"I, I, I ..." Xiao Han wanted to tell Blue Qian Yu, he can accept her face, but he can't say it.

"You are scared!" Blue Qianyu smiled, "I haven't seriously seen it, you are afraid of this ..."

"I am not afraid, I am just ..." Xiao Han looked up at her, scared to take a sip of chill, and the eyes were like a copper bell.

Blue Qian Yu has removied the bandage. He looked clear on her face, and the two three-inch long scars were deeply placed on her face. From the left face to the right face, they cut the upper lips to the right face. Just like a beautiful oil painting has been cut two knives, it becomes damage to the disabled, it is originally invaluable, but now, a waste paper is not as good ...

"Is it clear?" Blue Qian Yu went to Xiao Han, reached out his face, let him look at himself, "I look like this, do you still love me?"

I don't know if it is excited, it is still afraid, or it is panic, Xiao Han is shaking, and the lips are moving, but a word can't say ...

"You don't love!" Blue Qian Yu's tears fell, cold and sad, "You don't love! Don't love ..."

"Qian Yu, Qian Yu, I, I ..."

Xiao Han stunned Baba spit out a few words, he would like to say that he didn't mind, saying that he still loved her, she was the only woman who loved, but he did not export, really can't export, he even Don't dare to look at her face, don't dare ...

"I have long known, love is so fragile." Blue Qian Yu smiled, "I am blue thousand, I have no beautiful face, nothing, Xiao Qi is scared away, you are also scared by me. , Night flaming ... "

Blue Qian Yu thinks the night flames, the heart is like a knife, "he will be scared by me."

Xiao Han closed his eyes, did not dare to look at the blue thousand feathers, at this moment, his heart is very painful, not only feeling pain for the thousand feathers, but also feels pain for himself until he knows that he knows him. It's myself, I have always been himself. In fact, he is as selfish with Xiao Qi! ! !

Everything he does, just want to prove that he is in the status of the blue ruth.

He wants to prove that she is his, it is from beginning to end.

He wants to prove that he is not bad for Xiao Qi and night flames ...

Therefore, he doesn't care about it, it is even ignorant of her. . .

He can't care about her woman who once is a Night flaming, she can't care about her for her child and flowing through the child, but he cares about her completely destroyed. . . .

Because it is related to his self! ! !

Yes, Xiao Han is the most careful ... actually his self-esteem, poor self-esteem. . .

"This is good, no one will be entangled, I finally be relieved. You can live a calm life." Blue Qian Yu turned, gently wiped the tears on his face, "Xiao Han, we used to love After years, it's enough. Now you have enough. Now you finally look at your heart, after, don't entangle me again, just put me a way! "

"Sorry ..." Xiao Han squeezed out this sentence from the teeth, opened the red eyes, and looked at the back of the blue thousand feathers, "Qian Yu, sorry, sorry, I only know how much I have, I am not qualified to despise Xiao Qi, I will mix with him, I am sorry for you ... "

"Let's go." Blue Qian Yu cried out, "forgot me, live well!"

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