Until at night, Le Lee woke up, opened his eyes, saw Williafei's face, he was touched, holding her hand, weaker: "Feiier, I saw you at this time, come to me Said is the biggest gratification. "

"Sorry, I am tired of you." William Fi is very embarrassed. "If you don't have to save me, you will not make this."

"Fool, you are my woman, I should protect you." Le Lee looked at her, "I know that I have done a wrong thing, but since I ended, my loved woman only has you, I believe I will not it is good??"

William Feather low head, did not speak, Leizie saved her at the critical moment, making her very touched, very grateful, but said that he betrayed her, there is still a hurdle ......

What's more, Leles just let her believe in it, and did not explain him in detail, so she didn't know how to respond.

"Feiier, you still don't want to forgive me?" Leigh is anxious, "In fact, I didn't change it from the beginning, because I knew you and ..."

Donned, he said weakly, "With Austin, my heart is very lost, plus my case is imminent, I have no way, I have to return to China, and I have always tried to contact you, but I have tried to contact you, but Why can't you contact ... "

"Just because, do you follow Mo Soft?" William Fili is incredible to watch her, "Even if you have misunderstood me, there is an idea, is it going to ask you? Moreover, you know that I am What kind of situation, how can I have a thoughts and love?? "

"I know ..." Leager anxious explanation, "I also worried about you in my heart, I am also worried that you are worried that you are worried about you, worry about you ..."

"Then why do you want to be with Mo?" Williafei asked excited, "Do you know? When I see your video, my heart is there? I really hope that my eyes are gone! !!! "

When it comes to this, Williafi's voice is swallowed ...

"Video? What video ??"

Leighing opened his eyes, the mind bombarded, like fried, if he didn't listen to the wrong, Williafei said that he is with Mo Soft's bed, if this is true, that thing It's complicated, this shows that from the beginning, Moroun is a heart ...

He couldn't help but think of it. Before leaving, the night flames found that there was a drug in his blood. It was enough to prove that there is a problem. Now Williafi is a video, it seems that things are far more than him. More complicated.

When Mo said, from the beginning, he was angry, not only gave him the next medicine, but also installed the camera in the dark, filed them to the process of bed, send it to Williafi ...

In this case, is it just because I love him, I want to be with him? ? ?

No, I really love someone should not have so much heart.

It seems that things are like a night flaming. They speculate, there are other people behind them, and that person should be Austin.

"You do something yourself, do you don't know?" William Fili's annoyed anger interrupted Leles' thoughts, he looked at her, she said, "I did so disgusting things." , I also take it to me, I want to vomit. "

"Do you think I have that kind of hobby?" Leisham is panicked, "this is an insider. After I really check it, I must give you a detailed explanation."

"What inside?" William Fili is angry, "You will clearly tell me now."

Leizie is hesitant, do you want to say? If you tell her, this thing is related to Austin, will she believe? ?

"You said .." William Feier asked.

"In fact, this thing ..." Leizie is going to say the truth, at this time, there suddenly came from an exciting voice, "Auntie, beg you to see Le Le, I just want to see how he wants to see him. "

Leigh is stunned, this is ... Moof?

Williapi first, first, then reacted, his face became the iron blue: "Le Le, your woman is coming to the door."

"No, Feier ..." Leizui wants to explain what, the door is hit, Mo Fu earned the binding of the ice, see Leizie and Williafi in the ward, she appears some I am wrong, "Yes, I'm sorry, Le Le, I don't know that she is here."

When Williapi saw she remembered the content of those videos, she was angry, she stood up, turned to go outside ...

"Fili don't go .." Le Leng quickly pulled her, and Williafei was angry and opened his hand, but he accidentally pulled his wound. He hurted straight, his face changed.

William Feather realized that his own lost hand, even busy apologize: "Sorry, I don't deliberately ..."

