Le Le heard the father's voice was shocked, and immediately worn his clothes. .

"Don't worry, I will go to see." Moofu went out to open the door.

Lei Zhen Ting is standing outside, see Mo Soft, his face is very ugly, this girl's clothes are not open, shouldn't it be with Leizan?

"Aflerie, hello, I am Moof!" Mo Fu respectful greetings.

Lei Zhen Ting did not care about her, looked up to the room, Leizie came out while wearing a jacket: "Dad ..."

"You roll me over." Lei Zhen Ting fired him in anger.

Leisisy hurriedly came over, just approached, Lei Zhen Ting gave him a slap in his face ...

"Hey!" The voice was very loud. Mo said that Moyu was scared, and he immediately helped Leigh, horror. "What is this? How can you play people?"

"I teach my own son, I haven't need to do it with you." Lei Zhen Ting swept coldly.

"How to have nothing to do with me? Le Le is my man ..." Mo Jun is angry.

"You shut up." Leisan interrupted Mo Port, looked at the father, low, "Dad, let's go back."

"You first tell me here, what is your relationship with this lady?" Lei Zhen Ting was a glance.

Mo Wei's lips, the words are not sent, but the heart is full of anger, Lei Zhen Ting is clearly despising her, if her home is like William Fei, he will not be so good to her. .

"I don't have anything to her ..." "" "explains the Leigh.

"What is wrong, will you live here?" Lei Zhen Ting took a slap in his head. "When did you become so unrestrained? It turned out to be in the outside? You are a few What do you mean? Do you want to be responsible for people? "

"Le Lee is not married, is there any responsibility?" Mo Mo did not help but say, "I and Leles are single, ******** is very common, how to Calling a chaotic? The uncle is looking at the William Firage, so protects her? "

"You give it to me -" Leishe's teeth roar, "There is no you talk here."

"Le Le ..."

"Feier is not a princess, but I still appreciate her, because she has a quality, you are far more than her." Lei Zhen Ting is a non-polite.

Mo said that I really want to say something, but I touched the eyes of Le Lee people, I have to blame my mouth, bow my head, and I don't dare to speak.

"Dad, let's go back, don't be trouble here, in case the neighbors of the left and right neighbors are not good." Leigh is Lei Zhenting.

"You also know the face ???" Lei Zhen Ting glared at him, "I have been lost by you with your mother !!!"

Said, he turned and reached ...

Le Le quickly followed: "Dad, don't be angry, I will explain with you, dad, special plane is already delayed? Mom has no ticket ..."

"What a ticket is booked? You don't want Fair, what are we going to do in France?" Lei Zhen Ting did not say good.

"I didn't." Le Leidian shook his head, "I never said that I don't want Fair ..."

"Then do you still do with this woman?" Lei Zhen Ting entered the elevator.

"I ..." Leizie thought about it, but he didn't know what to say, he didn't have any doubts when he was in relation to Moof, but he really felt very bad, he I know that this must have a embarrassment, but he doesn't check it now, and I don't understand.


The elevator door is slowly closed, and Mo said that the conversation behind Lei Jiafuzi, her brow is tight, I am very worried, she thought it was, Leizie and William Fei were undoubtedly, no I think that he still remembers to France to find Williapi, the most evil thing is that Lei Zhen Ting and cold ice help William Feather ...

In this way, Leles is afraid to continue to entangle with William.

No, she spent so much mind to do this, absolutely can't let them comply again.

I think of this, Mo said immediately returned to the house, ready to call Austin, and this, the phone of Austin first came, she immediately received: "Master !!!"

"Le Le is still there?" Asked Austin.

"His father just came over and took him away." Mo Lu wrinkled, worried, "I heard him talking to his father, and he still want to go to France, he seems to have not completely dead."

"How did you do something?" Austine was angry. "I haven't gotten it for a long time. You have a few beds with him. His mind is not in you." "

"No, he now has some nostalgia, but his parents protect William Feier ..."

"You don't have to say it." Austin interrupted Mo Siro, I am irritating, "I just got news, Feier pregnant, it is a Leles of children."

"What ???" Mo Soft is shocked, "How can I???"

