Love at First Kiss: My Devil Husband Surrendering to me

Chapter 446, counterattack, forced her self 5

"Grandpa, I really agree with your point of view, so I have already planned ..."

"Oh?" The night of the night was a little surprised. I didn't expect Blue Qianyu to have a plan.

Blue Qianyu carefully looked at night: "I decided to stay in the United States, don't go back, I will live in the United States in the United States, so that you can visit the Qianyi at any time when you and the night flames, of course, if His holiday is long, you can also take the thousand wings for a while, I will never be opposed. In this way, we can support the thousands of wings together, and the thousand wings will have a father's love and maternal love, and it is also beneficial to his growth. "

The eyebrows of the night, I frowned: "Then let the thousand wings stay in the night life, you can also see him at any time."

"The thousand wings have not left me from small to most, and I will be around. He will not be used to." Blue Qian Yu said more twisted, "and the child needs mother, he is still small, it is sick, compare with me. it is good."

"The night home will ask many parenting experts and doctors to take care of the thousand wings." The night of the old man is already a bit unpleasant, "he is our hope, we will protect him well, will never let him suffer a little hurt."

"I believe you can do it, but ..." Blue Thousands bite bite lips, softly said, "The superior economic conditions do not represent you can have happiness, and Night flames are growing in a rich enemy family. , But he is not happy ... "

"Do you mean ??" The night is angry, "You think the night is a grave, buried the happiness of the night flames, will also bury the happiness of the thousand wings in the future?"

"I don't mean this ..." Blue Qian Yu quickly explained, "I just think that the thousand wings will live better with me, although I can't compare him too superior living conditions, but I will take care of him wholeheartedly, and more than Night flames Busy, there is no way to do things. If he can only give all things to the maid, this is not good for the growth of the thousand wings ... "

"Okay!" The night of the old man broke the blue thousands of feathers, "What do you mean, you won't give up the custody of the thousand wings?"

"Yes." This time, Blue Qian Yu did not turn and hesitate, said unswervingly, "Although I apologized, I really can't give up the custody of the thousand wings."

"Very good." Night's little laughed, "You hesitate when you face emotions, you are unresolved, now face the right thing, you are simply decisive, you can see you not to see, just for Night flames. Since it. In this case, I don't need too many counsel, then I will see it. "

Said, the night, the old, too husband, slipped the wheelchair.

"Grandpa!" Blue Qian Yu called him, the night old pool stopped the action, did not look back, "What else?"

Blue Qianpi took a sigh of relief and sad: "I know that you are angry with me, but change your angle thinking, if I exchange the position of the night flame, are you still like this? From me and Night Flam At that day, he did not stop hurting me. For the Miyao Yao, he sacrificed my friend, manufacturing accident and she was injured; later, because his impulse and violent, even killed our first child ... Yes, even in such a bloody harm, I still fall in love with him, this is my disaster ... "

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