"What's wrong?" Leager came over, seeing the child's eyes, his brow wrinkled, so obvious characteristics, in the future, let the night flames appear to see the child, you can see it is his kind.

"His eyes are so beautiful, the nurses feel surprised ..." Qiao Qing smiled and said that half of the words, saw cold ice and Leigh, she still lived again, "What happened?"

"Nothing." Cold, if you shake your head, "I have to feed the child?"

"Medical care said that the child tried to eat breast milk." Qiao Qing said, "His little mouth has been sucking, it seems to be hungry."

"Don't try it, this mother has no breast milk, let the child eat milk." Director doctor came in, "The family members, this mother is very weak, I suggest that you should not arrange too many people Here, it will be noisy to her. "

"Okay, I know, thank you."


Blue Qianyu woke up the next morning, open his eyes, the first sentence is shouting: "Child ..."

Qiao Qing quickly took the child over to her. She looked at the crystal clear little man, and the lip raised a happy smile, and it was worth it.

"Qian Yu, doctor said that you can't eat anything now, but you can drink a little warm water." Cold if ice is given to Blue Qianyu, "Qian Yu, you have a big bleeding, the body can be tuned, you don't worry," I and Qiao Qing take care of. "

"Xiaoxia and Xiaofang?" Blue Qian Yu asked the two maids.

"The doctor said that he can't get too many people, I will let them go back." Cold, "said that you have a lot of money today."

"I have worked hard." Blue Qian Yu is very weak, "Is it okay? Are you healthy?"

"I didn't find any problems. The doctor said tomorrow to do newborn exams." Qiao Qing said, "I also hug him to swim in the birth of the baby this morning. He can be a machine, just open his eyes, and now Swimming will turn over. Those medical care love him. "

"Oh ..." Blue Qian Yu smiled gently, kissed his child down his head.

At this time, the child woke up, opened his eyes, revealing a pair of clear amber, blue thousands of eyes saw his eyes, there was a stunning, tears, tears ...

In the mind, there is no face of the night flames, and if they are still still good, he will be very happy to see the child.

Unfortunately, he has another woman around him.

"Qian Yu, you don't like this, don't cry, crying, crying, you can't help." Cold Ruo is a soft, "You see, the child is watching you."

"Yeah, the child is so cute, you don't cry." Qiao Qing said, "Yes, you give your child a name, other newborn have a name, I think it before birth."

"I have long thought about it." Blue Qianpi sucks a breath, wipes the tears, squeezing a smile, "everyone told me, I have a boy, so I have prepared a boy's name. , Called Blue Qianyi, Wings of Wings! "

"Thousands of wings! This name is so good." Qiao Qing smiled, "Do you hear the baby, have you hear it? You are a thousand wings baby."

"Thousands of babies, you are coming!" At this time, Leizan took a thermos to come in, smile, "Qian Yu, I personally stew porridge, you can eat in the afternoon."

"Le Le?" Blue Qian Yu saw Le Leisheng, "I am very shocked," Why are you? When? "

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