The phone quickly turned on, Moof voice came, very eager: "master ..."

"You come to France now, immediately!" Austin command.

"Hey .." Mo Fu, I am excited, "I have just been uneasy, I am afraid that you will be responsible for me after the truth, I am finally relieved."

"What ??" Austus, "What did you do it again?"

"I have already boarded the plane to Paris, I am preparing to shut down, your phone is playing." Mo said, "Is this not a tacit understanding?"

"This is good." Austin has a breath, "You don't live up to my expectation !!! You send me the flight number, I will pick up the plane, then I will negotiate the next step."

"Yes." Mo Yi watched it, she lost Leigh because she was not willing to have a chance to come to Paris. I was in my heart. I was afraid that Austin will scold her. I didn't expect that I didn't think that I didn't have a yang. Not only will it be scolded, but also appreciated.


Hanging up the phone, Austin is still uneasy: "Moof is probably can't change the situation. I looked that the cold and Lei Zhen Ting were a powerful role. If the two eyes, if the hole, if you see, you can see everything, you can't say it. I have seen our plan. "

"I also have such a counted." Aihua said, "But what happened tonight, Feier and Sophie should never trust Leigh, unless ..."

"Unless?" "Asked in Austum.

"Unless they know our conspiracy." Ai Huad is frowned, "but this is not tight, even when things are revealed, I will take all the questions, you will pretend what don't know. Original these It is also what I did, I haven't need to pay with you. You will pay so much for Williapi, she will believe you. "

"But like that, they can't trust our father and son as before," Austin is very worried.

"That is the worst plan." Ai Huad said, "So we have to do everything now, as long as Sophie and William Fi do will no longer trust the Leles family, then they have not used anything. And to destroy this task between them, you have to finish it, of course, this also has a problem with time, before this, you can do one thing. "

"What?" Asked in Austin.

"Woman just likes to hurt, but if you can not let this screw get better, you will remind her, she can't forget it." Ai Huade means that he said deeply, "You don't have thunder there." Strive to the video of Mo Mo's bed? Transmit it to the web. "

"Understand." Austin is expected to do it immediately.

He just walked away, Ai Wah's mobile phone rang, he quickly listened: "Hey, how?"

"The Duchess, the Bien of William," This person is an eyeliner inserted in William.

"What? How will he come?" Ai Huade was very surprised. Since the last time happened, the Earche William was almost broken between the Mrs. Sophia, did not expect the present, the guy actually took it again. .

"I don't know, the people who have just walking with the Ray family have just gone, and Sophia took a call, it seems to be he called, and after half an hour, he went to the villa." The eyeliner said, " I have never been reporting to you, but there is no chance, and William Ejjuse has always monitored us, he seems to have doubted our identity. "

"William is running to do?" Ai Wah asked.

"He first visited Miss William, and then talked with Sophia for more than an hour, then let the people who bring a physician look, take Williapi's lady to the medical room, I also I don't know what they have to do. "

"What ??" Ai Huade is stupid, "it is definitely a testor, I want to extract the ingredients inside the liquid test."

"Ah? What should we do now?" Asked the eyeliner.

"You hurry to prevent them from experimenting." Ai Huada said.

"It's been late, they entered more than an hour, I estimate that the results are coming soon. And the Earche William has been in place, we can't go."

"Waste !!!" Ai Huade is angry.

"Sorry, but I really can't do anything else, is there any other way?"

"I think, think about it ..." Ai Huade hated, he knew that Lei Zhen Ting and cold ice were a powerful role, but did not think of them so powerful, this time, they can see these, and William The Earl is called to help Sophia, and persuaded Sophifier to extract the drug solution.

If the test results come out, there is an ingredients of abortion in the drug. Sophored must know that he is doing, not only Austin and Williapi do not have a chance, Sophifier will not forgive Ai Huad.

How to do?

"The Duchess ..." The eyelve called low, "The Bien, William, came to me, I have to hang."

Said, the eyeliner hung up the phone.

Ai Huade's hurts the ear, it seems that only the last step is planned ...


It is now the season of the early winter, the weather is rain and cool, and the cold is cool.

