"Qian Yu, what happened?" Night flaming opened her hand, pinching her chin forced her to look at him, "I don't mind your face, what do you mind? And say, this is not a treatment Not good, wait for the sickness of the thousand wings, I will ask the best doctor to treat you ... "

"You don't want to say, I don't want to hear." Blue Qianyu is getting open to him, "You go out, let me stay quiet."

"Do you have any hardships? Tell me." Night flaming saw her entanglement and struggle.

"I don't have, you go out, don't bother me." Blue Qian Yu is very chaotic.

"I really don't understand what you think." Night flames said, "Well, return 10,000 steps, even if you still don't like me now, but you should think about the thousand wings. He needs a complete family, you need to have a common love to grow up healthily. You think, if we haven't separated it, you have been together, is the thousand wings that will make this? When we just met, you essentially There is no feelings, even very disgust, but for children, you would rather marry me, now you are for children, give me a chance? "Blue Qianyu did not speak, indeed, if she didn't leave the night before Flame, if they have been together, the thousand wings will not make this, even if the fate escaped, the lords are causing, and the night flames can be treated in time. It is impossible to drag them now, but also get a car accident ...

Before you think about the things of the thousand wings, the milk is taking the daddy, she is very sour, no matter how good her mom is doing, it has never fills the father's vacancy.

The thousand wings require dad, she can't wear this. .

"Qian Yu ..." The night flames held the face of Blue Qian Yu, and looked at her. "I used to have a bad temper, impulsive violent, always hurt you, after so many things, I have realized my defect, I will Changed, believe in me. We used to don't trust each other. I met what setbacks always chose to escape. This will only be viciousized, I missed each other, but also tired of children, you think about the poor little wings, think about him Sin of the sin, are you still? "

"No ..." Blue Qian Yu shook his head, she could certainly couldn't bear the heart, she also agreed with Night flames, she didn't want to escape again, I don't want to miss it, but ......

The night flame kisses her tears: "If you have any hard work, tell me, any difficulties, we have to support, as long as our family is together, it can also support it."

"I ..." Blue Qian Yu has a strong impulse, I want to tell him all the truth, he is right, as long as he is around, she doesn't feel bitter, she also thinks of a family, don't Separate. . .

"Tell me, Qian Yu!" Night flames urgently.

Blue Qian Yu looked at his sincere eyes, and he was courage to say: "In fact, in fact, I ..."

"Hey!" Suddenly came out the sound of knocking on the door, interrupted the blue thousand, and then Zhao Jun anxiously reported, "The master, not good, the young master has adverse reactions, now the situation is very critical!!! "

"What ???" Night flaming quickly jumped out of bed, "Qian Yu fast."

Blue Thousands are trembled, horrified to open their eyes, retribution, blood retribution, she just want to say truth, the retribution is coming.

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