"What do you want to do ???" Zhuo Airlines angry drunk, "I tell you, Moy, no matter what kind of person behind you, if you dare to move my mother, I will never let you go. !!! "

"You think too much ..." Mo Ziro smiled and explained, "I have no irritation with you, how can I harm your mother? I will tell you the situation in the present, just want you to help me. I know that you are a filial son, you will not set your mother !!! "

"You want !!!" Zhuohang resolutely refused, "I have no more embarrassment for last night, you still want me to help me? It is impossible."

"It's not waiting for help for help!" Mo said coldly, "Isn't it ???"

Z Zhuo was stunned, and Mo said, a needle, it took directly to his heart. Yeah, even if he didn't do anything, the behavior of helping Moyou hidden facts is already helpful, if Leis know These things will not forgive him.

Just now Leizan called him, he was still accused him with William Fiper. It can be seen, and Leizie has no belly in this matter. If this is exposed, Zhuo Airlines will only be sandwiched in the middle.

"You think about it yourself ..." Moyou continued to persuade, "You have already embarrassed my boat, now I want to look back. Not to mention your mother is still in my hand, you want to save her, just Standing with me on the same display ... "

"Do you know that you are now looking for death?" Zhuohang disgusted warning, "Even if Leisha is cheated, but Shushu and Cold Aunt can be very savvy and wise, they will soon see flaws, When your true face will expose, you can't get anything. "

"So I am going to speed up ..." Moof is cold, "I may wish to tell you directly, you just have enough time, in this seven days, as long as Leizhen doesn't go to France, my plan is successful. You must help me ... "


"Zhuo Air, you have no choice." Moofound did not give him an opportunity to refuse, "You don't have to install a good person in front of me, in fact, I know that you have done a lot of small actions behind you for your own career, those I have all mastered. Once public, the consequences can imagine that you can't easily climb to this position, do you really will you fall into hell? What else is you still? If she accident, Are you worthy of yourself? "

I heard these words, Zhuohang was silent ...

After Le Le Lee was leather, it was originally a top to another official child. He used some means to climb this position. Although those means not to break the law, but also violated the military discipline. Once found out, His future is destroyed. .

He was born in a poor, paying more than a few times more than usual, and the hardships and humiliations climbed to this step. He can't give up, let alone, the mother is sorrowful for him, he can't let her go old. I have to protect it ...

Thinking of this, Zhuohang finally compromised: "How do you want me to help you?"

"This is right." Mo Soft smiled, "I just said, seven days, you just want to drag seven days, don't let Leizan will go to France. As for what kind of method, I believe you can master yourself "

"You can't think of a way, is it to find me?" Zhuo Airlines said, "Your owner gives you this order, you can't do it, then let me do, a ring, I am this food chain The lowermost person, you are also treacherous. "

"You are a smart person." Mo Siri smiled, "Some things understand, don't need to be too big, this thing is that this is only the benefits of you, you don't want Lei Lie to separate? Only they are separated, you will hope .. "

"Well." Zhuo Airlines didn't want to talk to her.

"Well, I will wait for your good news." Mo said that this sentence will hang the phone. .

Zhuo Air took the mobile phone, but did not immediately call Leigh phone, but stared at a number in the communication record, recalling things before two hours ...

That is the doctor of George, maybe everyone did not think that the doctor of George was the American doctor who was deeply confident by Leizie. She went to France, he and the Sophia were friends, this time Williapi Presmant, Sophie asked him to give Williapi Feat, but he didn't tell Williamfi's pregnant things to tell anyone.

Dr. George knew that Leles and Williafi were a couple relationship. When they went to the United States, Le Leidi also went to visit him. I said that I found my beloved girl, and I will get married soon, I didn't expect it so fast. He and Williapi will make this. .

Dr. George worried that they had something misunderstood, so I tried to call Leles' calls, I have not yet turned, and later he thought, giving Zhuo Airlined phone ...

"What is Zhuo Hang, Le Le and William? Are they break up?"