Her words have not been finished, Mo Soft rushed to support Le Le, asked: "Le Le, how? Nothing?" Then angryly rushing Willialy Feat, "How can you be so brutal? ? Don't know if he is injured? "

Williafield looked at her, the whole person was stunned, Mo said soft, a hostess, now, but now she is not a person.

This is not too much to laugh? ?

However, Mo said that Williafield's face change, sitting on the bed, intimate care of Leles: "Le Le, you are nothing? It hurts not hurt? My name is doctor ..."

Lei Li hurts his face twisted, and it is unable to pay attention to her.

Seeing this scene, William Feier crashed completely and turned to leave.

"Feier ..." Leizie also wanted to call Williapi, Moof, "Don't worry about her, she wants her to let her go, I will stay taking care of you."

"This lady, it seems that I can't get you can't scold my daughter?" This scene was seen in the eyes by Sophora, "Le Le, if you haven't told other women, Philippine I'm not suitable for staying here, let's go first. "

Said, Sophia is going to pull the Philippine, and if the cold is busy to stop them, "Sophia, Fei, you should not be excited, you can figure it out."

"Cold wife, I am very grateful to your help, I am grateful to the help of us, but I am obviously in front of these things, how can I find it clear?" Sophisticated said. "And Leles did not explain half a sentence."

"Leigh wound touched, hurting can't come." Cold, if you said, "Don't worry first, just give me a face, listen to the Leigh said a few words."

Mrs. Sophie has to nod, no longer talk.

William Fi is standing on one side, and his face is very difficult, and his heart is extremely uncomfortable ...

"Auntie, I ..."

"Miss Mo, please quiet for a few minutes." Cold if the cold and cold interrupts her words, and looked at Le Le, "Le Le, you talk about it, what is this relationship with you?"

"Le Le ..." Mo said that Leigh is very tense.

Williapi is also waiting for Leles' answers.

Le Leng wounded, looked at William Fi, weakness and weakness: "I have no relationship with Moof, I ... I only love a person from beginning to end."

I heard this sentence, Moof is desperate, she has long expected that there will be such a result, and I know that I have been self-sufficient, but she still has to come, because there is no better than there again. The shame of this afternoon.

She has sacrificed so much, even the last dignity is gone, now I can only go out, even if I can't fight this life, she has to strive to go.

Sophored is very gratified, at least Leles can bravely admit that he loves him in front of Mo Song is Williapi;

William Fiier looked at Leizie. His eyes stayed in her, as in the past, she should be touching, but why, she is still like a blocked, especially uncomfortable, her I feel that the feelings between them have changed, and they will not return to the past.

"Miss Mo, have you heard?" Cold Ruo is polite to Mo said, "I don't know what you have happened before Leizie, but I asked Leles many times, he said to you without men and women. Maybe you misunderstood it? No matter how, now Leizie is already in good, you don't want to delay yourself, or look for your own happiness. "

Mo Wei smiled, watched Leles: "Le Le, I know, I am not better than William Feier, can't match you, you don't like me, I don't tell you, but I have my feelings for you. Will not change because of anything, the time with you, is the happiest date in my life, I will never forget, I will not ... "

Leizie heard these words, the heart was not a taste, couldn't help but looked at her, found that there were a lot of palm print on her face, and there was a junction on the neck. The whole person looked very embarrassed. I can't help but worry: "You are injured What happened? "

"Nothing ..." Mo Soft's consciousness strokes his face, bitter smile, "I was already playing, I can't die, since you don't have anything, I will go first."

Said, she is ready to leave, but the legs are soft, and the whole person falls ...

"Be careful!" Leisha's consciously helped her, but accidentally pulled the needle, blood DC.

"Le Le!" Cold Ruo Bing quickly walked over Leased hand, Sophorian also called medical care, Moof and helping the bed, and asked, "Le Le, how are you? Nothing? "

"I am fine, what happened to you? Who hits you?" Le Lie asked.

Seeing this scene, Williafei turned away, and recall that the words of Leiie said, "My favorite people are Feier". How many fakes have this sentence? William Feather has not known ...


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