"You don't believe in Qian Yu, I believe." Night old crowly said, "She didn't have to lie. If she really wants to follow Xiao Han, you will not stop her, why should she still have to use Huoyao? "

Night flames, there is no talk.

The old Night is deeply looked at him: "You don't believe her, just think she is too uncomfortable, someone thinks a few threats, she gives up you, is it?"

"Oh!" The night flames smiled, "I didn't expect, only you know me."

"Hey ..." The night is deeply sigh, "I monster, I will blame me, you will only teach you to learn knowledge, learn to do business, never give you the right sense, so now you The emotional business will be so low. "

"Don't blame you, blame, I love wrong people ..." Night flames think of Blue Qian Yu feels cold, "There are so many women in the world, why will I fall in love with a woman who doesn't love me?"

Night old pool doesn't know what to say, and the mood is very heavy.

"Forget it, now, I just want to cure the thousand wings soon, and other things will be said." The night flames are exhausted on the chair.

At night, the old man looked at him, only feeling heart-siegery -

"When you are sick, you will take care of you, I think she is not completely emotional for you, just, you are really torful, I think it is tired, you have two major people, The child followed by being guilty, to tell the truth, I used to hopes that you can be together, now, I don't hope so, I only hope that our grandparents will live in peace of life, don't experience so much wind and waves. "

"You are right." The night flame raised his hand, "I am tired, I don't want to toss again. That way, she chose Xiao Han, and I have nothing to say."

"Next, she is coming, don't make trouble again, everyone is gathered." Night, the old man said the focus, "I don't want to take any more, but I have to tell you, the thousand wings is our night home Child, anyway, you must stay in the night home. "

"I know." Night flames unswervingly said. "I can't let my son call others, and the thousand wings are my kind. Of course, I have to stay in the night, no one can stop."

"You have this sentence." Night's old woman put down, "Yao Yao, you have to talk about it, she must have done behind, otherwise, Qi Qi will not panic."

"I know." Night flame nod, "In fact, when the blue thousand feathers said that she threatened her, I didn't believe that Yu Yao used to have a small action behind it, but everything she did was for me, and Blue Qian Yu If she really has a little feeling, she will not care about others. "

"You are a brother, it should not be together, this is a wrong emotion, since you have already recognized the feelings of her, you should make it clear about her, don't let her have fantasy."

"I know, I will go see her now, I will tell her clearly."


Night flames have a lot of words to explain with Palace Yao, but come to her ward, seeing her face is white, if she is like silk, his heart is soft, this world, probably only she is so love With him, no matter what happens, you will not leave, and blue thousand feathers will never do ...

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