"She didn't have the opportunity."

Blue Qian Yu looked at Liu Kang and Mo Hui, Mo Hui's brow wrinkled, Liu Kang has taken out the arrest order, it seems to be prepared to arrest Moof.

"A person is wrong, it should be sanctions on the law." Qiao Qing is very open, "Mo Fu to Leizan's next medicine, but also attempted to assassinate Feier, this behavior has violated the law."

"The truth is true, but ..." "Blue Qian Yu's look is somewhat hard.

"Are you worried that Leles will be difficult?" Qiao Qing saw her mind.

"Well." Blue Qianfeng nodded, "Although Leles did not have the kind of men and women, he was still a heart to her, after all, Moiro experienced the kind of damage in France. It was also indirect because of him. He is a heavy The people who love, I am afraid I will not be able to take it. "

"What should I do?" Qiao Qing frowned, "Mo said to the knife assassina, the Philippine almost did something, if at this time, Leles also went to help Mo Soft, Mr. Sophora and Mr. Sophora What will I think? How do you think? "

"This is the hardship of Le Le ..." Blue Qian Yu sighs a sigh of relief, "I don't help, my conscience will not go, I can't help, I can't go."

"You analyze it." Qiao Qingqi dignified, "With Leigh's personality, it should be this .. If we come to help Mo Mo, this, Feiier and her family will not blame Leigh. "

"No." Blue Qian Yu said, "and not say this is just my speculation. In the end, Leles is not so thinking. Now no one will be concluded. Second, we are Leisha's loved ones, our behavior also represents His thoughts, even if we come out, Fei's family will still feel that he mean. "

"What should I do?" Qiao Qing asked urgently, "Leizie was still hurt, he was so embarrassing, it is not good for the body."

"Let's go back, my mother and Lei Shu probably think of this question, ask questions." Blue Qian Yu said, "After all, they are coming, dealing with this kind of human accident is better than us."



Shortly from Blue Qian Yu and Qiao Qing, there was a knocking on the door outside, and the mood was low. He did not want to pay attention to it, but the knockout did not stop. She had to have an angry: "Who?"

"It is me, Liu Kang." Liu Kang's low voice came.

Mo Fu lived, Liu Kang? At this time, what did he do?

"Can I come in?" Liu Kang said.

"Come in." Moof responded.

Liu Kang pushed in, followed by Mo Hui, and then standing several casual clothes.

Mo said that there is nothing to guess. After yesterday, there is nothing to do, the police will come, I will know that she takes the knife to assassinate William Feier, and the result is hurting the Leigh, now I am going to arrest her.

Moof lips hooked the ridicule of the laughter, and the cold looks at Liu Kang: "Your police offices are quite fast, how? Williansist people let you catch me?"

Liu Kang did not speak, first put the door, then went to the bedside, and then said: "Moof, since you already know this, I don't have much to say, you assassinate Williafi, now her Father Dawen, you try to murder, so ... "

Liu Kang did not continue to say, no matter what, he was in love with Mo Siro, and now she saw that she fell to this end, I was still very sad.

"So you have to take me?" Mo said cold and cold smile, "I know that this will be like this, it is different. If you encounter something, someone will go, I have a big thing, who For me??? "

When she said, her voice was somewhat like, she remembered the sad encounter in France, she was hurt by the cruelty of the animals, but now, the few people still happy, her dignity her fault where is it?

"I have heard of your business." Liu Kang mercy looked at her. "Le Leisheng has been helping you find evidence, he never gave up ..."

"Forget it." Mo said his words, saying, "I know that Leles has a heart to help me, but that is in France, Ai Wah and the Austine site, he has no way, I have never thought about it. Who wants to blame. Just feel different from people, if my father is also an international rich business, if I am a princess, everything will be different ... "

"Mo said, sorry, my brother can't help you." Mo Hui's low head.

"You don't have to say this, I am not saying you." Mo Junbei wrinkled.

"We are destined, we have no choice, but everyone's life is in their own hands ..." Liu Kang advised, "Williafei is not a princess, she is now an ordinary girl, you don't have to use Compared with her. "

Mo Shiji, did not speak, but the heart is like a needle, Le Le, you really have only Williafei, and there is no me ...

