Zhao Jun did not think that with Qiang Yao is slowly said, directly to the bodyguard, the bodyguard came to pull the Palace Yao: "Miss Palace, please follow us back to the hotel room."

Gong Yao did not die, holding Zhao Jun's clothes, angrec: "You dare to claim, wait for the flame brother, I will let him fry you immediately."

"Even if I was stirred, I also have to continue this press conference."

Zhao Jun was cold back to her, leaving the bodyguard to leave, and call the Blue Qianyu while walking, "Miss L., I will pick you up!"

"No, we have passed, Shen Shu, please have four bodyguards, we have a lot of people, there should be fine, you check it again, don't let the strangers mix it in."

"It's good, then I will not pick you up, everything is careful, I am waiting for you downstairs."

"it is good."


When hanging up the phone, Blue Qian Yu and others had already gone out of the hotel. There is a car that is a medical car arranged by Yuanqing, and the other is a car arranged in Shenzhang.

Yuan Qingxin's hand-wing of the small thousand wings on the medical car, Blue Qian Yu is preparing to get on the bus, suddenly heard Qiao Qing low shouting: "Daughter, what happened?"

Blue Qianyu looks back, cold, if the ice is white, soft soft, but fortunately, Qiao Qing will hold her in time.

"Mom, what happened?" Blue Qian Yu also helped cold, "You have not had a rest for a week, or if you stay in the hospital to rest?"

"No, today is an important day, I must participate." The cold is weak.

"What's wrong?" I was arranging the bodyguard's Shen Sanghai hurried over and helped the cold, and I said that "You didn't sleep for a while, the color is so bad, how to participate in the press conference? You still stay in the hospital to take a break, Even if you sleep for an hour, go later. "

"No, I must go ..."

"You look like this, but also let Qian Yu worry." Shen Sang is in a hurry, "Qian Yu, you get on the bus with Qiao Qing, I will wait again ..."

When he didn't finish it, he left, the medical car was outlined out, he felt that it was not strong, and he frowned, "What do you do? Stow your bus."

Blue Qian Yu looked up, his face became bigger, drivers driving the driver, and immediately accelerated the speed.

"Parking, parking -" Blue Qian Yu is chasing everything, Shen Zanghai will give Cold if the ice is Qiao Qing, and catch up with the car.

Yuan Qing hugs the small killer panic in the car, the window: "Help, save ----"

The original sleepy little wings were scared, and the crying in the car was crying. . .

The heart of Blue Thousand is coming out, running crazy, running behind the medical car: "Parking, parking ----"

The more the medical cars are getting more, and there is no meaning to stop.

Cold if ice and Qiao Qing are crying ...

Shen Sanghai can't take so much, slamming the throttle from the side door to chasing the medical car, can the medical car suddenly turned to change the way to escape ...


The two cars hit together, the medical car slipped forward for more than ten meters, hit on the roadside tree, and built, and the whole car of the Sanghai is turned over. ...

"Ah !!! Qianyi, Sanghai ----" Cold, frightened scream, black, coma, coma. "

Blue Qianyu is astonished in the same place, the heart is almost all stop jumping ...

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