"What about our family?" Susheng was installed into a respectful tone. "She is hurt by her, which has not been taken care of the night, should it be very hard?"

"Yeah, she is really hard, and the face will take care of the night."

The medical care is out, and after the end, she covers the mouth and remembered that the night of the old man was in front of the night. The blood of Blue Qian Yu was injured. They could not disclose it, including anything of the night home could not say.

Si Qin's heart is very surprised, but it is necessary to pretend to be an informed look: "Yes, we accidentally scald your face before, now much?"

"I still have something, I am going to be busy, you ask her yourself." The medical care low and hurriedly left, and I didn't dare to say more.

Joinshen looked at the medical cover, and the heart was more confirmed to have a problem. I heard that the night flames were divorced with Blue Thousands. She was jealous, but later the night flames came again, this two More than ten days, she didn't sleep once, praying in my heart, I can get better soon ...

Now I have to do surgery. Blue Qian Yu is coming again. Justang hopes that Blue Qian Yu is hitting the hand, don't hinder her pursuit of happiness.

But now the night flames are gone, and the night is in the upper and lower mood, and the Susam did not dare to do a small action, but they had to wait until the first time.


At 9 o'clock, the doctor came to the night flames in the operating room, the blue thousand Yu was awakened, but I wanted to sit, but the dizzy is very powerful. If the cold is smooth, you will hold her: "Your face is frightened, rest for a while, Night flaming How many hours have been surgery, you will pass later. "

"No, I want to send him into the operating room." Blue Qianyu stands up.

"Gong Yao and Joins are outside the operating room. You will see you now." Cold, if the cold reminds.

Blue Qian Yu shook, yeah, Qi Yao Yao and Jusheng came, she didn't want them to see her now ...

Thinking of this, Blue Qian Yu is re-sitting on the bed: "Ok, then I will not pass, wait until the surgery results, you inform me."

"Don't worry, I will definitely inform you, you will sleep for a while, hey." Cold Ruozi calm the blue thousand! "

"Qiao Qing?" Blue Qian Yu was lying in bed and didn't forget to care about friends.

"Does Qiao Qing still fall? The basin has a little problem. Today, the hospital will give her a small surgery." Cold Ruozi said.

"it is good."


Blue Thousands shouted with hand to continue to rest, it was injured, the blood was too blood, and he didn't sleep in pregnancy. She didn't sleep last night. She now physical condition is very bad. After a long time, I have been sleeping.

Cold, if the ice is covered with her, let two female medicine look at her, then go to the operating room, the night flames should start doing surgery, she has to see the situation.


Siqin went to the restaurant to buy breakfast, but he saw Xiao Han's car. She was puzzled, and her mobile phone rang. It is the tale, she immediately answers the phone.

"Sister, if my master is looking for you to help the hospital, see Blue Miss, you must not promise him."

"Why?" Asked the Susolian.

"Miss Lan is pitiful, in order to leave the master, she would rather death, the owner now has changed to her feelings, why bother to continue to entangle? We came to the United States for five days, yesterday, I found that Miss Blue Miss, but Night home arranged a lot of clothing darts near the hospital. He couldn't mix it. Now I want to find you to help. If you remember me, don't help him, do you know? "

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