Gong Yao made a hand, and the door was given the door.

The footsteps came from the outside, and Zhao Jun left, Qi Yao looked back at the bathroom. She gave him a slight drug. After heard this medicine, he will be a little ods, she hopes to let him Sign the agreement ...

There is also water acoustic, and Yong Yao will quickly have an agreement that has already prepared to give up the right to custody, just get it, the night flames come out from the bathroom, with a bathrobe, one hand The forehead, the face does not look good.

Yao Yao was busy and walked to help him, patted his shoulders, and did a sign language to him: "The flame brother, your color doesn't look good, what happened?"

"Maybe it's more, it's okay ..." The night flamested his eyes, and he said weakly. "You go back to rest."

Miyao Yao put the documents in front of him, and he handed him a pen, then did a sign language: "This is Zhao Jun asked me to give you, say the company's urgency, let you sign tonight, tomorrow morning."

Night flames didn't think, pick up the pen to sign, Gong Yao helped him press the file, one page turned, and of course, there is no agreement between the abandonment of custody ...

When the night flame sign was signed, the pen was slightly slightly, but he still signed his name. After signing, he took the bed to rest.

Gong Yao covered with his quilt for him, and then took a document, after leaving the room, she hurriedly sent a text message to the Blue Qianxi: "The file has been signed, how to give you?"

"You go to the hospital back door parking waiting for me, I will come down to find you." Blue Qian Yu returned a text message to her.

Gong Yao saw all around, no one, she put the documents in the clothes, quickly enter the elevator, go straight to the first floor ...

The elevator door slowly closed, the corridor at the corner, Zhao Jun came out, frowned to stare at the elevator, muttered: "The original owner said true, Ms. Mi is really problematic."

"Follow up!" I came back to a command, Zhao Jun turned back, "Yes, the master."

The night flames still wear a robe, and the face is still not very good, but it is not as granule, and the gods are also awake. When he drinks honey, you will know if there is a problem, go to the bathroom, then open the water, then immediately Put out honey water all, but because he has been drinking wine before, now he sees a little infection, the stomach disease is committed, so he is now pale and weak. .

Yong Yao has no doubt.

After the Zhao Jun gone, the night flames quickly returned to the house, even if the pain came from the heart of the heart, he still had to look at it. What did the Yong Yao do? ? ?


Gong Yao took a document to the hospital back door parking lot, and uneasy hiding behind a big tree. About five minutes, Blue Qianfei came.

"How?" Blue Qian Yu asked urgently.

Gong Yao immediately took out the sign of the famous name to give it to her. She took over and saw it. "Very good! With this document, you can't grab the thousand wings with me again. Custody. "

Behind the big tree in the distance, Zhao Jun heard this sentence, tightly wrinkled, did not expect Gong Yao to work with Blue Miss? How can these two women betray the owner?

Miyao Yao pulled the clothes of the blue milky, do a sign language: "Now, can we always be flat? Don't want to repent, if the flame brother knows that you use the account to sign this agreement, He will not forgive you. "

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