Leizie didn't think much. He thought that Mo said that Mo said that it is worried about how to do it in the future, so it is like this to take her back to the hospital first, but he doesn't think of Williapi. In the ears, it turns a taste. William Fiier who is unknowingly thought that Leles is responsible for children in Mo Siro! ! !

"That's good." Mo Fuyin laughed, "I know, you won't drop our mother and son."

"Go to the hospital first."

Leizie covers the car cover, prepares to get on the bus, Mo said to hang up the call, but also prepare to delete the record, Leizie has come over, she can only quit the interface first ...

Leizie only thought quickly, I didn't want to go back to the hospital. I didn't think too much. I didn't pay attention to Mo said my mobile phone. I took the cab and launched the car and then took out the woods ...

On the surface of Mo Shou, the heart is in the heart, but Williafi is expensive as the princess, so strongly, listening to these words, should she know difficult? ?


Leijia ...

William Figer took a mobile phone, excited to shook, and the heart is cracking, and it is unhappy. .

Qiao Qing Xiao Xinyi asked: "Fili, what happened?"

"I suddenly feel a bit uncomfortable ..." Williafei's face created, but she didn't want Qiao Qing to find her emotions, so she standed up, "I went to the washroom ..."

"Feier ..."

Qiao Qing wants to say something, Williafei left, Qiao Qing frowned her back, I always feel that I am not right, she has more than a year, knowing that Leles is a responsible person, clearly knowing the unmarried wife With the pregnancy, my sister, my brother-in-law came back from the United States to participate in his wedding. In this important moment, he couldn't be absent. Now, it is now not seen that there is something that it will inside.

But Williafi doesn't want people to know, she will only make people feel disgusted, so Qiao Qing has to go to the blue thousands of feathers, think about it to the blue thousand!


Toilet ...

Williafi smashed his heart and cried, and the ear was repeatedly elected to the words that I heard, recalling the pasts with Leizie, and the heart could not breathe, recalling the a few days, Leles promised her Now I think I only feel absurd, when did he become such hypocritical? On the side of her mountains, I promised another woman on another side?

His false is shameless, so that she feels sad.

A strong anger from the heart straight to the mind, William Feather picked up the phone and dialed Leigh phone ...

Leizie is driving, listening to the phone ringtone, pick up the phone, seeing that William Fei is called, he is a little guilty, after all, now Moof is still sitting around him.

He thought about it, solemnly warned to Mo said: "It is Fili, you don't want to speak."

"Oh." Mo said softly.

Leizie drove with another hand, listened to another hand: "Feier!"

"Where are you?" Williapi's voice sounded very calm, seeing something emotional, but Leizie felt strange.

"I, I am back on the way back." Leishae answered the reply, for fear that William Feier poked his lie.

"A person?" William Fili asked softly.

Lie Li suddenly stunned, why did Feiier ask such a word? Does she know what?

"Why don't you answer my question?" Williafei's tone is aggravated, "Hey?"

"Feier ..."

"You are with Mo Mo?" William Fei didn't want to be with him again. She just want to try him, and sure, he is still a deficiency, this proves that she is just what I have heard at the phone is not a illusion. Illusion, but true.

"I ..." Le Lee's heartbeat accelerated, there was an instant in the mind that I was looking for it, but soon, he did not deceive this practice. He can't deceive Fei. This is the at least honest. .

I thought that Leles took a breath and decided to tell Williapi: "Feiier, you listen to me, in fact, I ..."

"You don't have to say so much ..." Williafi interrupted his words, strongly pressed the anger in the heart, I was cold asked, "You just answer me, are you with Mo Mo?"

Le Le Yan hesitated, and the replied answer: "Yes!"

"Good! Very good!" Williafei's laughed, "Three days before marriage, you still have a woman with that woman, you seem to forget, how do you promise me ..."

"Feier, you listen to me, things are not what you think ..."

"What is wrong with the answer." Williafi broke the words again, "With Mo Soft, we face it, put all things clearly, today I have to come."

"Feier ..."

