"Feier, where are you going?" Sophie asked.

"I want to go to the hospital to see Mo Soft ..." William Fijue downstairs.

"Are you crazy? The woman hates you, even if you want to kill you, you still go to her?" Sophie immediately pulled Williafei, "You still have a pregnancy, don't toss."

"I won't have anything." William Fi is anxiously said, "Mommy, although Moy is hate, but also pitiful, I didn't want her to die, let alone, now in this bones, if she really Things, Leles will not forgive me. "


"Don't, I will go see it first." William Fiper karates the hand of Sophia, ready to leave ...

"You can't go where you can go."

A low voice came, Williafei's footsteps, looked back, the maid pushed Darn from the back hall, Darn's look was very calm, and a pair of eyes passed through the fire, strong saying -

"The woman not only doesn't just with you, but also wants to kill you, in love, you don't owe her, even if she is really dead, it is not related to you, if Leizan resents you because of this matter, That can only say, in his heart, the woman's status exceeds you, this man is not going. "

"To pair, you are reasonable." Sophie is fastening, "Feier, don't go, ah."

"Well, even if you have reason, Mo Siro doesn't matter, but standing in the position of benevolence, I will see how she can do?" Williafei frowned to watch his father Darn.

Darn said that "if your body is very good, very time, no pregnancy, you want to see, I don't oppose it, just do good things, but now I am pregnant, and I will move yesterday. Tire gas, it's not good to now, in this case, I will not let you go. "

"I am fine, is I am not a good end of the best?" Williamfi is anxious.

"You are a good end, what about your child?" Danien's question, "What did the doctor say yesterday? Do you forget?"

"To the right." Sophia said, "The doctor said that you have three times four times, now the fetal look is very unstable. If there is any accident, this child is hard to keep. Feiier, you Listen to me, don't go, I sent people to investigate, there is news, come back to inform you? "

"Mummy, what are you doing?"

Williapi is a little angrec. The usual Sophia is good, always educating her to be kind, but this time, she actually stands over there.

"Fili, a person must do good deeds, must establish a conditional basis if you have the ability to take care of it, you have to do good deeds, it is ignorant!" Darn seriously said.

" ... ..."

"Even if you are not responsible for yourself, you must be responsible for children in your stomach." Donn did not give Williapi's chance.

"Okay, I know, I know." Williamphi is really speechless, she feels that Darn said anything, she didn't have a chance to refute.

"Go back to rest." Dann made a gesture, two maids came over to support Waitian Feier returns, Sophia also followed, "Fei, don't think about it, I have nothing to do with you. , You have been to her, this is not your business? "

"I know." Williafield helpless response, in fact, she also knows that her parents make sense, in fact, she is really good to Mo Soft, Mo I want to kill her, but she not only has no resentment, but also to my father plead……

William does not understand why Moof is committed to committing suicide, the case is already handled, is it because of miscarriage? Still because Leles did not choose her?

Forget it, don't think, everyone has their own life, others can't ...


In the hospital. .

Leizie, Zhuo Air, Liu Kang, Mo Hui and others are still anxious, Moof will advance the emergency room for more than two hours, and there is still a little message now.

The middle of the nurses have long been adjusted to transfer plasma, saying that the plasma in the hospital is not enough, everyone quickly expressed their willingness to donate blood, after verification, Mo Hui and Leie's blood type is suitable for Mo Soft, the doctor will give Mo Hui, and Leizhe I was seriously injured, the doctor said that he is not suitable for blood donation, but Leizie is insistentant to donate blood, the hospital staff is very difficult, and finally Lei Zhen Ting sent: "He wants to offer him."

"That's okay, then 200cc, no more."

"Well, just do your best."


After two hours of rescue, the attending doctor finally came out, and several people immediately greeted: "Doctor, how?"

"The patient has been in dangerous period, there is no danger of life." Doctor said.

"It's great." Everyone is relieved.

"When is she able to wake up?" Zhuoa is anxious.

"There is a hurt before the patient, and today I will toss it. The body is more weak. I estimate that she will at least seven or eight hours will be awakened." The doctor said.

"Seven or eight hours ..." Zhuo Airlines frowned, "I don't know how my mother is like after seven or eight hours."

