Qi Yao Yao has a sigh of relief, turned to leave, Blue Qian Yu inadvertently saw her back, suddenly on front, immediately rushed to chase her ...

"Qian Yu, where are you going?" Xiao Han wanted to pull her.

"Don't follow me." Blue Qianpi should have.


Blue Qian Yu caught in the corner of the hospital, chasing Gong Yao, not to say, pulled her to the ward next to it.

Gong Yao is angry and opened to her, doing sign language: "What are you doing?"

"Gong Yao, you listen to me." Blue Qian Yu is like a schizophrenia, holding the shoulders of Gong Yao, excited, "You and night flames are a cousin, maybe your blood type If you are the same, you can match the bone marrow of the thousand wings.

When I heard this sentence, Gong Yao lived, and the eyes were died through a complicated ray. She did the same as the blood type of the Night flame, which was a matter from time to time. . .

"Are you really like the blood type of the night flame?" Blue Qianfei is happy, like finding a life-saving straw, tightly grabbing her shoulders, "You save my children, save him, he is still small now, He can't die ... "

Miyao Yao is pushing her, but I can't push it. I am angrec. "Are you crazy? Even if I follow the blood type of the flame brother, I can't represent my bone marrow with your son. It can be paired. "

"I don't understand what you are talking about? Do you say that the bone marrow is not necessarily pair? We immediately inspect it, and you will know it immediately." Blue Qian Yu took Palace Yao to go outside.

Gong Yao struggled, refused to test her blood with her, the mouth "Ah," said that he is not stopping, but also with the sign language: "Let me, your mad, what is your son? Why do I save him, let me go ... "

Blue Qian Yu can't understand the sign language of the palace, just always put her out, may be the strength of the mother, even if the blue thousand is weak, but still gave the Yao Yao, it is, it is connected to the hair. The laboratory said to the doctor: "Help her blood test, see if it is possible to compete with my son's bone marrow, fast."

"Yes." The doctor in the laboratory is a person who is in Xiao Han. I know that Xiao Han is doing these for blue thousand feathers. Naturally, I don't dare to neglect.

The two nurses immediately pressed the Yao Yao on the seat, then gave her to the blood, the Yao Yao's angry struggle, but the mouth "ah", I don't know what she said, I thought she was scared. It comforted her: "Nothing, just take a little bit of blood, it will be fine."

Said, the nurses' needles have already been hit.

Gong Yao hurts to bite his teeth, but there is no way.

After taking the blood, the nurse handed the blood sample to the doctor, the Yao Yao wiped the blue millet, got up, the Blue Qianyu took her right: "You can't go, you are now my only hope, You are gone, what do my son? "

Said, Blue Qianyu pulls the Yao Yao to a ward, locked to the door, just sitting next to she.


After the blood, Zhao Jun took someone to find the night flame, only twenty-four hours, he must find the night flames as soon as possible, otherwise the little wings really have three long two short, he is afraid that he can forgive himself for a lifetime ...


Time passed, after a few hours, Zhao Jun has no news.

The test results of Qiang Yao came out, the doctor likes it, and quickly took the test single to find the blue thousand: "The child has saved, Miss Mi's bone marrow is successful!"

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