Le Leidelled in the car, opened the window, looked at the movement in the villa with a telescope. His angle can see the second floor Williafei's room, but the curtains of the room pull, he can't see it, but he is Wait, wait for that kind of opportunity to see her.


At a little bit, the test results finally came out.

Sophie came to the medical room at night, and asked very much: "How?"

"It can be said now." William Earl specially let the testor waited until Sophia came again.

The results of the initiator tested the results of the computer to the Sophora and William Earl: "There is indeed the ingredients of abortion in Chinese medicine."

"What ???" Sophisticated Madam is shocked, "How can I drink? Is that Feier drank? If you drink, what can I do?"

"Mrs. You can rest assured that Miss William has not had a Chinese medicine." Another obstetrician who was responsible for William Fei's hanker said, "When I checked Miss William, give her blood, her blood is normal. ,There is no problem."

"That's good." Sophisticated Madam made a breath, "You help me check the other Chinese medicine, see the problem of the medicine, or later add something."

"Okay." "The testor is refreshed.

Sophia personally took it to the hook of Chinese medicine to hand over to the experimental test. This time, there is a result, and the testor is very certain to tell her: "These drugs have no problem. Very obvious, there is a problem with that bowl of medicine Fortunately, the bowl of medicine was sprouted, Miss William didn't drink. "

"What is going on? Who is the abortion medicine in it? Who is the pity? What is the poor child?"

The mood of Sophia is very excited. She is thinking in her heart. Is it really Ai Wah? But there is no evidence, she dares to say it.

"You don't worry." The Earl of William, "Tonight's medicine who is responsible, who is responsible for sending the building to Feier? You first find out what to find out, figure out the moment of the whole thing. We judge. "

"Decoction and delivery are Xiaojun." Mrs. Sophie said.

"I found someone."

"it is good."


William Fiper quickly went out to find someone, William Earl followed her, she called the women's maid Xiaojun, asked about things, Xiao Jun heard that there was a problem, scared his face, sincere and fear, I can't say it for a long time Words ...

Sophoria's appearance: "Xiaojun, you don't have to be afraid, I know this is not your business, just want to figure out the truth, see who is the feet."

"I really don't know, I have been fried for more than three hours, I have been in the kitchen, and I got a toilet in the middle. Later ..." said that Xiao Jun suddenly remembered what, "Yes, I When the drug was delivered, the Duke of Ai Huaded hit me ... "

"What is he taught?" Sophoria's excited question.

Xiaojun's old mans: "He is very concerned about what medicine is, ask what is medicine, and how can a pregnant can drink traditional Chinese medicine, and ask me, I don't know this, I explained him, he nodded. Expressed, then reminded me, saying that Miss is drinking such a bitter medicine, I want to eat some candy, ask me to prepare, I put the medicine on the coffee table, take the candy ... "

"Where are you going to get candy?" William Hars.

"Go to the kitchen." Xiao Jun said, "But I am very fast, only one or two minutes will come back."

"One or two minutes, I love Huade's medicine." Sophie said to teeth, "The bastard, he actually wanted my daughter, I won't believe him again."

"Lady, you said, is the Duke of Aihua's abortion in Chinese medicine?" Xiao Jun was stupid.

"Don't go out this, otherwise you will bring you a disaster of blood." The Earl of William reminded, "You have no trouble here, let's take it."



Xiaolun left, Sophored is still not angry: "The bastard is just the appearance of the road, the surface is, and there is another set."

"He has always been such a person, you don't know, I still believe in him?" William's count is annoyed, "there is Austine, I don't believe that he can change his car accident, this matter, He is definitely in advance. "

"He knows that you don't know, in short, I will never believe in their father and son." Sophisticated, the more you want to be too angry, "Now think about it, it is afraid, fortunately, Fei Fei is not drinking the bowl, otherwise the consequence is really unimaginable. "

"It's still a cold lady to remind you in time, or we have to be buried in the valley now." The Earl William said, "In fact, it is true that Lei Zhen Ting and cold people don't say, or otherwise We are looking for them to help, no matter what, leave here, go to Hong Kong. "

"You are right." Sophored, "I called the cold lady."

"it is good."

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