"I have a look." Cold Ruo Bing quickly explored the forehead of Xiaoqianyi, said, "Tian, ​​it is fever. This body temperature is definitely not right."

"How can it be like this? It's okay in the morning." Blue Qian Yu hugged over the little wings, rubbing his son's forehead, found that the little thousand wings were burn a bit serious, her heart was chaotic, hurriedly said, "Xiaoxia," Fast thermometer. "

"Oh." Xiaoxia took the thermometer.

Blue Qianyu gave a small killer, even had a high fever of 39 degrees, she was scared.

"Heaven, how are you doing, the child is burning so powerful." The blame of cold and ice, "hurry to send the hospital."


A family immediately drove to send a small thousand wings on the hospital, road, Shenzhang Sanghai said: "The high fever of Xiaoqianyi has suddenly, and when I first started to hold him, his body temperature was normal. After playing for a while, I suddenly bother. This may be a sudden acute high fever, you have to find a reliable pediatrician to check. "

"Well, I know an expert named beam, what is the cold of the thousand wings, it is looking for him."

"Hurry and go."


When I arrived at the hospital, I was cold and blue and blue, I found the expert Liang doctor, Dr. Liang just started to heard that the child had fever, did not care too much, comforted them: "Don't worry, the child has three diseases. Pain is a matter of normal, fever, cold, is very easy to cure, just a small disease, I will check him first ... "

Dr. Liang did not finish his finishes, because she found that the skin on the baby's shoulders appeared in a small red point, her face was immediately dignified, and immediately made a system for a system.

But some inspections can get the result of the next day, Dr. Liang said: "I will give you some antipyretics. You take your child back to pay attention to the medicine, and carefully observe his body temperature. If his body temperature drop, it will prove that just small things You can don't worry, but still come over, anyway, tomorrow will come to take results. "

"it is good."


The family returned with a child, according to the doctor, to give a small killer, carefully care, but the little wings were repeatedly kept high fever, but they burned very bad.

Blue Qian Yu is crying, cold if ice is also anxious, and the sky is just a hot fire to the hospital for the hospital for the hospital.

Shen Zanghai found the hospital leaders talked about it, let the test department helped them out as soon as possible, and finally finally got all the results of the test list at 11 am, Liang doctor looked at it, the brow wrinkled.

"Dr. Liang, what is going on?" Blue Qian Yu asked anxiously.

"I still don't dare to say, first make a bone marrow puncture check." Dr. Liang bowed his head.

"How to check again? What is my son?" Blue Qianyu asked.

"The bone marrow puncture, is it ..." "" Shen Zanghai and cold face have changed.

"It is preliminary suspicion that may be leukemia, but I have to know it after checking it. It may not be more likely, you don't want to scare yourself." Dr. Liang handed the list to Blue Qianpun, "Go check it first."

Blue Qian Yu's standing there, the whole person is stupid, leukemia? ? ? Is she not listening to?

"Qian Yu, Dr. Liang said, we don't want to scare yourself, first check again."

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