"You don't have to avoid anything, let's talk, I have been." William Fi is deeply absorbed, and it has been prepared, "Le Lee and Moof, is there a non-persistent relationship?"

"This ..." Zhuohang hesitated, or do you want to tell Williapi? If she tells, her relationship with Leles is really going to be finished; but if he doesn't tell her, he is in his heart, he just promised not to lie to her. .

"You refuse me?" Williafei is anxious, "You also said that not only Leles friend, is also my friend, are you now this is this?"

"No ..." Zhuo Airlines quickly explained, "Feier, don't be angry, I don't want to tell you, just something ... I really don't know how to say it."

"That's okay, I will ask you simple." William Fiier change the strategy, "During this time, is Leizan often followed by Mo?"

Zhuohang was silent for a few seconds and gently answered a "Yes" word.

William Fiper took a breath and continued to ask: "Then now, they are also together?"

"should be."

Zhuo Huo looked at the floor window of Mo my fang, the lamp was still bright, at this moment, Mo Siro and Leizie should still be together, Le Le is probably forgotten to forget the second clean?

"Oh, huh ..." William Fei's cold smile, smiled and bitter, it turned out at this moment, he is still in the eve of France? ? ? What is this man, what is going to do? ? ?

"Fili, you are doing an angry, tonight, I am going out, Le Le is also helping her for friend morality, I am driving to find them now, the car has come downstairs." Zhuo When the flight is said, "I will watch Leizie's car parked on the road, he should come back."

William Fiper took a deep breath, tolerate the anger in his heart, said calmly: "Zhuo Air, can you help me?"

"You said." Zhuo Airlines promised, "As long as I can do it, I will do it for you."

"Now you open 4G video calls, then go to them, I want to see what they do ..." Williafi said, "I know, you treat me and Leizie as a friend, you don't want to say Ray in front of me Strong things, don't want to betray your friends, but now, as long as you don't add the phone, you will go to them, so you can't go to them, so it is not to violate the brothers. "

"This is not very good." Zhuohang is anxious, "If he is known to be known, he will hate me."

"Why do he hate you?" William didn't laugh, "If he doesn't have the relationship with Mo Mo, there is nothing, then this matter is nothing, he doesn't have to remember you? If he really caught you, Can only explain that he is sorry for me ... "

Zhuohang felt that she said that she said, so I promised: "Well, I will go up now."

"Well." Williafi looked at.

Zhuo Air stopped the car, and then hurried into the community, straight to Mo Fang to go ...


Upstairs, Leles and Mo said a Korean love movie in the living room, now there are some passion pieces in the movie, and the male and female protagonists in the movie are hot, the lens is hot ...

Mo shinnated with the lower lips, a little bit to Leizi.

Le Le was originally feeling a little hot, Moof and cool arm shouted to him, but also an invisible temptation, but he still moved next to it, and prepared to get off: "I, I should go."

"Le Leh ..." Mo said to pull him. He avoided the consciousness, Mo said that Mo said to him, and the two rushed on the carpet, and the posture was very embarrassed.

Le Leng's face was red, and he wanted to push Mo Soft. But she pressed his hands on her chest. He suddenly rigued, and the horror opened his eyes, and he looked at her ... ...

"I know, you also need me, why do you want to lie to you?" Mo said his face, affectionately kissed him ...

Le Lee is lying there, and he is panicked. He wants to push her, but his hands are tightly held, and there is a special feeling in the body. He has gradually lost resistance. force……

Moof's kiss is getting more and more enthusiastic, more and more arrogant, Leizie is still thinking about thinking ...

At this time, Zhuo Air has come to their home, knocking knocking, is preparing to raise his hand knocking the door, Williafi said on the phone: "Don't knock on the door, go in, put the camera, I want to see See what they are doing in this three more nights. "

"The door is closed, I can't enter." Zhuo Airline said.

"You remember that you will be ignored before, get a wire into it, and you will open it." Williapi said.

"This ..." Zhuohang didn't feel very good, but I thought about it. Since I have promised her, I can't hesitate, this time I bite the teeth, I have given things, Williafi and Leles may It will be able to tell a paragraph, it is divided, and there is always a knot.

Thinking of this, Zhuohang directly reached out to the door, the door opened, Zhuo Air saw that this scene was shocked, the camera's camera is facing the front, the Williafield of the phone is also seen ...

