Speaking here, cold crypt tears, trembling the sound said: "Sanhai pays too much for me, this world, he is the best man for me, I have followed him for more than ten years, he I have never been red face to me, I think about me. After his legs are hit, there is no complaint, and I haven't remember any requirements for me. It is myself to completely die of the world, so I am resolutely left. He, following the Sanhai. "

I heard the cold, such as the cold, Lei Zhen Ting's low, compared with Shen Zanghai, he is really a good man, it is no wonder that cold ice will follow him after the disability of Shenzhonghai is afraid.

"I said here, I will not marry you." Cold, if the ice sighed, "If it is not my own, she is me, that is, because that the opportunity, I will know the mulberry. sea.

Sanhai knows me before, but has had a girlfriend, it is a mother, called Zhu Yun, Zhu Yun is a woman who is greed, the character is more embarrassing, and when he is with him, it is for his money. . Later, he understood her true face, and he went to her, went abroad, and it was a few years.

Zhu Yun was pregnant, and he found him everywhere. I couldn't find it. At that time, the fetus was already very big. She can't abortion, so I will give my child to the station. At that time, Qian Yu was only two years old. I took Qian Yu from the station. I looked at the children in the basket so pitiful, and I went back.

When Sanhai returned to China, it was already eight years old. He learned that he had a daughter, and he was looking for it everywhere. In this way, we know. When I was divorced from the world, the business of the Lanyuan is already walking down the road. He is in a hurry, always saying my bad things in front of Qianyu, and also said if it is my child and the child.

Therefore, Qian Yu has always thought it was my red apricot, betray her father, and greed, abandon them, hated me ten years ... "

"Why don't you tell her?" Lei Zhenwei asked softly.

"Hey ..." If the cold is angry, "Although the blue world is a unqualified husband, he is a good father. He is very painful, and the Qian Yu is also very good, in her heart, she Father has always been a good person, I don't want to destroy his impression in her heart. Again, I went to compete for her custody with the world, and the result failed. Since I can't stay in Qianyu, I can't take it to him? "

"I didn't expect these years, you have encountered so many things." Lei Zhen Ting is very embarrassed. "I have never known that you have experienced so much suffering, I thought you were seeing a difference, like one ..."

"I have followed you for so many years, you still don't understand me?" Cold, if you are unfortunately.

"Well, I admit that I am a rough person, the feelings are not delicate, I didn't take care of your feelings, plus it too young, I don't know how to cherish it, so when you ask me, I always feel It's not enough to understand me. In fact, I will think about it. You lose your child, how can you not have? In short, you will be my fault. Now I want to save, I am afraid there is no chance. "

Lei Zhenwei looked deeply.

"Don't think about it, I am very good, I can't leave him." Cold, "Well, I am going to see my daughter."

"Wait a minute." Lei Zhen Ting took her.

"What is it?" Cold frokes.

"In fact, our children are not dead ..."

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