After Leigh's injury, ran out to find Mo Soft, he went to her school to study, to find it, and even find the hotel where she lived, I also found it, still there is no clue. ......

Mo said that it has disappeared in the air, it has become no traceful.

Thunder Ting said: "This matter is probably revealed, Ai Huade will take measures to say that people now people in his hands, we will continue to find it without any use, but go back to Hong Kong first."

"What should I do?" Leigh frowned.

"I let Akai have stayed to continue to find, and then find some French local friends to help, they are looking for, they have come, must be much stronger than us here." Lei Zhenwei said, "Let's say, we stay again In France, Ai Wah will have prevention, we can't find people at all. "

"Your dad is right, we are still going back to Hong Kong, Feiier is still waiting for us." Cold if ice also advised.

"I don't know ..." Lei sighed a breath, "I only hope that Mo Mo doesn't do anything, otherwise I am really sorry."

Cold, if you want to have too heavy psychological burden, this thing can't blame you, she is going to be wrong, I have to bear the consequences, we are already trying to help her, and she is also It is the benevolent to see the benevolence, but it is Feier. She is now the most need for you ... "

"I know, I should take care of Fei." Leager low, heavy saying -

"But think about it, she didn't me, there were so many people who took care of it, even lost the identity of the princess, she still lived like the princess, in front of me, will always be a proud princess;

And Mo Soft is completely opposite, she is very pitiful, she has been very hard from the small to most. She likes me from the downtime. She likes me, I have been confession, I have never ignored it, even if she is really being used by Australia. Stun bought, deliberately approaching me, but I believe that she is true for my feelings.

When Mo Soft with me, I always carefully please, I am afraid that I am not happy, this point is totally different from Feier. With the Philippine, I am giving her, no matter how much I pay, she won't worry about me, there is always a Austin ... "

"What do you mean by this now?" Cold, if the ice wrinkled, "Do you fall in love with it ??"

"No ..." Leigh shook his head, "I just feel very sad in my heart, Mo Mo is sad, she is a person who loves to be a person, as for such cruel punishment? She is just a weak girl, Australia Why is Stun and Ai Wah to deal with her? They have a resentment and rushing me !!! "

"Forget it, don't discuss this problem, or let's talk about it back to Hong Kong." Cold Ruo Zi sighed, "Le Le, you said, you don't want to return to Hong Kong? If you don't want to go back , I will go back with your father, you can continue to stay here to find Moof, we will not bare you. "

Le Leran is still silent. He doesn't know how to choose. He also wants to go back to Williapi, but I think that I will face my child, he is not a taste, if the child is someone else, maybe he It is also acceptable, which can be Austin, which is his most hated enemy.

"It seems that you haven't thought about it yet, then you stay in France, think slowly, I will go back to tomorrow tomorrow." Cold if I don't want to talk again, turn it.

"If Ice, wait for me." Lei Zhen Ting immediately chased the cold.

Le Leisham is sitting in the hospital bed, and the mood is difficult to say. For a while, William Feather will think of Williafifei. I will think of Mo Soft, one is his love, one is a person who loves him, a kind, a sense of meaning ...

He is hard to cut.

I want to go, he finally decided to go back to Hong Kong to find Williafi, although he is responsible for Mo said, but he can't do anything, will also delay the saving people, and Williafi is now needed. When, no matter what, he should go back to explain our understanding ...

For future, there should be a good plan.

Thinking, Leles got up and prepared to go to the door to find the mother to talk about this, just walked to the door, his mobile phone rang, see the call display, he immediately answers: "Akai!"

"Thunder, find Miss Mo." The bodyguard is eager to say.

"Really? Too good, where?" Leles asked.

"We found her in north latitude. She hid in poor, and people who loved the Duke of Ai Ward were looking for her, and we are now with her back to the hospital, and have come to the triple ring."

"Protect her, I will come right away."

"it is good."


Hanging up the phone, Leizie immediately changed clothes, ready to go to Akai and Moiro, then knocking on the door outside, Leizie has not responded, Lei Zhen Ting directly pushed the door: "Akai give you Call? "

"Being hit." Leigh is the buckle of the windbreaker, "Dad, I have been looking for them now, you will accompany your mother in the hospital."

