"Whose child in her belly is nothing to do with me." William Fei is cold and cold, "Just like this, goodbye."

"Do you still want to go with him?" Leager got his teeth, "What do you mean? Do you have been thinking about him in your heart?"

Williafi didn't want to care about him. He opened his hand, and Le Yan was pulled by her, and the Austin waved, and the Leizan was in two steps, almost fell on the ground. , Blue Qianyu helped him ...

After the light is crazy, after standing, he immediately rushed to counterattack, and his hands were played with Austin.

"Don't hit, don't beaten ..."

Everyone is coming to disappear, Williafi is also anxious, I want to stop them, but they both play the world, they can't hear it.

Le Leng's hand is always very good, and the Austin is basically able to defeat him in the ground, that is, at this time, Austin has unintentionally touching the pistol next to it, and grabbing the Leigh A shot ...

"Hey!" The gunshot, the guns in Lei Head, the blood is splashing.

"Leigh -" Williafi is scared, screaming in the horror, wants to support Leigh before, but Austine will take her.

Everyone shocked, Lei Zhen Ting and as quickly as soon as possible, I want to take Austin, and Austin refers to Lei Zhen Ting with a gun: "Don't come over, I will shoot."

"Don't, Austin, you put down the gun !!!" William Fei is eager to shout.

"Feier, you will go with me, I will not let anyone hurt you ..." Austin is tightly holding Williafi, "this world, only I really love you, you believe me !!!"

Williafei's mind is all on Leisley, and the gun in Leizie is blood. It is lying on the ground. The eyes are still in the ground, and the eyes are watching her. Weakly shouted: "Feiier, don't go, don't walk ...... "

"You don't move, we have called doctor, the doctor will come immediately."

Qiao Qing and Blue Thousand are holding him next to him, and the two are so embarrassed, "Qiao Qing, calling the night flame, called him back."

"Well." Qiao Qing quickly called.

"You don't come over, after retreat, back !!!"

Austine is a step back from William Feier, and his part is so fast, protect him withdrawn ...

"Don't, let me let me."

William Fi is now known, she has been touched by the moment, and now I don't change the magic violence of Austin. He is more than before, not only from the weapon. Lei Jia, I also hurt Leles. .

Now, Williapi does not want to go with her again, but she can't break away again ...

"What do you say? You don't want to go with me?" Austin stared at Williafi crazy, "You just got to go to me, why do you want to repent now?"


"You are my woman, you must go with me." Austin was afraid that Williafi ran, tightly took her neck with hand, "I told you that this life, even if you die, you have to die with me." Together, I will not let you be with Le Le, you die. "

"Don't, you let me go ..." Williamfi panic shook his head.

"Let's let go !!!" Le Le climbed up from the ground, covering the wound, hard to catch up, "Let the Feier, what's the matter ... rush me !!"

"Le Le, do you dare to chase?" Austin pointed to Leles with a gun. "Do you want to die? I am all you."

He directly bucking the board machine, I want to shoot, just at this critical moment, a dart shot, fiercely cut the Hand of Austin, the Austine will shrink, the gun falls on the ground ...

"Dare to be here, it is full!!!"

The night flames, a drank, a stent, ready to take Austin, Austin, and then use the injured hand to hold Williapi's neck, "Don't come over !!"

"What do you want to do? You will hurt the Philippine." Night flames urgently warned.

"The Philippine belly is still with your child, you can't hurt her." Blue Qian Yu is anxiously reminded.

"My child ??" Austine is a clear laugh, "I have never been in bed with her. How can she be my child? This wild species is Leisi, and there is no relationship with me ... "

"You, what do you say?" Leigh the horror widened, unbelieving Williafei, "This is true? Feiier, this thing ..."

"This is real."

At this time, a familiar voice came, and the Sophor Madam pushed Dann from not far away, and Darn's a few hands were holding a gun, all pointed to the sake of Austin, and the part of Austin panic. After retreating, I didn't dare to protect him again.

