"I am also very surprised." Lei Zhen Ting said heavyly, "Now Akai and Awen have taken people to go out, I also dispatch other people to help, I know you, I am worried that she ran to find you Now, Mount Ting is coming, Mo Soft has made this kind of thing, the situation is not very wonderful, this time you can't mess. "

"Know." Le Lee frowned, "Then I will never go back, I will find Mo Soft, if I really have something, how do I get her family."

Lei Zhen Ting was silent for a few seconds, "said there is a thing, I think about it, I should tell you."

"What?" Asked Leigh.

"A few days ago, the doctor said that Moiro will vomit almost every morning, loss of appetite, sleep, so today, my doctor gives her another check, now check the result, say her ..." Lei Zhen Tington suddenly, downs Said, "said she is pregnant !!!"

"What ??" Leighful horrified open eyes, I can't believe my ears, "Dad, what are you talking about? Mo Mo is pregnant? That ..."

"This child ... is yours?" Lei Zhen Ting asked solemnly, "Do you have an inch?"

"I don't know ..." Leisha's heart was chaotic, he didn't think of it, at this time, Moiro will be pregnant, this is too sudden, he can't believe his ears.

"You think about it, she is not yours, you have to get married, if you have a lot of things, then this marriage is really unsained. After you go Feiier has always closed himself in the room, she may misunderstand you, you should not stay outside too long. "

"I know, but ..."

"Qian Yu's special plane will go to the airport for another hour, return home, you have two points, you caught it at that time." Lei Zhenwei left this sentence directly, and hung it directly.

Leizie knows that his father is giving him a time and opportunity, let him hurry to find Mo Soft, clear the things, but can't delay too long, at least the feelings of widget.

He also knows that it should not be unclear at this time, but now Moiro happens like this, he can't do it.

I thought about it, Le Le pulls the mobile phone number of the mobile phone into the blacklist, I hope she will call him, at the same time, he drives Mo Hui, Mo Hui, Mo Hui, lives in the west Some of the places where he is located, he hasn't arrived for more than an hour, just at this time, Mo Hui called.

Leles immediately answered: "Mo Hui, is Mo Port you?"

Mo Hu Hui hurried said: "Mo said that I am looking for her, I am looking for her. She called me for a little money. I found her in the south area and went to your home!"

"What? Going to my house?" Le Leizhen was surprised, and even slowed the speed of the car.

"I am on the road now, I am going to find her, you have also hurry to see, I have to make anything."

"Okay, I will go back soon ..."

Le Le immediately turned the car direction and went home, hoping to stop her before Mo said his home ...


At the same time, cold if ice has received a family of Blue Thousands and night flames at the airport. After a chat, cold if ice is a big family to drive to Lizhist.

Leles accelerate the speed of the car, I am in a hurry, I only hope that Moof will not make anything, at the same time, he is still calling his father Lei Zhen Ting ...

But my father's phone has been busy, how can I don't do it.

At this time, there is a phone call, it is a Phone number, Leizie Xinxi, and quickly answer: "Mo Soft ..."

"I am at your door, where are you?" Moof voice weak, "I want to see you, now, immediately, I will see you."

"I am going home on the way, I will go home soon, you don't go in, wait for me to come back, we have made things clearly."

Le Leng's tone is very eager. He is afraid that Mo Soft is found in his family. Williafi is pregnant for three months. It is not very good. Now, if you know that Moof is pregnant, you will be mad ...

"You are afraid that I am found to Williafi? I am afraid that I am stimulating her?" Mo said softly, "You still care about her, everyone cares about her, she is a noble princess, and I am a despicable slave ... no Dignity, there is no qi, there is no meaning of existence ... "

"Mo Soft, you don't do this." Leigh is anxious, "In my eyes, there is no expensive division between people and people, I don't do it because I love her, I have nothing to do with my identity. And I also care about our friendship between us, you have a thing, I am very urgent ... "

"Friendship ??" Mo Siro is smile, "We are really just friendship? If it is just friendship, why do we go to bed, why have children ..."

"The child is mine?" Le Lee is afraid to ask, "No, I remember us ... it seems to be ..."