"Ai Huade will not easily let go of Mo Soft, waiting for a dispute, your mother is worried that you are dangerous, let me go with you." Thunder Ting said, "You met Mo Soft reminding her, don't touch Almad, it is best to pretend nothing, and you have to misleado them, let them think that you still have a thought about Mo said ... In short, don't reveal the truth now. , Wait until we go back to Hong Kong. "

"Love Huad is not to send people to find Mo Siro? He should know that we already know the truth?" Leager asked.

"He knows that it is not important. It is important that we have chased it." Thunder Ting said solemnly, "If we pursue it, they will try to make various ways, put all the responsibility to Mo Mo , All everything is Mo Siro, we have no evidence, take him no good, and they can be buckled with Mo Fuzhi, do not let her return to Hong Kong, when you come again I want to save people. Now we have a bit bite that you don't know, just bring your friends to return to China, they have no way to force Moyou. "

"That is the harmful thing, is it so much?" Le Lee asked indignantly.

"Do you want to pursue it, you have to make yourself to decide, not you come to decide." Lei Zhen Ting is seriously reminded, "You better not to intervene this thing, let alone, even if you really have to pursue, you have to go back to Hong Kong. I will say it again. "

Leles silent for a moment, helpless nod: "I have only this."

"Find Mo Soft will return to Hong Kong immediately, so I have solved things early, don't drag the hose again, this is not good for anyone." Lei Zhen Ting warned.



Leizie and Lei Zhen Ting went out to meet the Akay and Mo Soft. On the way, they received the phone call from Al Wen, "We were blocked by a group of mysterious people, they want to take people from us. Take away, Akai and A Feng they are with them ... "

"Don't worry, protect the hostage, we will come immediately, share your address to me."



Hanging up the phone, Lei Zhen Ting immediately dialed another phone number -

"Weijie, where are you?"

"Now my ministry and hostage are blocked, the situation is very critical, I will send you the address, this matter is troublesome."

"We are on the road, soon."

"Ok, just like this."


"Oh, what is the Wetja? Can he help us?" Asked Leigh.

"The Minister of Legal, the Ministry of Paris, I have notified them when I received the phone, they have arrived, and I am more than us, and the Wei Wei is now the Department of Law, Ai Wah does not dare in front of him. "

"I still want to have thoughtful." Leisong has a breath.

"Those who think about it is your mother, she has already booked a passenger plane, we have taken it directly to the airport, and now the most tight is to leave France."

"Okay, we will get along the horse, I also want to go back to Fei Lei as soon as possible."


Leigh and Lei Zhen Ting rushed to the destination after half an hour, Ai Huade's people are holding, the two sides are extremely enemies, no one dares to act, no one will refund.

Akaiji is in the car, Mo is shine, shit, when she saw Le Le, I didn't want to rush down the car, shout: "Thunder , - "

"Mo Port doesn't run -"

Leizie hurriedly shouted, but unfortunately, a black modified car was blown from the side, and he hit it directly.

Leigh is horrified, looked at Mo soft, her weak body like a tree flying halfway, but also on the ground, blood like a blooming flower, instantly spread on the cold floor ...

"Worse !!!" Lei Zhen Ting exclaimed, his department immediately stopped the car, the car took directly to followers, and the car had to let go, the car is in a hurry.

In this moment, Ai Huade people will never stop, soon withdraw, Wei Jajie has no no, but also can't stop them, I have to send people to search the black modified car.

"Mo Soft, Mo Soft ..." Leigh held Moyou, excited shout, unfortunately, no matter how he shouted, Moyu did not move.

"Hurry to send the hospital." Lei Zhen Ting reminded, "You let the opening, let the Akai hug she gets on, you still have hurt."

"No, I will come."

Le Lee insisted that he was holding Mo Soft, and Lei Zhen Ting had to go by him. It seems that this time half will not return to Hong Kong. Aihua is really embarrassing. It's soft, then everything he and his son did no one know.

Along the way, Leles hugged Moy, even though she was full of blood, he did not release, Mo Shiyou whispered his name, repeating a sentence: "Don't leave me, ask for Please……"


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