Mrs. Sophia deeply looked at Leizie, and said, "Le Le, Fei Der has never betrayed you, from beginning to end, she is love you, her heart is only you, this child is your flesh And there is no relationship with Austin. "

"Fili, why ... don't tell me?" Le Leng looked at Williafei, very sad, "You have done so much for me, why not tell me?"

Williamfi was in the neck of Austish, and he couldn't say it. He had to look at him with tears, and he kept shaking his head. .

"I am so much for you, but I have done so many things for you, but what about you have never been me, always think about the man, even if he hurts you again, betray you, but you are still right He can't forget! "

Austine has a bad roar of William, "even if you get this time, you still protect him, then I? What? What do you do?"

The more excited, the more you feel angry, the more angry, and the hand of William Fei's neck is getting more and more powerful, Williapi is standing, almost suffocating ...

"You let go of her -"

Leigh is excited, Austin is preparing to dialect the knife on the waist, and the night flames will be a flashing over to win him. Leizie took the opportunity to save Williapi, after the Williapi, Lei Zhen Ting also took part Come around, take all the Austin and his hand ...

"Let me go, let me go -"

Austin is still struggling, and the night flames waved his back to him, and the Austin horses fainted on the ground ...

"Take him away." The night flames, followed by all the Austin and his hand immediately.

"Fili, you are fine, Feier ..." Leizie hugged Fei's anxious call, "You don't have something, don't have something."

"I, I am fine ..."

Williamfi is lying in his arms, watching his chest injury, she feels very embarrassed, or she is soft, I believe in Austin, things will not make this.

"Doctor is coming." Blue Qian Yu is anxious, "" Hurry and go to the house. "

Le Le quickly picked up William Fi, and Blue Qian Yu took him next to him. "You still have hurt on your body, let them come."

"I am fine."

Le Leiductly picked up William, but just stood up and planted on the ground.

"Let's come." Night flames helped picked Williapi, Blue Qian Yu and Qiao Qing nose next to it.

The family is around them, is preparing to protect them into the house. At this time, Mo Fu suddenly picked up a dagger on the ground to rush to Williafei: "Go to death, !!!"

Everyone will focus on Leizie and Williapi, and no one pays attention to Moyou. .

Moof move is very fierce, let people feel can't fight, see that the dagger is to stab the Williafi, the night flames are too late to avoid, just at this critical moment, Leisheng fierce, with hand and hard Live the dagger ...

" -"

Everyone was scared, including Mo Soft himself, she looked at him, scared her face: "Le Le, I am sorry, I don't want to hurt you, I, me ... "

"Rolling -" Le Lee is pushing for Mo Soft.

Mo Shi is shouted, the wolf is unbearable, slow down the red blood!

"Come on!!!" Blue Qian Yu quickly called to help her.

"How can this? I don't deliberately."

Leizie was also dumbfounded, I didn't expect my own lost hand, I will harm Mo Soft production, even if he doesn't like Moy, I have never thought about let her abortion ...

"First, you and the Philippine are seriously injured.

"I don't want to deliberately." Le Lee said, "Remember to send her to the hospital to treat."

"I know, you can rest assured."


William Fi is moving the tire gas, but fortunately the treatment is timely, so there is nothing wrong.

Lered's shoulder, the hand was injured, but these were not fatal injuries.

Lei Jia's private doctor's medical skills, after a few hours of treatment, soon, they quickly let them the injury and condition.

And the hospital, Mo said that Mo said that heard this news, she is not sad, but feels relieved, she doesn't want this child, not a Leles, she doesn't want ..

Her brother Mo Hui came to the hospital to visit her, seeing her now, Mo Hui is very not a taste, but also a secret to her for a long time: "Little soft, in fact, Victor, I've gone to find you, I saw that Leles in your heart, so I didn't tell you these things. He is still in Hong Kong, I have been entangled in me, inquire about your falling ... "

"What do you close?" Moof looked at the ceiling, "I just as long as Leles, except Leles, no one is."

"Little soft, you wake up, Leles will not have you at all, what is your bitter?" Mo Hui said, "Is there a person who loves you ?? Don't say it now It's just that it is just to see him, he will feel disgust. Let him put it, put the things, start. "

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