He didn't say it, he thought in his heart, he didn't have a total of Mo Soft's bed. Shouldn't you pregnant so fast? He hopes that all this is just a illusion, this is not true, it must not.

"Don't do it a few times?" Mo Luo said, "What should I do? Do you think this child ... Is the rape?"

"Mo Soft ..."

"If so, I will die immediately !!!" Moofi Yussen said, "Le Le, I know that you can't see me, I know that many people look down on me, I know, in your eyes, I follow William Fi is not in the same grade, I don't dare to ask you to be as gentle as I like William, I just want to be with you, even if you only look at you, why do you even Such a humble requirement does not agree to me ??? Why? "

"Mo said, don't be excited, calm and calm, wait for me to come and talk to you?" Leigh is very anxious.

"Okay ..." Moof voice became gentle, "You said anything well, you know that I love you, will not refuse you !!!"

"You wait for me near my home, I estimate that I have to have to have to be one and a half hours ..."

Leizie now has some remorse, I know that I just didn't go to Mo Hui, now I will go far away, I have to go back to so long, he has already opened enough, but near the year, there are many vehicles, how can I have to wait I can go home for more than 90 minutes.

"I have waited for so many years, I don't mind waiting for you to wait for half an hour." Mo said softly, "I have to come back, I want to make a break in Williapi, you said, do you want to I and this child, if you don't, I will die soon ... "

"Well, wait for me to go back." Leizie can only steadily stabilize Mo Soft, so as to avoid what is extreme.

"I wait for you!"

"Well, then I hang up, I am driving."

"it is good."


Hanging up the phone, Le Lele's heart is still hanging, how can things make this? Now how to do? How to do? ?

At this time, his mobile phone received a text message, it was sent by the mother cold: "Le Le, we have been home for half an hour, where are you now?"

I heard this text message, Le Le is bigger, blue and thousands of flames, they will go home soon, if they are hit by them, his world is even more destroyed.

Now he only wants Moyou to calm down, don't make anything impulse.

Just thinking, his mobile phone rang again, this time is Zhuo Airlines, Leles immediately answer the phone: "Zhuo Air!"

"Le Le, I know that you are driving, you don't have to worry, about Moof, I found new clues ..."

"What clues ??" Leigh rushed.

"I asked you first, is you the first time with Moofang? Is it in the Gllingland restaurant to break up with her?"

"Do you ask what this do?" "" Leager is very embarrassing.

"You answer me first !!" Zhuoa asked anxiously.

"This ..." Leisheng hesitated, responded, "it is that night !!!"

"That's Ok, Moofer is not yours, you don't have to worry!" Zhuo Airlined is very sure to tell him.

"What do you say?" Leigh my eyes, "How do you be sure that it is not mine?"

"I just learned about the happening of the hospital from Liu Kang, and rushed to the hospital to investigate. I asked the doctor in detail. The doctor was very sure to tell me, Mo said for seven weeks, but forty-nine days, However, according to time, you will go to bed with her for the first time. You said, how can the child may be you? "

"Ah?" Leisi stunned, "She is pregnant forty-nine? That is not, when I am with her, she is already pregnant? Then, she doesn't know if she doesn't know?"

"I also felt strange, I also asked the doctor, the doctor said that only more than ten days, the fertilizer egg has not been generated, and she is almost impossible to know, and the doctor said that she has always been endocrine disorders, so more than one I found it now, it is not surprising ... "

"It's too absurd." Leizan felt very speechless, did not expect things to be so complicated, "Who is her child?"

"I asked Mo Hui, Mo Hui first said that he would not say, and later finally said the truth. It was a boyfriend in France before France. However, she first recruited you in France. I broke up with the boyfriend, and since you returned to Hong Kong because of your father's case, she followed back, just at that time, the boy came to France to find her, in a few nights, she didn't go back, maybe It was the relationship that happened at that time, so pregnant with the child's child ... "

"No, it ..." Leizie had some difficult to teeth. "When I first had a relationship with her, she also bleed, it seems to be the first time."

"I said that you are really a pig." Zhuo Airlines didn't say goodness, "Now I am a ***** surgery is simpler than cutting the double eyelids, and I haven't opened it like a week, how do you don't understand? ? "


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