Love at First Kiss: My Devil Husband Surrendering to me

Chapter 471 Xiao Han's girlfriend 3

"Why? Since I met, everyone is a friend." Xia wants to take the opportunity to resolve the relationship between night flames and Xiao Han.

"We still have something to talk about." The night flames returned, smiled, "Xia, I have time, I will ask you again."

"But ..." Xia said, the elevator is open, the night flame is full of smile, and the blue-thousand feather walked out the elevator. Xia didn't say anything, and then walked out of the elevator with Xiao Han. Walk to their place.

Night flames and Xiao Hanjian is the same floor, one in the middle position, one by the window, there is a distance of less than ten meters, and each other can see each other, the manager is arrested to say the night flaming, night After the flame is dining, the whisper said: "Xiao Han's table is me!"

"Yes, I understand!" The manager nodded, went to Xiao Han, Xiao Han, asked, "What did you say to you?"

"Night always said, your table is to be his." Manager carefully said, in general, he will tell Xiao Han when he pays, but since Xiao Han asked, he must answer it.

"Oh!" Xiao Han smiled coldly, but did not say more, just gave a few sets, so that the manager retired.

Xia is close to Xiao Han, whispered: "Xiao Han, how do you become like this now? I remember that you have a good relationship, like a brother ..."

"Yia!" Xiao Han interrupt Xiai, "those are things, don't mention it anymore, I am so hard to go back to the United States, I am rare to see it, you don't care about other things, know ? "

"Well." Xia was well-behaved, looked back with the night flames and blue thousand feathers and waved a greece, and then told Xiao Han and laughed.

Blue Qian Yu feels very good, and Hiya looked at Xiao Han's eyes full of fascination and worship, there is a girl's feelings, Blue Qianfeng dares, Xiai likes Xiao Han.

"Don't always look at others." The night flames picked the chin of Blue Qian Yu, wrapped her face, "said with me," I should only "in your eyes."

"I am watching Xia." Blue Qian Yu asked, "Is she like Xiao Han?"

"It should be, I am not very clear." The night flames did not want to continue to talk about Xiao Han's topic.

"Xia is very good, cheerful, kind and enthusiastic, generous, the family is good, it is very matching with Xiao Han, I really hope that they can come together." Blue Qian Yu is sincere. "

"This kind of feelings are feeling, not to say that each other will love." The night flame said faintly, "Xiao Han should just the feelings of my sister, she is a wish."

"Emotion This kind of thing is like this, there is always one person, after alone, but this does not mean that they will not come together later." Blue Qian Yu said.

"If Xiao Han really likes Xia, it is really a good thing." Night flamested a red wine, meaning deeply, "Xia Shan Liang simple, character is very good, and her home will give Xiao Han to many benefits." However, feelings must be seen in this kind of thing, blue thousand feathers, you better not to mix, understand? "

"Well, I understand." Blue Qianfei nodded, did not say anything.

Soon, the waiter was on the side of the royal steak, four people started meals.

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