The night flames were not sleeping overnight, and the minds were full of blue thousand feathers. Her beautiful appearance was repeated in front of him, and the air was full of breath ...

Such as shadow, can't swell.

The night flame closed his eyes, and he licked his forehead with his hand, whispered: "Qian Yu, Qian Yu ..."


Late night, Blue Qianyu dreams Night flames ...

She dreamed that night flames stood in the empty wilderness, helping her name, she stood in the place from the ten meters away, clearly responded to him, but he can't hear it, heard ...

She is in a hurry, I want to go to him, but her feet are nail, I can't open it. . .

At this time, the sky suddenly slammed a deafening thunder, went to the ground, swallow the night flames, and he fell into the abyss ...

"Don't, don't, Night Yan ----------"

Blue Qianyu shouted, fierce scared, opened his eyes, as if there is a shadow of Night flaming, the heart is almost jumped out.

"Qian Yu ..." Leizie hit the hands of the blue thousand feathers, and the comfort of the mercy, "Nothing, nothing, just a nightmare."

Blue Qian Yu is panicked - interest, the whole body is shaking, the eye is slippery down the cold tears, the heart, as if the whip is smashed, it hurts.

"Don't think about it, come and drink some water." Leizan lifted the blue thousand feathers, he feeded her a little water.

Blue Qian Yu is full of sweat, weak lying in his arms: "Le Le, I just did a nightmare, so terrible ..."

"Do you dream of seeing night flames?" Leishe asked softly.

"Well." I nod, the blue thousands of hurts. "I dreamed that he was calling me, I responded to him, but he didn't hear, and he fell to the abyss ..."

"The day is thinking, the night has a dream, you think too much during the day." Lere instead wiped her forehead.

Blue Qianyu didn't speak, but it was silently crying. She was very uncomfortable. Every time I dreamed of the night flames, her heart hurts for a long time ...

"Don't think about it, let's sleep, you can discharge the hospital tomorrow." Lelarifu Blue Qian Yu sleep, close the wall light, gently pat her arm.

"I am afraid." Blue Qian Yu holds Leigh's hand, "borrow your hand is used."

"No problem, the most important thing is to borrow still." Leisheng smiled.

"Oh ..." Blue Qian Yu smiled, holding his hand, closed his eyes and continued to sleep, just put the Leles' hand into a night flame, bring some security ...


C city climate has changed, yesterday, still sunny, now actually drizzle.

Today is the day of Blue Qianyu discharged, Le Lee opened the cold car to pick them.

Cold, if the blue thousands of feathers, Qiaoqing takes an umbrella, Le Lee holds the child, one hand, two maids, follow things, they are the first time I saw small The thousand wings, you can't like it.

I got on the car, Xiao Fang was excited to say: "The little thousand wings are too beautiful, as cute like the little elf, and it is a big handsome guy."

"Of course." Xiaoxia smiled and said that "Xiao Qianyi combines the essence of Lei Shao and Miss Miss, how can you not be beautiful, ."

"To the right, I see, the little eyebrow eyes are like Lei Shao, the nose mouth is like Blue Miss, and I am afraid I am afraid to die."


If you discuss my words, they don't know the relationship between Leizie and Blue Qianyu. Look at Le Lee has taken care of Blue Qian Yu, and thought he is the father of the child ...

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