"Zhuo Air, what do you mean? My sister is like this, you still want to die." Mo Hui angry.

Zhuo Airlines did not hit one place: "Now is your sister kidnap my mother, you not only don't feel embarrassed, still yell here?"

"Who is kidnapped your mother? My sister can't make that kind of thing."


"Okay, don't be noisy." Leles interrupted their words, said to Zhuo Airlines, "Zhuo Air, I have been looking for a way to find your mother's drops, never give up, I have also asked Mo Soft But she refused to say, wait until she woke up, I will find a way to ask her. I know that you are very anxious, but now Moou is not awake, you don't use it. "

Zhuo Airlined eyes, did not speak. .

"Le Le, do you know this?" Mo Hui was shocked, "" Mo's Mother kidnapped Zhuo Airlines? "

"It's true." Leisi nodded, "she admitted to me."

"Now, do you believe it? Is there a sister with you?" Zhuo Air was angry with Mo Hui.

"How can this be?" Mo Hui felt incredible, "Why do she do this?"

"This is a long ..." Lei sighed a breath, "Now Mo Mo is still lying in the ward, we will not discuss this. Yes, Zhuohang ..."

"Well?" Zhuo Air of Zhuo turned his head and looked at him.

"I worship the night flame to help investigate your mother's business, just sent me a text message, let me tell him about the clues that we have in hand, he is already working, there is no new clue in your side?"

"There is ..." Zhuo Airlines immediately transferred the clue data, sent to Leizie with the email, Leizie reblogged to the Night flame ...

When everyone is busy, Lei Zhen Ting's mobile phone rang, he answers the phone, it is the relevant officials of the Political Law: "The head of the thunder, we have already booked the ticket, I plan to condemn the Austin today. France."

"You have already decided, and I still tell me what?" Lei Zhen Ting said coldly.

"Hey .. We also follow the instructions of the head, but also very respectful, so let's report to you at any time."

"Now I have already reported, what else?" Lei Zhen Ting did not want to talk to them.

"There is no time, we are now ready to go to the airport, five-point aircraft ..."

If the other party's words have not been finished, Lei Zhen Ting will hang the phone, he is in the officialdom for decades, I have already tired of this situation, in fact, some of them have seen, now, what is famous for him I have no sense, he just wants to retreat early, with the cold, with the cold, happy life ...

"Dad, what happened?" Leles asked whispered.


Lei Zhen Ting didn't want to mention the things of Austin, so as not to be uncomfortable in Leigh, Austin did so much bad things. Three turns four times almost killed Leigh, but now they did not be punished, but they were condemned to go back, this The world is originally unfair, why bother to mention what?

Leizan saw his father and didn't want to say, and did not ask, and negotiated with Zhuo Airlines, and talking to the night Flame. .


Williapi is lying on the bed of his room, but I can't sleep, my heart is messy, I always feel that there is something that will be like, there is an unknown premonition, is it a uncomfortable thing?

"Hey!" Came to knock on the door outside, and the voice of Sophia came, "Feiier, is it asleep?"

"Nothing, come in." Williafi responded.

Sophifier pushed the door, and the hand was still a tray. The trays put exquisite afternoon refreshment, she said: "Feier, lunch, you have not eaten, I will prepare some snacks, you eat some "

"Thank you Mommy." Williafi sat up, trialful question, "Mommy, is it?"

"He embarrassing the medicine, already asleep." Sophor said, "Feier, you have been doing surgery before you have a surgery, so it's hard to pick up your life, you can don't stimulate him."

"Know it." Williafield is a bit helpless, "If it is not for his body, I will not compromise it."

"I know you are a child." Sophisticated laughed, "Fei, you have a lot of hardships, he really has been very bitter, I owe him too much, I am now I only hope that I can take care of him in his life, and make up for him former half-life. "

"It should be." Williafei's heart is emotional, "Mommy, you don't worry about me, take care of me, as long as you are good, I will feel relieved."

"How can we not worry about you?" Sophored wrinkled, "Even if I can, you can't do it, how much he loves you, do you know?"


(Subsequent, there are people! Failure to update a chapter of three thousand words every day, the new book will be updated synchronously !!!)

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