Night flames are going to continue kissing her, but suddenly discovered that it is not right ...

Blue Qian Yu has blocked him a shot, there is a bounter hole, but now there is no bore hole at all, but her body is sexy, but there is still some difference between it before, although I can't say a specific problem, but I feel that I am not a bit wrong. . .

"Flame, I love you ~~~~"

"Blue Qian Yu" took the initiative to kiss him.

The night flames looked at her, this face was clear, but why did it feel completely different? Although she can also provoke his reaction, his heartbeat can't accelerate her ...

"Flame, kiss me ~~"

"Blue Qian Yu" is hot red lips to kiss the night flames.

The night flames frowned, I didn't know why, I didn't know why, he suddenly had a bored feeling, it seems that there is a warm woman under the body is not a blue thousand, but a Want to seduce his woman ...

When "Blue Qian Yu" leaned over and kissed him, he suddenly pushed her.


"Blue Qian Yu" fell on the bed, the body played in a soft big bed, smashed the night flames, "Flame, you, what happened?"

"Apologize, I am somewhat wrong." Night flaming lifted his trousers and turned into the bathroom.

"Blue Qianyu" looked at the closed bathroom door, my heart was awkward, how would be like this? Does men do not all like enthusiasm? Just now, he also said that "Blue Qian Yu" now, but why will he be so indifferent to me? Don't I do something wrong?


The night flames poured a lot of cold water on the face, I want yourself to wake up, but not enough, not enough, still not enough, he opened the cold water and cake to the water.

Until the whole body was wet, finally stopped, and helped his head to look at the mirror, and the mood was difficult to say ...

He is clearly looking forward to Blue Qian Yu's passion for him, take the initiative, she did it tonight, she was very enthusiastic about him, even in the room became a look, but why don't he like it? Even some exclusive rejection? ?

What is wrong? How is this going? ?

The night flame closed his eyes, and the mind was chaotic. I thought about it. He suddenly opened his eyes, yes, her chest's elastic hole is gone! ! !

In the mind, I can't help but recall today in the Saiya Restaurant and "Blue Qian Yu". Zhao Jun last told him about the news of Blue Qianyu, saying she just went downstairs, but he had discovered her to stand on the edge of the balcony. ......

Later, later she ran, he took the consciousness to chase, and she accidentally hit a woman who was a black veil, and the guests in the restaurant were exclaimed.

He glanced back, the woman was unhappy, the whole face was ruined, he didn't see her eyes, because he anxious to chase "Blue Qian Yu".

Later, he couldn't find "Blue Qian Yu", called Zhao Jun, asked Zhao Jun to "Blue Qian Yu" contact information, Zhao Jun said, "Which Blue Qian Yu?"

That's the problem! ! ! !

Zhao Jun is thinking about it. It is absolutely impossible to commit the kind of low-level mistake. The sentence that he trivied himself must be embarrassed ...

Is this "Blue Qian Yu" false? ? ? ? ? ?

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Please support my other end of the work "Devil gambling: abdominal black BOSS is difficult to serve"

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