The mobile phone was hanged, and Zhao Jun was able to redial once. The mobile phone has already told to shut down. He frowned. It feels some wondering. Is it a lady's mobile phone whose mobile phone is dead?

Zhao Jun hesitated to call Shen Zanghai phone. At this time, the mobile phone suddenly received a text message. He opened a text message, his face changed right away -

"I don't want to hear any news about Night flaming, please don't bother me again! Blue Qian Yu!"

Seeing this information, Zhao Jun's heart is cold, I didn't expect Blue Qian Yu to actually be so ruthless, even if she has more grievances with her grandfather, it will not even listen to his news? Don't she want to get rid of him, can't wait to invest Xiao Han's embrace?

No, Miss Lan is not that kind of person.

Zhao Jun also read a short message, would it be a ghost? It should not be, this text message is sent to the cold mobile phone number. The cold mobile phone cannot give Xiao Han casually. Is it really Blue Miss?

"Zhao Jun!" At this time, the old man was rushing, just asked from the car, "How? How? You don't have the phone number of the sink? Do you say?"

"Old Ni ..." Zhao Jun was somewhat hard, thought about it, or decided to tell him the truth, "I played many times, no one answered, and finally hang up my phone, and ..."

"What?" The night of the old man rushed to the hospital and asked, "said."

"I also sent a text message, you have a look." Zhao Jun handed his mobile phone to the night old.

When the old man came to see it, his face became embarrassed, helplessness: "I really didn't think that Qian Yu is so unfold, it seems that she is iron my heart to leave the night flame .. .."

"I see Miss Lan is not that kind of person, maybe this text message is not her sent." Zhao Jun said, "Do you want me to call again?"

"No." The night of the old man waved, "She and the divorce procedures did not do, the news of the flame will pass sooner or later, if she is a little feeling in the flame, naturally will come back to see him, If not ... then we don't have to have any hope for this woman. "

Zhao Jun helplessly sigh, did not speak again, the night old woman is right, cold if ice and Xiao Han are the strong people, they will soon receive news about the counts of Night flames, this kind of thing can't take long, blue Millennium will know early ...


The night old pool rushed to the emergency room, and the night flames were still rescued. The night old woman was in a hurry, and the sigh did not stop: "What do we have in the end of the night, how can we make this."

"The old man, the Ji people have a good day, and the young master will not have something." Zhao Jun loudly.

Night Old Master is sitting in the waiting chair, the mood is very heavy, Zhao Jun, and some bodyguards have accompany him outside for more than four hours, and the doctor finally came out. In the past: "Doctor, how?"

The doctor took the mask and heavily said: "Night Old Master, the night injury is not fatal, but he has stomach cancer, plus such heavy trauma, now the treatment is very dangerous ..."

"You, what do you say?" The night is excited, "What is gastric cancer? What do you mean?"

"Hey ..." The doctor deeply sighed. "When I arrived in the past few days, I found him to get stomach cancer, and the night will always take you, no one, can now I can't hold it. "

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