"How is she so stupid ..." The night flame heart is interspersed. "Don't she really think that I just like her face? Even if she is destroyed, I will love her as soon as she is, why should she choose to escape? ...... "

"Maybe she has no confidence." Zhao Jun said, "After all, you have happened so much before, love hate, she is not confident, there is no confidence in your feelings, even more, even Xiao Han I was frightened by her, and I didn't entangle her ... "

"Xiao Han is Xiao Han, I am me, I am different from him." Night flames have some annoying, "Don't take me with him later."

"Yes." Zhao Jun carefully wrote.

"How is she destroyed? Is she not with Xiao Han after leaving me? How can it be destroyed? Is Xiao Han dry?"

"No, Xiao Qi."

"Xiao Qi ???" Night flames have some accidents, "The scum is still dead ??? Isn't he bother?"

"He escaped from prison, secretly tracking Blue Miss, wants to be strong - storm, Miss L. wants to protect, so I ruined my appearance ..."

"Fool." Night flames thought of those things that Blue Qianyu had happened, "The silly woman, how is she so stupid, there is Xiao Han, really fuck, I know this, I should not let him bring him. Walk thousands of feathers. "

"In fact, Miss Blue Miss loves people, she has no feelings at the same time, after Xiao Han took her, she did not follow him. Later, the news you did, Xiao Han is in order to Live that news, change her to imprison her, Miss Blue is a smart woman, soon I am noticeable, she doesn't move, continue to be with Xiao Han, pseudo-snake, and actually think about fleeing, but unfortunately, she It's too busy, although I escaped from Xiao Han, I met Xiao Qi's scum. Later, I had a destruction. Fortunately, Leles rushed to save her, otherwise I am afraid that I can't keep it ... "

"I didn't expect that she was so bitter after she left me, and I have been resenting her." Night flame regretted, "She didn't have it with Xiao Han, I want to have it, I really have me, I really Shouldn't let her go, I should frank all ... "

"Yeah." Zhao Jun nodded, "Now look back, when you face the dilemma, you shouldn't choose to escape. If you explain all the truth with her, she will stay with you. In fact, I don't say it. At the beginning, you chose to escape because there is no confidence in her, you don't have you in your heart, you both, I love each other deeply, but I don't trust each other, this is the biggest problem. "

"Will n't later, there will be no more ..." Night flames firmly said, "I won't let her go this time, no matter what happens, I have to be with her."

"To be right, it should be like this." Zhao Jun was very pleased.

"Right, you just say children, what children?" Night flames thought of a more important issue, "Is there a child in the child, is my?"

"Yes, Le Le and Miss is brothers and sisters, so he will call Shen Mrs. Mom, that child is yours, I see it, the child has a pair of amber pupil, and you have a model !!!"

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