William Feather heard this sentence, completely broke out, excited yell: "Yes, I don't want you to stay in love, are you worth my nostalgia? You are shameless, I'm still accuse me here, I am really affected Enough enough, how can I fall in love with you? It's ignorant !!! "

"It's more than you." Le Lee also couldn't bear it. "Since you choose Austin, then I will fulfill you, we break up, after, I will never bother you, you are satisfied?"

"You are not asking me, who is this child? I tell you, it is Austin, there is no relationship with you !!!"

"You ..." Leigh the eyes widened, it was incredible to watch her, "What do you say ??

"I am not clear enough?" Williafei's bite to teeth, "Then I will repeat it again, you listen, this child is Austin, not you !!!"

"Fili ..." Sophie is anxiously drinking, how can this child be so angry at this time? At this time, this kind of saying is that there is no benefit of yourself ...

"What is your true ??" Leles still dared to confuse, he always said that this child can't be him, but his heart actually there is a lucky, I hope that the child is him, so now I heard William Fiier said that such a truth, he could not accept it.

He is still thinking, is she deliberately? It must be, it must be ...

"Of course, it is true. Is it still can't be caught." Williamfi said, "Are you not coming to France for this child? Now you know that the child is not yours, you can go."

"William Feier, I didn't expect you to be this kind of person ..." Le Lee is full of shaking, "How long? How long will we separate? You really have a child!!! You really make me nausea. "

"Is it enough?" Williafi is a burning in anger. "What qualifications do you have? You still have been with that Mo Soft bed?"

"I am with Mo Siro, she is better than you ..." Le Lee blocked, "At least she is a heart, and you? You have never really love me, or you have you I won't leave me a few days later !!! "

"Yes !!!" Williamfi nodded, "You are really right, I don't have to love you, since then, people in my heart are Austine, I was because I quarreled with him. Looking for you, I want to use you to save me, so I am with you, do you think I really like you?? What is your favorite? "

"You lie to me, you lie to me -" Leisheng suddenly grabbed Williapi's wrist, to bring her on the wall, excited roar, "Why do you want to be this ?? Why ???"

"Let's let go !!!" Austntry is angry, strolling over the Le Le, and said that William Feiger is behind him, saying that "Feiier is my unmarried wife, she has promised to marry Give me, don't mess with it, give me !!! "

Leizie heard this sentence, but also anger, swing to the Austin: "You this bastard !!!"

Austin is not surprising, and it is played down on the ground.

"Ah!" Williafei exclaimed and panicked to support Aust Ting.

"You still protect him? You can really hurt him !!!"

Leles is exhausted, and then I have to play in the Osten.

Austine avoids it, being hit on the ground, the nose mouth is bleeding, but the Leigh is uncomfortable. His fist rain is hit in Austine. Every other, every punch, all of them all. The strength.

Austin is clearly resistant, but he doesn't, he knows that now only shows the weakness of Williapi, so he is fitted to resist, and it is weak to bear the Leigh fist.

"Le Le, what are you doing? Stay quickly." Cold Ruo Bing and Sophia are advised, but no one can not help.

"Le Le, stay, don't hit it." Williafei shouted anxiously, pulled Leigh in front.

"Rolling -" Leighful sharpness, open the hand of William, and the Osin took the opportunity to slap William.

After William Fili, I retired, I fell in the corner of the wall, followed, she felt that the abdomen came from the dramatic colic, she painted her belly, sweating in the rain.

"Fili ..." Sophia quickly welcomed William Fei, "What happened to you?" What happened to you? "

Austine has been hit by the nose, the wolf is squatting on the ground, see Williapi fell, the expression is painful, he knows his plan success. .

"Le Le, don't hit, don't hit, Feier has an accident." Cold if the ice is anxious.

Leizie was shocking, stopping the action, looking back at William Feier, found that her face is white, my ahead is like a rain, he is shocked and stunned, how can it be? He is clearly just opened her, how can she get hurt?

"Fili." Austin touched, ran over, helping William Fei, shouting down, "Calling doctors, calling doctors ..."

