Love at First Kiss: My Devil Husband Surrendering to me

Chapter 341 Years are quiet, but the heart is empty 3

"Shen Shu is really a good man." Blue Qian Yu is cold if it is crying, "You don't be too sad. In fact, Shen Shu is right, and it is good, you are old, no need to work. After that, you can take care of Shen Shu. "

"I also have to think about it, but ..." Cold if the ice frowned, "Some things are not as simple as you think. Now there is millions of treatment costs every month, we give her a full It is some well-known experts, the charge is very high, and the relationship is also pleased. Your uncle's uncle is not good, the treatment of nutrients need to spend a lot of money. These money can't save it. "

"If you manage the company for so many years, should there be some savings?" Yue Qian Yu asked.

"The savings are definitely, if it is quiet to stay in peace, it is enough for us to spend two people, the key is to condense ..." Cold, the ice sighed, "she is a no hole, if the disease has not been good It is very scary that if the disease is good, it is still that personality, I am afraid that in order for three or five years, we can save our savings, if I am president, where she is, let me say, she It is a disease in my heart. I am looking forward to it, I hope she can change the temper. To be honest, although she is not my own, I really want to be out, this tube The management, the given, I can say that she is more thoughtful than you, I don't understand, how is her personality is so biased ... "

"Some personality is the mother's genetics, can't blame you." Blue Qian Yu is in a traveler, "You don't think too much. Isn't it when I don't have the mountains? Take a step. For a step, please You are also tired enough this year, and this chance is to rest, take care of Shen Shu, and go out with him. "

"Well, I think so too." Cold if ice is very helpless, "Just sometimes feel very cold, these years, I have paid so much for the company, and those shareholders said that they were shocked. "

"You want to open, the world is cool, this is the case." Blue Qianyu patted her hand.

"Yeah, what can I do now? I can't think of it." Cold, if the ice is smirking, "Qian Yu, the only thing that makes me gratifying you, you are really sensible, I haven't said that I haven't said, only Can be in your heart, now I can talk to you, there is much more comfortable. "

"Mom, you will come to me later, I will take time with Shen Shu." Blue Qian Yu said, "He paid so much for you, now he is not good, you should really take care of him."

"Well!" Cold, if you nod, "I also want to tell you this thing, after removing you next week. I am ready to take Zanhai to the US treatment, his leg disease is particularly serious, often hurting the whole night I can't sleep, I want to be treated now, I don't need us. I will first cure the body of the Sanhai, but when you are waiting for it, I will come back to accompany you. "

"I am fine, there is Qiao Qing, you have a good uncle, don't worry about me."

"Well." Cold, I nodded, "There is another thing to tell you."

"What?" Blue Qianyu with baby clothes.

"The night flames have been discharged!" Cold, if the cold said, "He moved home last week to cultivate, now the body is still weak, but he heard that he has begun to handle the company at home, Zhao Jun gave me a call , Saying that his state is quite stable, you can rest assured. "

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