"What ..." Si Hui's heart jumped like a mountain car, and he heard the last sentence. She all people were shocked.

Xiao Han is deeply thoughtful, and thousands of feathers will be cautious. Her speculation is not reasonable. The average person can't pretend to be in the case, and people who pretending to be will be loved, and they know them. From all aspects, only two Personally, the most attached condition, that is, Shen Coicheng and Joins.

If Shen Co is impossible, after her destruction, the mental state has a problem, and it has been treated. It is impossible to ran into the blue millet.

Therefore, the biggest suspect is the Sushu.

"My son is serious, I have to arrange surgery as soon as possible, and the night flame is confused by the one who is long. I have to figure out the truth as soon as possible, so I can't bother you. If you know your sister's fall, I hope you can tell you I!"

"I really don't know." Si Hui said, "Two years ago, I lost contact with my sister. I also knew her mind in the future, she secretly loved the night, even did many things behind I feel very apologized for this ... "

"Hey ..." The sigh of Blue Qian Yu lost, "I don't know, what should I do."

"Don't be discouraged first, I will help you investigate as soon as possible, you can rest assured that if you pretending to be your woman is really my sister, I will never let her hurt you!"

"Thank you, I hang up first, if there is news, I hope you can notify me immediately."

"Okay, is this your mobile phone number? Can you contact you directly?"

"Yes, it's OK."

"That's this, I check the message and contact you."

"it is good."


Hanging up the phone, the look of the Si Hui is very dignified, Xiao Han thinks a piece, ordered her command: "You go to schedule it, go to the United States early tomorrow."

"Master, are you going to the United States to help M.?" Si Hui frowned, "Now there is no clue to any clues, even if you have passed, you may not do anything."

"At least you can protect her." Xiao Han looked at the desk on the table -

"I am not worthy of thousands of feathers. Even if it makes up, I hope to do something for her. When she talked phone, the sound was reluctant, she always watched her relatives than her life. Now her child has an accident, she must be very anxious, there is no one who can rely on it, she is already pitiful, and she has an mysterious woman to deal with her. She can't cope it at all. Hong Kong is so much. Far, if she has anything, I have been can't come back, it is better to protect her in the past. I may also investigate the origin of the woman! "

"You are right, I will arrange it right away." Si Hui nodded.

"There is another thing ..." Xiao Han solemnly said, "" Fully investigate your sister's whereabouts, you are twin sisters, the best understanding of her situation. Qian Yu's speculation is very reasonable, the woman is very likely It is the Sushu. "

Si Hui stood his head and was very chaotic.

Xiao Han saw the minds of Si Hui, reminded: "You now find it now, and help her, when she doesn't make a big mistake, everything is still coming. If she really hurts thousands and children, I won't let her!!! "

"I know, I immediately investigate."

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