The feeling of her now is like a pot of ice cold, and let her get into the bone marrow. She has done so many things, so it is difficult to become a woman in Leles, and they are in the Leles. At this time, Williapi is pregnant! ! !

If Leizie knows this news, you will definitely go to France to find Williafei, then what do she do? ? Isn't it a good job? ?

"You have done very well last night. After you are so trouble, Feiier feels very cold to Leizie, Sophored also disappoints Leizie, so she intends to hit this news, do not let anyone know, I It is also because there is an eyeliner to be inserted there, this matter will not be transferred to Leizie. Next week, Feier will go to Dubai with her parents. Before you must try to drag Leles. Don't let him come to France! "

"But what can I think of? After last night, Le Le will definitely be prepared, and I think he is already in doubting me, I am afraid how long it can't be dragged, he will know those I do. thing……"

"These are your problems." Austin interrupted her words, "I will play a money to your account later, it is a reward for your performance, but you have to remember, If you want to win, you must retain Le Le, no matter what method !!!! "


"No." Austin didn't want to hear her, "Mo soft, you have to remember, you can't afford it, this matter is only successful, you can't fail." You do things, you can win Love, you can win Ronghua rich; if you fail, it is not just a world of money, I am afraid that I will lose!! "

In the end, this sentence took the chill of the bones, and Mo said soft, scared his face, she had long known that Austin is not a good Lord, but she didn't think he would be so embarrassing ...

"Don't be afraid, I know you can do it." Austin converted the tone, "I can teach you a method ..."

"What ???" asked Mo Soft Consciousness.

"Feiier is pregnant, you can also !!!" Austin means that it is deeply long, "the Lei Jia people are very responsible, they must not bear to kill their own flesh ..."

Mo Soft only felt bright in front of him, and said, but then worried about: "This is indeed a good idea, but Le Leizhen will not see me anymore, I can't close him at all."

"Don't you have two beds with him? This is ok." Austin guided her.

"But I am not pregnant now, and ..." Mo shit bite bite lips, whispered, "I have a safe period these days, it should not be pregnant."

"Is it safe period, only you know." Austin continues to guide, "You don't have pregnant now, you will not mean it later, just find a man to go to bed, as long as it is a normal woman, you will be pregnant, you can't go to artificial In short, let yourself be pregnant as soon as possible, as long as you are pregnant, things can be solved. "

"How is this?" "Mo Soft is shocked," What are you me? How can I get a man to go to bed?? Pregnant men do not like? "

"What kind of woman are you, I will be pure in front of me." Austin said coldly, "If you are determined, I have to send people to do this, I stay The four bodyguards that assisted you in Hong Kong strong, absolutely able to meet you, and help you pregnant ... "

"You ..." Mo Sir is going crazy, "How can you do this ??? What to say, I am also your person!"

"You are wrong." Austin interrupted her, "You just have my chess pieces, there is no relationship with me, in my eyes, the only difference between you with the general prostitute is the past with Leles, can be more direct Close to him. "

"You ..." Mo is shivering.

"It's right and wrong, I have told you clearly, you can do it yourself, this evening, you didn't bring a man back to do things, I will let them go to help you."

Austin left this sentence directly ...

"Ah ----" Moof will pick up the mobile phone, excited, "Austin, yours, bauble ----"

She really regrets that she is working with Austin, placing themselves in Longtan tiger points. Now, she is more than just Austin's chess, or a despicable discard, if this plan fails, Austin will not hesitate The removal of her and not let her disclose any confidentiality.

Therefore, she can only succeed, can't fail, really don't have a back, it can be retired ...

Is it really going to bed with other men until you pregnant?

No, she can't do it, I can't do it. .

How to do? How to do?

Mo Shihou is sitting in bed, is a mess, thinking about it, she suddenly thought of a idea, yes, I can't pregnant, I can pregnant, first deceive Leizie, wait for him to separate him and William Have she manufactured a chance to fake abortion? ? ?

Thinking of this, Mo said softly ...


Recommend my new book "Championship: Love the Evil President" http: yunqi. QQ. COMBKXDYQ506947. HTML, I hope everyone will support it! ! ! !

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