Come to the outside room, the night flame is preparing to knock on the door, but he heard the crying of crying, and Xiao Han's comfort: "Qian Yu, don't cry again, see you like this, my heart is really uncomfortable, you Rest assured, I will take care of you and your child ... "

I heard this sentence, the night flames smashed a blazing anger, fierce the door, seeing this scene, he stunned ...

Xiao Han sat in the bed and kept the blue millet, gentle her tears, and the blue thousand feathers were tired in his arms, and the two were intimate. .

The night flames have endured the anger of the chest, although the fist is holding, but there is no embarrassment, he reminds himself to be calm, must be calm, he can't impulsive as before, then will only push the Blue Qianpian The farther.

"I have to knock on the door before, I don't know this courtesy?" Xiao Han glanced at night flames.

"Please go out, I want to talk to Qian Yu." The voice of the night flame has an angry.

Blue Qianyu looked at him and said coldly: "We have nothing to talk about, let's go."

The night flame stared at Xiao Han in the hand of Blue Qianyu, still strong: "The child is very critical now, I want to transfer him to the night's hospital, we also have its own noble hospital in Washington."

"No, this hospital is very good, there is a doctor, we are very relieved." Blue Qian Yu low down, did not see him, "More than one, the current situation is not suitable for renewal."

"I will arrange everything ..."

"I don't have to use it." Blue Qian Yu interrupted his words, I was irritating him, "Please go out, I don't want to see you."

"Why ???" The anger of the Night flames can't help it, rushing to push Xiao Han, holding blue thousand shoulders, excited question, "What are you resentful me, or because of him??"

He pointed to Xiao Han. "Do you still have to think about him ?? Why do you have anything, he knows more than me?"

"Night flaming, you can't justify it." Blue Qian Yu is very angry, did not expect this time, he also had a vinegar.

"Well, let's meet, I don't want to quarrel with you." The night flames were forced to press the anger of the chest, and the resistance was said, "the thousand wings are my son, I want to give him the best arrangement, I will Please treat him for his best doctor, this matter is handed over. "


"No." The night flames interrupt her, "The hospital only can't rolled in Washington, and the equipment is very ordinary. It is also common with other patients, not enough to cure children, night The hospital equipment and medical team are all first-class, and it will be better than this. "

Blue Qian Yu frowned, I don't know if the night flaming is true, or because of the big words.

Xiao Han stubly patted her hand back, she looked at him, he nodded with her, indeed, the night's hospital is sure to be strong, the treatment of the child is good.

"Well." Blue Qianfei nodded, "Ok, let you arrange, but I have to accompany the child with my family. And Xiao Han!"

She is afraid that the person of the night will grab the child with her, so I want Xiao Han to leave help.

"You ..." The night flame is so disappointing. "Xiao Han is your family? Then what am I??"

"You are not, I said, I will not forgive you anymore."

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