"I beg you" This three words said from the night flames, enough to make everyone's heart shock.

Night flames never a person who would whisper, no matter whether it faces anything, he has never looked down, but now, he just wants to use all the strength to retain blue thousands of feathers.

As long as she can give him a chance to make up, he can. . .

Blue Qianyu low, I don't dare to look at him, she is afraid to look at it, my heart is to dissolve ...

If he can come to the small killer to transplant the bone marrow, their family can really reunite, but he is late. .

Everything is too late! ! !

"Qian Yu ..." The night flames reached out to pull the blue thousand feathers. Blue Qian Yu wanted to avoid him. He tightly hit her in his arms. "Qian Yu, I know is wrong, I really know the wrong, how do you want? Punish me, but don't leave me ... "

His embrace is very warm and practical, with a sense of security that makes people can't resist, so that the long-lasting blue thousands of blue feathers can't help but live.

These years, she really tired, countless times, I miss his embrace in my dreams.

She really wants to rely on him, regardless of the end of the earth, a family forever, never separate ...

But the destiny is twisted, and the hundred will turn thousands of times. They have received so many years, but they are in this case.

She can ignore her life, but she took the blood of the blood to the blood, she did not dare to define.

From a small to big, her life is full of darkness. She always feels that her fate seems to be cursed, so they will be more and more, now she doesn't dare to take a little one, I really don't dare. . . .

Moreover, Gong Yao is still staring at her, and the chill that is infiltrated in the eyes with a terrible , as if it can pass through the air to the small warhead of the operating room.

Blue Qian Yu does not dare, and the blood in the small fence is still flowing with her blood ...

I thought here, the blue millennium is under the heart, pushed the night flames, excited: "You are so late, when I am with the thousand wings, you are not around, but with another Woman is happy, you now call me forgive you ?? It is impossible, never possible ... "

"Thousands of feathers, I was a woman as you." Night flames anxious explained, "and I didn't have any happening with her, I got out yesterday, but I was stunned by her, so I got it. I will only come back now, I know this is my negligence, I will not have such a thing in the future ... "

"There is no future." Blue Qian Yu shook his head, "You don't know what I have experienced in these two years. When I know that the thousand wings have leukemia, I will have to collapse, I will make sure to come to the United States to find You, but see your first eye, you are intimate with other women, do you know how uncomfortable in my heart? "

"I am not ah ..." Night flames, "When did you come to me?"

"You don't have to argue, that night, I saw you and Qiao Qing Yao." Blue Qian Yu is wiped with tears, "it is right, from the beginning, you will contact you, I will find a block, I am walking. After you have, you can finally be together ... "

"I don't have, I really don't." Night flames denied it, "I have seen my heart two years ago, I have seen my heart, I love you is you, only you, I am just a brother and sister for Yu Yao. situation……"

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