"I know that you are near home." William Fi is cold and cold, "Ten minutes, I want to see you and Mo Soft, otherwise you will never see me again."

After saying this, Williapi will hang the phone directly ...

Le Le took the mobile phone, he was angry with green. He didn't expect Williapi to know that he is now with Mo Mo, and he didn't expect that she would have such a fierce reaction. Now he is really riding, it is difficult. .

"What she said?" Mo said softly.

"She told me to take you back and tell you to face it." Leigh is angry with her, "Are you happy now?"

"This is good, clear things clearly, save trouble." Mo was smiled.

"Oh!" Leizan felt very ridiculous, "What else is there ?? I have only some embarrassment and sympathy, what else do you think?"

"This is enough." Moof is not angry, "With a jealous and sympathy, it is enough to maintain our relationship between us ..."

Leigh is angry, I don't want to talk to her again, but my heart has become a group, I don't know what to do now, Williapi's character is understanding, she will do it once. If he doesn't take Mo Soft now, she is afraid that she will really leave here, but if he will go back to Mo Soft, how do his family see him? And things will get closer, the worse ...

"Since Williafei wants you to bring me back, then take it back, she already knows that you are with me now, if you don't have her wish today, this marriage is not a good?" Mo Fu test Induction.

"Shut up." Lered to anger.

Mo Li joked his mouth and didn't dare to talk again.

Le Le Yan is very annoying. At this time, he suddenly remembered Zhuo Airlines to him. Now it is the best time to test Feli, yes, he has been suspected that his flesh is, but the fever does not live. Ken promised that not, the child is Austin, and now Austin is in Hong Kong, and it is always possible to destroy their wedding. .

Why don't you tell this opportunity? If this child is really his Leles, he will not be afraid.

Thinking of this, Leles immediately opened the car to the home ...

"Do you really take me back?" Mo said that Leigh is in the madness.

"Yes, if you are willing." Le Lee is cold and cold, he doesn't have to say anything now, waiting for him to figure out the true life of the fetus in the fetus, then wear the truth of Mo Fu, believe in Fei I will understand that he is hard.


Leijia ...

Qiao Qing came to the garden. I saw that Blue Qianyu and Cold Rogue stood on the flower bed. She was going to go, and she was running at this time. An anxiously said: "Mrs, lady The young master took the woman back. "

"What do you say ???" Cold, if the ice is shocked, don't dare to ask, "You said that Leles will come back !!!"

"Yes!" The sweat from rubbing the forehead, "the head just prepared to drive to the young master, I met him at the door, he opened the car, the woman was sitting on the cab, now the head is blocked Outside the door, don't let them come in. "

"This bastard is too much." Cold if the ice is full of face, and the fire is embarrassed.

Blue Qianyu hurriedly followed it, took a few steps, she suddenly hoped, Williafei came out from the villa, calmly called them: "Mom, my sister, let me go!"

"Feiier ..." Cold if the ice is very embarrassed, "Don't be sad, my mother must be the land for you."

"No." Williamphi smiled slightly, "This is my own business, I solved myself."


What is cold if I have to say, Williapi has walked out to the outside, and if the cold, if the ice is followed by: "Feier, it is the woman who is tangled to Le Le, don't be angry, don't be excited What is the thing that makes me and you? "

Williapi's face has always hanged a touch of smile, and there is no saying that people are calling. She has long been prepared, even if the front is a tiger beast, she will be brave.

"What happened?" Qiao Qing pulled blue thousands of loudly, "We chatted with good ends, Feier took a call, and his face suddenly changed, then it came out, I saw that she is a strong When the town is set, she shakes. "

"Lerehrose mixed kid, looking for a woman outside." Blue Qianyu said.

"Will n't it?" Qiao Qing's horror widened, "It is impossible, this is absolutely impossible, even if all men in this world are derailed, I don't believe that Leles will be derailed."

"I don't believe it, but the woman is looking for it." Blue Qian Yu is in the heart, "I really don't stop, I thought it was in trouble, now I finally recovered calm, I didn't expect other things, I didn't expect other things. Strong trouble came again. "

"Let's go out and take a look."

"it is good."


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