Liu Kang comforted: "You don't have to worry, Williapi does not have something, Leizie is only subject to skin injury, even if it is established, it will not be more than a long time, not to mention, this thing has retained room, later I am going to find Williafei, I will be able to tell Mo Hui, say that she will be soft, let her father revoke the lawsuit, then you ... "

"No one is allowed to ask her." Mo said Liu Kang's words, "I hate William Fiier, she grabs everything, if she doesn't, I will not fall to this point, she wants to mention Let her let her say, anyway, I have no love in love now, and there is no difference between the prison outside. "

"Little soft, how do you say this?" Mo Hui said, "Sitting can not be a small thing ..."

"Forget it. I don't want to talk to you." Mo said a little irritated, silent for a while, she said to Liu Kang, "I am in trouble, I will go out, I will go with you."

"Well." Liu Kang nodded, turned to go out, Mo Hui also followed him.


Mo shouted his back, his eyes became bleak, waiting for the door, she didn't change clothes like himself, but the side of the glass, the mind is recalling this time. Everything happens ...

From her to the Austin reached an agreement, she deliberately close Leigh, and she went to her medicine to become a woman, and then she was in France, and there were all people who happened yesterday ...

At the scene, it was like a movie film to flash in her mind, just like a sharp sharp knife stabbed, let her feel unhappy.

Life is full of despair, there is no meaning.

Thinking here, she picked up the glass to the bathroom, broke, then picked up a glass cut into her wrist ...


Liu Kang and Mo Hui defended outside the door, the two had a heavy mood, sigh, Mo Hui said: "I have never seen William Feier, I don't know if she is not very good, will not agree to revoke the lawsuit, or not, I am looking for Leles? "

Liu Kang said: "Le Lee is seriously injured, now it is treated, and he is very difficult, we are still looking for Williapi, I know her, her is kind, should promise us, even if it does not undo Lawsuit, at least a few words, from the light, put the danger of the deliberate murder to deliberately hurt, then there is a lot. "

"It's good, then you will go to Leijia with me, you can don't delay."

"Don't worry, a friend, how can I see it?"

"Thank you."


The two are discussing, Zhuo Airlines ran around: "Liu Kang, Moof?"

"She is in the ward, what happened?" Liu Kang asked.

"I have something to find her." Zhuo Airlines directly pushed the door, Mo Hui hipped her, "she is changing clothes, what do you have?"

Zhuo Airlines said: "She kids up my mother with Austin, I have been looking for more than a month, yesterday, Austin was arrested, I was investigated one night in the police station, and he biting this thing is Mo. Soft one people do, he is not informed, I can only come to Mo Soft now. "

Mo Hui is anxious, hurry to drink: "Zhuo Air, you can don't have blood, my sister is good end kidnapped your mother? My sister is now in trouble, you give her more charges, is it harmful Death her? "

"I don't have time to explain to you now. Let me go in, we are facing yourself." Zhuo Airlined opened Mo Hui, want to break in, Liu Kang took him again, "Zhuo Air, there is something, don't impulsive Mo So really changing clothes, we just came out from the room, you have to go in, at least you must first knock? "

"Just." Mo Hui's gripped Zhuo Airlines, "My sister is allowed to insult ?? You bullied her one by one."

"How do I bully her?" Zhuo Airlines did not play, "Your sister has more, do you know? Is there a little bad thing she did?"

"Your bastard -" Mo Hui slammed Zhuo Airlines, Z Zhuo hit on the door, accidentally hit the door, he was preparing to come, Liu Kang suddenly shouted, "people?"

Zhuo Airlines and Mo Hui were stunned. When the two looked up, there was no Moyo shadow in the room, and the three were around, and found that the bathroom came in the bathroom, Liu Kang said: "Is it still Taking a bath? "

"It should be, let's go out first, there is anything to say." Mo Hui took Zhuo Air to pull.

"No." Zhuo Air of Zhuo frowned, said, "If she is taking a shower, he heard the sound of our play, how can I ask, how can I be a little?"

"You are right." Liu Kang felt a problem, Mo Hui also panicked. "She should not think that I can't think, do you want to do a stupid thing?"

Zhuo was reacted at once, and immediately rushed to the door of the hand and saw the scene inside, he was scared ...

The water sprinkled in the bathroom was opened, and the hot water was kept in the upper ground.

"Day! Little soft ..." Mo Hui and Liu Kangxin were rushing in, Mo Hui hugged Mo Fu, Liu Kang went to find the hospital, Zhuohang station was shocked, "Moof, you can Can't die, you die, what do I do? "

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