I heard this sentence, the eyes of Blue Thousands were red. I didn't expect this time. When the night flames would still say this, is he not knowing that she has been destroyed?

Maybe I still don't know, maybe when he saw her face, it will scare the escape ...

"Rolling, all giving me away -" Night flames pushed the reporters, and urgent to rush to the hospital.

The bodyguards stopped the night flames. He waved his box to bodyguards. The bodyguard did not dare to do his hand. Four or five people looked tightly. He didn't let him go in. He made a crazy struggle, exhausted, like a fierce The beast makes an exciting roar -

"Let me go, I want to save my daughter and son, let me go, let me go ----"

The tears of Blue Thousands fell, and the tears looked at him, and the heart was like a five-sea, the waves were odd, and it was not a taste ...

Night flaming, why, why can't you come? If these words are heard with ten hours, Blue Qian Yu will be moved, but unfortunately, everything is too late.

"Stop !!!" Si Hui came out of the elevator, and immediately stopped those bodyguards. "The owner has made it, let the night are all went ..."

Her words have not been finished, the night flames have rushed in the arrows, and Zhao Jun immediately followed ...


He came up. "Qiao Qing is sophisticated," His mood is so excited, will he harm thousands of feathers like before? "

"No, what he just said, it is obvious, misunderstanding, Zhao Jun should tell him all the truth."

If the cold is a little uneasy, I see the night flame. She thinks he still loves the blue thousand feathers, just don't know, when he saw the destroyed blue thousand feathers, what kind of reaction would be.

Xiao Han and Leizie's mood are very complicated, as a man, they can understand the mood of the night flame ...

Blue thousand lowered his head, nervous and shook, he was coming up, he quickly had to come up, when he saw her face, what would he? ?

"Hey !!" The elevator arrived, the heart of Blue Qianyu, all people stared at the elevator, nervous, got breathing.

One second, two seconds, three seconds, the elevator door slowly opened, but the people in the elevator were not a night flaming, but Yuan Qing, she took a few test orders in the elevator, and I looked at them in the wrong: "How What? Why are you looking at me? "

Everyone collects the eyes, go to the other elevator, but the elevator is going to the twenty-second floor ...

what happened? Does the night flames do not enter the elevator?

where is he?

"Qian Yu !!!"

A familiar voice came from behind, and Blue Qian Yu played a cold, looking back, the night flames ran from the stairs, sweating, the hair, the cheeks were dirty, and they were very wolf, but they could not cover the grace. Elegant, the double amber scorpion is like a cold jade is precious and rare, with a bright light, there is a deep affection! ! !

Blue Qian Yu looked at him, heart, jumping very quickly, she thought that she didn't feel the situation, she had no feeling, but the front is relative, she will still speed up his heart! ! !

Just like the original. .

"Qian Yu ..." The night flames are excited, and you want to hug her.

Blue Qian Yu refused back, lifted his hand, picking up the veil that was soaked early, and his eyes were crying, but the corner of his mouth, but the arc of the mouth: "Look at my face, I have ... is not from the front blue thousand feather !! "

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