"I have a good stomach, so pain ..." Williafei's face is pale, weak.

Leizie learned to panic at this time: "Sorry, I, I don't deliberately, not deliberate ..."

"Leizie, if this child is something, I will not forgive you in my life ..."

Williapi's tears keep falling, and the sound is weak, but it is like a gas, but it is extremely desolate and sad ...

This child is clearly Leles, but unfortunately, Leizie did not believe in her. He came to her. In fact, she is very happy. If he is sincere, he apologizes and explains what he and Mo said, maybe she I will think about him.

However, he didn't, he asked him to ask for guilty, insult her with a thin language, so that she felt very cold, now push down her ...

"How can it be like this?" Cold if the ice looks like William Fi, is scared.

At this time, Lei Zhen Ting and Ai Huad were also ran up, and the two watched this scene, the face changed, and the Aihua Due was pouring: "Le Le, what is this? Just this child Not yours, you can't do this to Feier? The children in her belly can be innocent. "

"Beast !!!" Lei Zhen Ting gave Leizie a slap in the face, "How do I tell you this??"

Leisha lowered his head, and didn't say a word. His mind was messy, there was no thought to analyze the situation just now, and now everyone accuse him, he feels that it is your own problem.

Ai Huadian carefully watched Williapi, I was thinking, if she drank abortion medicine, I should have to attack around, how can I generate it so quickly? Is it true that she really knocked down?

"Fili, Feier ..." Mrs. Sophie suddenly shouted.

Leigh looked up, Williafei fainted, and Mastern hugged her to bed, holding her hand, anxiously: "How did the doctor have not come? Why didn't you come yet?"

"Fili, my poor child ..." Sophisticated madish cried, she really regretted Leigh in, if he didn't come, this will not happen. .

If the cold is very embarrassed, I apologize before: "Sorry, Sophora ..."

"Don't say it, please leave." Sophia interrupted her words, excited, "Le Le, you can't help it, if this child is there, you are a scorpion hand !! You will go We don't want to see you anymore. "

"Sorry, I really didn't expect to make this ..." Leizie is very embarrassed.

Cold, sincerely: "Sophia, I really report, I don't know how to say our apology, I know you don't want to see us again, but Feiier is now critical, we can't leave at this time, Waiting for the doctor to check the Philippine, we will go immediately after the situation. "

Sophisticed Mrs did not bear to be cold, but they had to be cold and said: "Just you."

"Let's go downstairs, don't block it here, affect doctors' exam." Cold, if ice pulled the Leigh.

Lei Zhen Ting frowned to look at the room, always feel somewhat is not right, can it be unsatisfactory, he can't say it again, but I have to go downstairs with cold and Leizie. ...

Ai Wah also followed upstairs.

Soon, the doctor hurriedly came, Sophored said to Austin: "Austin, you go out,"

"Well, I am waiting outside. If there is anything, ask me right away."

"it is good."

Austin is waiting at the door, doctor inspects William.

The Leles family is not praying in his heart, begging the old man, let this child keep, don't have something.

Ai Huade and Austine are praying in their hearts, I hope this child has flows away, so Leizie and Williapi are completely unable to play. .


If you are cold, if you are so confused? "Why can't you do it again? You know that she is pregnant."

"I didn't do it against her, I just opened her hand, I didn't expect it." Leisu is frustrated.

"Open her hand?" Lei Zhenwei frightened, "Are you pushing her?"

"I don't ..." Le Lee out, after finishing, "Yes, I didn't push her, how can she fall?"

"Do you accidentally push her?" Cold asked.

"Nothing, I am absolutely not pushing her, I just opened her hand ..." Le Le is very sure, "Fei Der will fall, I am very surprised."

"Will it be opened by you, the body is imba, then fall?" Lei Zhenwei asked.

"This, I can't affirmed ..." Le Le low down.

"Shouldn't." Cold, if the process of cold, "Feier wore slippers, standing very stable, and she stood on the wall, if no one pushed her, she should fall down. Talented. "

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