"Is there anything like now?" Williafei smiled bitter, "I am not possible with him."

"Hey .." Sophia sighed, "Ok, now I don't talk about these things, wait for the Paris to say, the cold lady arranges special plane should also need some time, you take a break, don't want too much too much."

"Well." William Feather nodded, "Mommy, you didn't sleep overnight, and also took a break."

"I have stewed you, I should be good, you eat and sleep again." Sophored, "You are now pregnant, you have to pay attention to your body."

"Thank you Mommy!"


Sophored, go to the kitchen to go up to the bird's nest, watching William Fei's eating after going to rest.

I have a rain outside, so although it is dawn, the light is still dim, this kind of weather is best to sleep, but Unfortunately, Williafi can't sleep, she stares at the champagne curtain of the floor-to-ceiling window, imagine that the Thunder is not far away. Here, guess what kind of mood is at this moment, why is it going to be here? Why not go? ? Is it because Lei Zhen Ting and cold instructions? Still because of this child in her belly? ? ?

I think about thinking, her mood has become fascinating, and all kinds of complex thoughts have emerged in their minds ...

"-" The awkward phone ringtone interrupted William Philippine's thoughts, she came back, found that the room was rang, her mobile phone was broken, this landline will rarely have calls. , Don't know how people know the phone number, who will be hit this time?

With an uneasy mood, Williafei got up to answer the phone: "Hey!"

"Fili, are you okay?" The sound of the Austin with extreme gentle and care.

"I, there is nothing." William Philippine responded softly, she is thinking, about the next medicine, Austin knows not knowing? ?

"It's okay." Austine pine a breath, "I just hit your Mummy mobile phone, I have no one to answer, I have to play this landline, don't have no noisy to you?"

"No, I didn't sleep just." Williafei said, "What about you? Don't take it?"

"I don't want it." Austin was very pleased, and it was very surprised. "I didn't expect you to care about me, I am very touched."

"You are injured for me, I should care about you." Williamphi smiled slightly, testive asked, "Yes, have you told you?"

"What ??" Asked under Austin.

"Tonight's bowl medicine, it seems to be something, my mommy said that people were inspected."

Williapi knows that Ai Wah has inserts an eyeliner in her house, and these things are unable to conceal, they will definitely know.

"What?" "Austin is very unexpected," What? "

"My mommy speculates that it may be aborted by people, but now it is only doubt, the testor is still extracting the drug solution." Williafei said, "I can't believe it, there is something that I want to be My child is too terrible. "

"No." Austin appeared in some incredible, "Who is so worried?"

"I don't know ..." Williafi is still pretending. "What do you say? Do you think who is more suspicious?"

"This is hard to say." Austin is quite deep analysis. "When Leisha is coming, the drug has been poured, they should have no chance to start, unless they have already placed undercover, send people Dry, but this possibility should be large ... "

Williapi does not speak, Austin is a basic analysis problem, it seems that it is really unknown, she can't see any flaws, is there anything wrong with him? Both Ai Wah made out? ? However, who is stumbled last night? Who is it?

Mother Sophored said that the two legs of Leles at the time were pressed in Austine. It is impossible to trip Williapi, so the person who tripped her only Austine.

But she can't believe that he will do this, is he loved her? Should you hurt her?

"Fili, don't be afraid, I will come with you soon." Austin said, "I will not let anyone hurt you."

"You, do you come over?" Williamfi was panicked, bad, if Master came over this time, you will find that Leizan is nearby, and it will find that she and her mother have to leave Hong Kong with Leijia people. It's, when I arrived? ?

"Yeah, is we not saying? Today, go to Hong Kong to see your father, I have been booked through the plane." Austin said.

"But ..." Williafei found an excuse, "But what happened last night, my body is very uncomfortable, I think, I will go in two days."

"This is it? It is good. Then I put the special plane for two days." Austin stickers said, "In addition, I invited a full-known obstetrics and gynecologist in France, waiting for her to give her. You check. "

"no need……"

"Must want." Austin did not give Williapi's opportunity to refuse, "I just didn't say it, after the last night, your body is very uncomfortable, you are now with children, so important How can things be big? "

When I heard these words, Williafi did not say it, she went around himself, and now it is, it will cause a doubt in Austin. .

"Okay, let's sleep first, I will come over, save you." Austin said.

"Well, goodbye." Williapi should have a sound, hang up the phone, hurt your brain, what can I do? Master is coming over, is she still gone? ? ?

I was thinking about it, I suddenly came to the knock on the door of "", Williafei Q: "What?"

"Fili, have you slept?" Is the voice of William.

"Ohiso," Williafi took the door to open the door, "Hey, what happened?"

"Nothing, just ..." The Best of William reminded.

"What is it? You said." William Fiper asked anxiously.

William's countess, solemnly said: "I just went to talk to Leizan, he told me something, although there is no evidence that these things are true, but my intuition tells me, I should believe it he……"

"What did he say to you?" Williamfi wrinkled.

"He said ..." William Earl said, "The woman named Moiro is anger, and the Austine deliberately let her approach him, destroy your relationship."

"Oh!" Williamphi felt very ridiculous, "Leizie can be very powerful, actually built such a lie to lie to me, and he can only say that he can prove his body. But I really want to ask him. That Mo said that the gun is forcing him to go to bed with her? The man is different from the woman, the man can rape the woman, can a woman can rape a man? If he is not willing, how can I forced him? It is he can't resist the temptation. It is wrong, and now all the responsibilities are shocked to others, but not laugh? "

"Hey. The Earl William was said with her dumb, and the words can't pick up.

"Hey, you don't have to talk to him again. This time I and Mommy have promised to return to Hong Kong with the people of Leijia. It is purely for my father. In addition, we are also because of the confrontation and Lei Shu For people, there is no relationship with Leles, I have been completely finished with him, I will marry the cat for this life, I will not marry Le Le !! "

William Figer's anger said these words, directly put the door to the door, the more I want to get the more, Leizan does not admit his mistake at this time, just think of the responsibility to make the responsibility to others, this People are really not worth forgive.

The Earl of William sighed in the outside, he knew that he would not advise Williafi, even if he believes that Leles is useless ...

"What happened again?" Sophora wore pajamas from the room, "I just won't take a shower, I heard your father and daughter's dispute, what happened?"

"It's not a dispute, what are the good disputes? I told Filipi to some things, she didn't believe it." The Eight William said, "You will sleep with her in the Philippine room, but also protect her, I will go Your room is in a while. "

"Okay." Sophored, tapped the door of William, walking into the room, see William Fei's face, sitting in bed, can not help but persuade, "You never like Leigh Maybe because the last time in the palace is moved touched by Leles, so I will say a few words for him, you don't want to hear, don't have to send such a big temper. "

"I am not targeted, I just think that Leles is very ridiculous, find that kind of rotten reason comes out," William Fi is thinking about fire. "

"Well, don't say Leizie, talk to him, you will be angry, hurry to sleep, you can't sleep later." Sophisticated Mrs. She lie down and covered her quilt.

"Mommy, when can I arrange a special plane?" William Fei's asked, "Can you have this morning?"

"You should be, what happened? You are so anxious, is there anything?" Sophored.

"Just now, Austin called me, saying that he would come over." Williafei said, "said that he said that he would go to Hong Kong last night, even the special plane is booked ..."

"Ah? What do you say?" Sophored was shocked.

"I excused that happened last night, I am very uncomfortable now, I want to wait for two days, he is very refreshing, saying that special plane is postponed for two days, I originally loosened, but he Also said to bring a well-known obstetricians to come over. "

"When did he say?"

"Say is a lunch time."

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