Love at First Kiss: My Devil Husband Surrendering to me

Chapter 443, counterattack, forced her self 2

Gong Yao's brow, wrinkled, annoyed

"You really don't know, is it still unknone? You have already chosen to leave the flame brother, he will not forgive you, you can't fight over the night, why should you still find trouble?? Abandoning the right to support, everyone is good, even if you don't think about yourself, you have to think about the child. If you are born, you will stay in the night, you will not be subject to so many sins, it is, you have no business. Take care of the thousand wings, he will make this, and you are ugly and humble, it is not qualified as his mother !!! "

"I have no qualifications, not by you." Blue Qian Yu looks deeply at her, "The thousand wings are my life, even if I want to be humble, I am a mother, this is no Change the fact. Tell you, you want to be with night flames, you should have a thousand wings, why should I advise me to give up the right? "

Gong Yao Yao's eyes have a little flash, no positive answer ...

"Is it because you have a blood source relationship with night flames? So I want to have my child?" Blue Qianyu smiled coldly. "You know that the night flames love children, it cares about children, At the beginning, you donated the bone marrow to the thousand wings, but also in order to trade with me, but also for his gratitude. "

"What is it?" Yong Yao continued to be planned, "Yes, I won't have children in this life in this life, so I won't treat thousands of wings, I will treat him as already out, you don't I need to worry that he will do it in the night. "

"You wait for him, it is impossible to have a mother." The sigh of Blue Qian Yu is sad, "the thousand wings is my life, I have happened so much, because of him, I support it, I absolutely Will no one takes him away from me, it won't ... "

"You are too solid." Gong Yao is shivering, "I said, you can't fight at night, don't you understand??"

"You are right, I can't fight at night, even my mother, Le Le, there is Xiao Han Trinity, but also fight ..." Blue Qian Yu is cold, "but it doesn't matter, I can take back thousands of people. Wings' custody, because you will help me. "

Gong Yao lived, after a while, I came back to God, and I ridicitively made a sign: "Your head is broken? Why do I help you?" "

"If you don't help me, I will tell the night flames to threate you with my blood." Blue Qian Yu, whispered, "If the night flame does not believe, it does not mean that the transaction between us does not exist, if I didn't guess the wrong words, should the blood neopshene you have been on your body? As long as I persuaded him to search, I can prove the truth. "

"You ..." Gong Yao god his teeth.

"Of course, you can also destroy the blood embarssion, then die." Blue Qianyu smiled coldly, "But then, my curse does not exist, even if I am with night flames, I don't need to be received again. retribution."

"It's not like this." You have an excitement of Gong Yao. "You have dope in the sky, no matter if there is any blood, you should follow your commitment."

"There is no way!" Blue Qian Yu sigh, "I have a different from my son, you have to dismantle us, for us is not as good as death, but also what to retribution?"

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