"I am not very clear, it seems to have something happened, but I am still entangled, but what happened, what happened? George, how do you suddenly ask this?"

"This morning, the princess of William is comed, and the Sophifier invited me to check her. Her room was borrowed, and she saw that she was angry. She still hung on her face, she appeared very embarrassed. It is inevitable that it will be like this, I have made a basic physical examination for her, I found that she was pregnant ... "

"What ???" Zhuo Airlines horror widened, "You said, Fei Dei is pregnant ???"

"Yes, she is pregnant, William's princess is unconscious, I will tell Sophie, Sophie's face is very ugly. She doesn't tell anyone, I promised her.

I was originally, but I thought I thought that this child should be Le Le? If you don't tell him, I am afraid I will cause any regret, so I will call Leizie, but he has never answered, so I had to call you, I want to know about it ... "

"How long is Feier who pregnant?" Zhuo Airlines asked.

"I am not an obstetrician doctor, not particularly professional, Sophor Madam thought that William princess was a coma because of other reasons, so I would call me to check her. I gave Willey to check the blood to know her pregnant thing, now already Transfer to other obstetricians to take care of her.

And I also asked, William's princess is pregnant, the time is not long, but the specific cycle has been long, this is still not good now.

I have to wait until I wake up and ask how the time she finally ended in the last month can be accurately judged. Zhuo Air, you should be better with Leizan, should you know? Is this child? If so, be sure to inform him, don't leave any regrets, regret life. "

"I know, but ..." Zhuohang frowned, said that the mood is complicated. "I don't know how to say this, in case the Philippine is not a Le Le's child, Na Leizu is not to get crazy??"

"Hey." The doctor of George stunned, "No? I watched William's princess is a special girl, she should not make such a thing."

"This is not a problem with unique articles." Zhuo Air said, "Before Sophia had something, I heard that Feier had lived in Dubai with Austin for a while. Leles is because this is just a good time ... "

"It turned out to be the case." Doctor George suddenly realized that "That said this, this child is likely to be the Duke of Austin. I just listened to the medical care of the hand, and the Duke of Austin went to William to visit her. When she is pregnant, she moved away, saying that she is going to take care of her home ... "

"Ah? Will n't it?" Zhuoa was very shocked, "they both really ..."

"The Duke of the Austin is a savvy person. If the child has nothing to do with him, how can he eat this loss? And, Sophia, after I don't leak the news, I received a phone call from the cold, she did not Say this secret, if this child is Leizie, should he mention the people of Leijia? No matter what they don't break up, at least I have to discuss how to deal with it. "

"It is ..." Zhuo Airlines' mood is very complicated.

"No matter what, you still tell Leizie, isn't his child, he should be clear, don't leave any regret."

"I know, I will tell him later, thank you, doctor."

"You're welcome."


At that time, I hang up the phone, Zhuo Air, I have been sitting on the couch. In fact, he really can't judge who the child is, he believes that William is a good girl, but sometimes women always It doesn't beloved, in case her is forced to have a relationship with Austin, it is not there possible.

Zhuo Air is distressed from the bottom of William, but also feels sorry for himself, he thinks that he and William do have no hope.

But now I think, Zhuo Airlines have been forced to this, maybe I think about it. This thing can just bring a huge conflict to Leles, as long as Zhuo is a little revised, saying that the child is Mes Ting, Leizie will definitely give up William Fi, and will never go to France ...

Thinking of this, Zhuohang once again dialing Leigh's phone, very fast, the phone was connected -

"Hey!" Leigh's voice is a little low. After all, he and Zhuo Air is still unpleasant in the phone.

"I don't want to bother you, but I suddenly remembered a very important thing did not tell you, so I called this phone." Zhuo Airitely said heavy, "said the doctor of George, I called me. Fei Lier ... "


Recommend my new book "Championship: Love the Evil President" http: yunqi. QQ. COMBKXDYQ506947. HTML, I hope everyone will support it! ! ! !

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