what about him? It is still saddened by a woman who is not worth it. His energy is not placed at home, he is really a family.

Perhaps, he and Williapi were originally not a world, they should not go together, from the beginning, this feeling is wrong, wrong ..

So thinking, Leigh ,


Ai Wah really put Sophifier, and did not use any reason to stay her.

Austin personally escorts their mother and women home, and the Queen also personally called Williapi, saying that this is until there is, and they will never be pursued later, but they want their mother to leave France as soon as possible, don't stay Sharowing here is now.

William did not be angry because of this sentence, but feel free to get from the royal family, her fate is no longer arranged, she can choose the life you want, with the people who like it ... Just like She was the same as the dream.

Unfortunately, there is no kind of man worthy of her to give up everything. She once thought that she would accounted for the rest of the life with Leles, no matter what happened, she didn't think of such a short time, they Made this ...

She trusted man, it is just a hypocrite.

Now, she feels that her life has completely no meaning, and she is only for the sake of alive.

But fortunately, through this matter, she finally got a friend, Austin, he was wholeheartedly guarded her, took care of her, and she was very pleased ...

However, she is now hurting, I don't want to start a new feeling again, so she can only have a deadly with Austine, and continue to miss.

But she has swearing in my heart, she wants to completely forget Leigh, forget this negative man ...


Three days later, the news of Lei Zhen Ting's innocently released all over the world, and the French Queen's long appeared on a sigh of relief. Fortunately, there is nothing to be too difficult, otherwise it is less trouble now.

Ai Huade is very annoying, I didn't expect it to spend so much, I have invested so much money, I am in combination with those corrupt officials, still fail to pull the thunder, now Lei Zhen Ting is not only the official completion, but also because of the head of the head I will only pay more attention to him more, and I will have a heavy responsibility.

Now, Lei Jia is even more difficult to deal with it.

However, Austin is not too much reaction, because he knows that Leles and William Feier have died of each other, their feelings are finished, and no longer be compounded, even if the Lei Zhen Ting Tin's official completion is also useless. .


This morning, Williafi sat in the yard, Sophifier handed a newspaper to her: "The head of Lei is not guilty, the official post, you will see!"

William Feather glanced, slightly hook the lips: "Very good! Congratulations !!"

"Feier, do you really don't disturb? Go back to Hong Kong to find Leizie?" Sophie wrinkled, softly asked, "Although I don't know what happened between you, I always think that Leigh is not that kind of Negative people, maybe he left France to leave France, you also know, those days, sitting on his father is trying to start the trial, he can't do it? You should understand him to ... "

"Mommy, don't say it." Williafi interrupted the words of Sophifier, raising his hand and supported forehead. "I don't want to give this, this person, we have ended."

"What happened? Can you tell Mummy?" Sophored is anxious, "You love Leigh, why is it easy to give up so easily? Could it ... You and Aust Ting are really ..."

"We don't!" William Fili said with anger, "Austin respected me, very good for me, our family can spend this difficult time, because of him, his father is used to use meritorious means forced I am with him, but he didn't touch me. We are innocent !!! "

"Well, don't be angry, Mommy, of course, believe you ..." Sophia quickly appeaseed, "At that time, the situation was very urgent, everything you did was for Mommy, even what is really, Mummy is also Will only feel bad, it is impossible to blame you ... "

"Mommy ..."

"I know, I know, you are nothing, I really believe." Sophie said that "But I really don't understand, since you don't deviate from the track, why will it be like this with Leizan ? It should be impossible because he leaves France, you are not so unreasonable, is it ... He estimated that you can't afford your business? "

Williapi's eyes flashed, she has never told the mother, I don't want my mother to worry, I didn't expect my mother to guess it ...

"Sure enough." Sophie saw the answer from Williapi's reaction, angry, "What is Leizie to do? Do you really have a woman who is called Moofer?"

"Oh ..." Williafei is bitter, "Mommy, you can guess, you should know that they do not understand usually?"

"What ??? This is true?" Sophisticated Mrs. Sophisticated, "They, what extent is they developed? Will it be misunderstood ??"

"I have gone to bed. I will see it my own. How can I be misunderstood?" Wei »Fei Si's laughter," Scared it? If you don't see it, I can't believe it is true. "

"Heaven ..." The whole people of Sophia whole people are chaotic. "How can this be? Leizie, he actually made that kind of thing? I can't believe it."

"So, I have finished with him." William Fi is deeply sighed, "Mommy, don't mention this person in front of me in the future."

"Oh ..." Sophisticated, I didn't know what to say.



Lei Zhen Ting was not guilty. On the third day, Lei Jia was restored to calm.

However, Lei Zhen Ting didn't want to live in Leijia. Because there is still a breath of prison, he moved to the suburbs to live with cold ice and nights, this is like a home ...

After the sun is always in the wind, now all disasters have passed, and a family is integrated into a happy life.

However, Le Le is always laughing, sometimes a family is laughing, only he is low in your hair ...

Mo said to give him a lot of text messages every day, play a few calls, he never pays, he only has Williafifei, although he saw the video, but he still can't forget her, he doesn't understand why she wants to do that. ,why? ? ?

Every time I think of it, Le Le is like a knife. .

On this evening, Cold, if the ice called Leizie to the study, and said, "Le Le, now things have been solved, are you going to France to pick up?"

"No." Le Lee lowered his head, "I am with her ... I have broken up!"

"Ah? Why?" Cold Ruo is very surprised, "When is this? When you just come back, I still say that your father's case is over, I will go to France to pick up her. How do you suddenly say it? Have you seen it? "

"No." Leigh shook his head, "No need to meet, this kind of thing happened, and then he only gave a disciple."

"What happened?" Cold if the ice is asking, "You quickly tell me clearly."

"I don't want to say, Mommy ..." Leisham is taking the forehead, "In short, we have finished, I don't want to mention it again, you don't force me again."

"I don't force you, I have to figure out what the situation is." Cold, if you are anxious, "When your father was imprisoned, Lei Jia was unable, and even the problem was difficult to solve, but people Fei did not leave. Follow you, you can't do a negative person, I see your phone every day, it seems to be a girl called Moof, can you have sex? "


Recommend my new book "Championship: Love the Evil President" http: yunqi. QQ. COMBKXDYQ506947. HTML, I hope everyone will support it! ! ! !

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