Mo Shuo was on Leisley, and the two kissed hot on the carpet. This scene really presented in front of his eyes, no longer an illusion, not misunderstanding.

On the last left of William Feier, there was no one, and she screamed: "Ah ------"

Zhuo Air of the eardrum is so broken. He hurriedly won the Bluetooth headset, and screams from the mobile phone speaker, and two people on the ground.

Leigh is awake, pushing a soft, turning over, shouting the consciousness: "Feiier !!!"

He heard the voice of William, is that her voice is not wrong, but she is not here, this sound is from it? ?

"Le Le, you are too disappointed." Zhuohang looked at Leizie, "Fei Der is so good to you, but you do this?? Are you worthy of her?" "

"What do you mean? I just heard the voice of Feier, she ..." Le Lele's words did not finish it, he saw the image of Williapi on Zhuo Airlines, and she understood it, shocked. Look at Zhuo Air, "You, you are talking to the Philippine video phone?"

"To ..." Zhuohang heavy sigh, "I really hope that you have nothing, but ..."

"You this bastard !!!" Le Leng's rushing, taking away Zhuohang's mobile phone, is anxious to explain the Philippine in the phone, "Fei, you listen to me ..."

"What else is there?" Williafei's habited his teeth interrupted his words, crying, "Le Le, I didn't expect you to be so hypocrisy, hypocrisy !!!!"

"Feier ..."

"You don't have to come to France." Williafei did not give Leles to explain the opportunity. "From this moment, we have two broken, I don't want to see you again in this life ----"

"Don't, Feier, you listen to me explained ..."

Le Lele's words have not finished, Williafi hangs, and Leizan looks at the mobile phone, and he is flustered. Even if they happen, he still doesn't think about it. I don't say some breath, but I will forget every time, he still wants to find her.

But now, they are completely finished.

"What's amazing, she is not the same as the Bedding of Austine, I have to be more early, more." "Mo Fu said," Le Le, this woman, you still love, what, she Fundamental ... "

"You shut up !!!" Le Lee excitedly interrupted her words, once again felt a dizziness, he looked at your forehead, I am irritated, "Why do I get out every time you come here, I will lose control?" "

Moofy has some guilty, but soon found excuses: "Because you have too much pressure, only when you are with me, your mood will relax." She reached out to touch Leigh's face, "Le Le, don't So yourself, in fact, you need me ... "

Zhuo Airbed wrinkled, he saw that Leles seems to be a little wrong, the body is not a wine, even if it is not stable with Williapi, but not in the red ear, the spirit is excited. .

But he has not experienced such a thing, it is not very clear about what symptoms.

"Don't touch me !!!" Le Le Lie pushed Mo Soft, and turned it out ...

"Le Le, Le Leh ..." Moof followed out, but when chasing the door, Leizie had already running, she was angry.

Zhuo Airlines are ready to follow up chasing Relie, and Mo said him: "Let's talk about it."

"I think, there is a good talk between us?" Zhuo Airlines said coldly, "I am not the same as Leles ..."

"Of course, it is not the same." Mo said that he looked at him. "I still don't hungry, I don't want to eat, the people I like only Leizie, not everyone can."

"Oh!" Zhuo Airlines ridicule, "Look at you is Mo Hui's sister, so I have not expired you, before you talk to Liu Kang, I also talk to him."

"Those are things that have been in the past, what is the relationship with now?"

"Yeah, Liu Kang did not mention it. I naturally don't want to mention, but I really don't want Leire to be deceived." Zhuo Airlines said coldly, "Mo said, what kind of girl you are, we know the belly Ming, Leles has been close to us, but he has lived in a high place, and it is not known for these grassroots things, but it does not mean that he is a fool. You can defraud him, can't lie to him. He will look at your true face and later. At that time, you can't get anything, you will let him hate it. "

"I just want to grab everything in front of you." Mo said that I was cold, "I admit, I do have no colorful past, but what about you? Can you go? And you don't say you like Williafi, I have done a lot of nothing behind it, just say your mother, you have always left your mother in the old house, others think it is your economic conditions, in fact, the reason is that you are afraid that she affects you The future, because your mother used to be a prostitute !!!!! "


Recommend my new book "Championship: Love the Evil President" http: yunqi. QQ. COMBKXDYQ506947. HTML, I hope everyone will support it! ! ! !

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