"Okay, good!" Cold Ruo Bingnan, "I am relieved to see you so much now, I am relieved."

She wiped her tears, took a breath, took out a bank card in Blue Qianfeng, "Qian Yu, these money is prepared for you, you are using, I want to buy what, you know Mom. Lack of money. Recently, many things in my family, I may have to come to see you next month, you must take care of yourself, what is going on, do you call me, know? "

"Well, I know." Blue Qian Yu did not resign, and the bank card was closed.

"I am gone first." Cold Ruozi said to Qiao Qing, "Qiao Qing, you don't do it now, take a good harder, wait until the body is good, I have let them please ask several maids, arrange tomorrow come."

"Don't worry about us, we will take care of yourself." Qiao Qing said, "The car is waiting outside, you will go, or can't catch the plane."

"Okay." Cold Ruo Bing hugged the blue millet, reluctant to leave.

Blue Qian Yu looked at her shadow, I feel very cold. Since these months, cold if the ice is tired for her and Shen Dynasty, it has become very embarrassed.

She remembered that years, every time I met, I always gave birth to her, cold modeled, now I really regret it, if I can understand it early, listen to her early, maybe everything will become now like this ...

If the cold is cold, I also open the window to wave the blue thousand.

Blue Thousands smiled and responded to cold, this moment, she didn't think of it, she will separate many years with her mother ...


Xiao Jia.

Xiao Han lost his soul, bowed his head, and his mood was very low.

Shen Xin carefully welcomed: "Xiao Han, you are back! Is it a thousand feathers?"

Xiao Han looked up and stared at her.

Shen Xin played a cold, panic, retreat: "You, what do you look at me?"

"What are you talking about?" Xiao Han stepped into her step by step, "Shen Xin, you can't make me evil!"

"I ..." Shen Xin just prepared, Xiao Han slammed her neck, biting his teeth, , "You will be fake in front of me, say that will help me save thousands of feathers, the result will be in the back The matter tells her, I still have to leave. It is you, if you are not letting thousands of feathers, you won't turn it, everything is caused by you - "

"Ah ..." Shen Xin's eyes were great, and the face was red, and the throat was killed by Xiao Han. It was going to breathe.

"Summer, go to death -" Xiao Han's hand put Shen Xin Li, Shen Xin's feet, eyes, almost almost suffocated.

"The owner is calm, you will kill her ..." Si Hui hurriedly stopped, "murder is to pay, don't impulsive."

Xiao Han ignored her, continued to force, Shen Xin's lips became dark.

Si Hui is very anxious, I dare not forced to stop, in a hurry, she suddenly said: "Miss Lan knows you, she will be sad, you put her."

I heard the name of Blue Qianyu, Xiao Han's eyes changed, suddenly loosened, Shen Xin's soft fell on the ground, looked at the neck, and Xiao Han looked at her hand, painful vest "Yes, Qian Yu doesn't like me, she doesn't like ..."

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