"But I am not giving up him, I will stay in New York, I will see him very close to you, I will see him every day, with him, if you have a new woman, or not good to him, I will pick him back. These additional conditions are in the agreement. If you feel that there is no problem, then sign it! "

The lips of the blue thousand feather are tenderly smile, calm and sincere.

When the night flames looked at her, they can't help but laugh: "After so much thing, I thought I have changed a lot, and the people who really changed were you, and I was still like it."

"This is not your fault." Blue Qian Yu reached out his face, "people always have to really grow in adversity, although you encounter my disaster, car accident and stomach cancer also let you toss together, But there are always countless people around you, they will do everything for you, it is not a true setback, so your temper has not changed. But after this, I hope you really understand the true meaning of love, it is tolerant, Is trust! "

"Well!" Night flames weightd the head, lower the head, and kissed the blue thousands of feathers ...

This time, Blue Qianyu did not reject him, she silently endured his kiss, it was a kiss before leaving ...


The scene of the hospital, the night old woman witnessed everything, and he also listened to Baohu to report the passage of things. He couldn't help but feel the emotion: "Qianfeng is a daughter-in-law of our night home, just jogged, she uses her own wise and tough prove I have won deeper love. "

"But she didn't plan to return to the young master, or decided to separate." Bao Wei said.

"She is doing this, now they still have a lot of problems need to be precipitated. Now they are not necessarily a good thing. She is not resolutely refused, and I plan to stay in New York, this is giving him a chance, they still have a chance. "

"It's right."


The parking lot, the night flaming finally reluctantly released the blue thousand, gently holding her face, looked at her affection: "I promised me, wait for me to change, I will return to me, don't give other men's opportunities. "

Blue Qian Yu is going to the eye, did not speak, she won't give other men's chance, but she always thinks that the blood embarrassment, she is afraid, worry, fearless ...

"Why is it still hesitating?" The night flame wrinkled his eyebrows, and took her face and let her look at him. "Don't you still ..."

He suddenly turned, "Do you have any concerns? Is it because of the blood ???"

I heard this word, the face of Blue Qian Yu became embarrassed: "I have died with my own and thousands of wings. If we are with you, we will ..."

"That is a riddle, it is not trustworthy." The night flames said that "You don't want to pay attention, I don't believe it, if you go back to me, I really will do things."

"I don't care, but I don't dare to take risks. I have wanted to tell you the truth. But he immediately accidentally, I was afraid ..."

"Nothing is femaled, there is a big thing, I will protect you, never let you be hurt." The night flame interrupts the blue thousand feathers, and hit the hand to the sky. "If this curse, then Let me die in my woman and the child, all the suffering let me toile, please bless them, let them live safely! "

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