Close to see Han Xiu City, Blue Qianyu found that he is really not Xiao Qi, although the body shape is very similar, but the look is completely different.

Han Xiu City has a typical Korean face, a single eyelid, thick lips, mature sexy, and a gentle and delicate feelings, he is with the night flames, Xiao Han talks, it is occasionally showing a few Harbor Korean.

Qin Wei and Blue Thousands walked to the table. Three men stopped the topic, looked at them, Xiao Han and Night flames looked at Blue Qian Yu, Han Xiu City's eyes were directly brushing from Blue Qianyu, falling In Qin Wei, with affectionate soft light.

Qin Wei was intimate to Han Xiu City's arm, first told the night flame, Xiao Han, Qin Xiya, and introduced Blue Qian Yu to Han Xiu City: "This is a Miss, Miss, Night Girlfriend."

"Hello." Han Xiu City reached out to Blue Qian Yu, and Blue Thousand Yu symbolizes the handshake and has a few words in English.

Everyone is sitting, the night flames are stickers to open the chairs around them, and sit down on the blue thousand feathers.

Qin Wei was quite casual, and the smile of the lips was shallow, and it was tightened in Han Xiu City.

This subtle detail did not escape Xiao Han's eyes. He knows that Qin Wei has always likes Night flames, so it is still the case.

Maybe she is with Han Xiu City, just wants to find a replacement of the soul, or say that she wants to find a man to stimulate the night flame, let the night flames know, her Qin Wei is also a woman who is a woman.

"Sister, you can't ask me with Han Dabo. I don't call me. I know that we should be together." Qin Xia said.

"You look forward to it, you can get along with Xiao Han alone, I bother you." Qin Wei was white.

"I hate it." Qin Xia shy looked at Xiao Han.

Xiao Han looked at Blue Qianyu and was quite casual: "Mr. Han, listening to Xiya, can you speak Chinese?"

"Yes." Han Xiu City smiled nodded, saying in Chinese, "Our university is in China, so Chinese is not bad."

"It is really good." Xiao Han Yang looked with a lip corner, and he passed away with a complicated ray, and his eyes smashed.

Blue Qian Yu found that Xiao Han also had a guard against Han Xiu City. Maybe he didn't feel Xiao Qi in Han Xiu City like her. Although two people have a complete different, but the shape of temperament, and It's a bit similar ...

However, if you want to think about it, how much there is still something like it in this world, this is normal.

If there is no previous Jusheng, maybe Blue Qianyu will not doubt, because soon, she encountered a cosmeticist, so I will suspect Han Xiu City.

"Blue Sister ..." Han Xia shouted.

Blue Qian Yu returns to God, looked at her: "Well?"

"I want to have a cup of coffee, what else do you want?" Han Xicheng asked with a smile.

"No." Blue Qian Yu shook his head.

"We should go." Night flames didn't want to stay here, borrowed, "There is still something wrong at home, it is not appropriate to stay, next time."

"Then not bother you." Qin Xia stood up.

"I don't know when I can meet next time, and the night is always a busy man."

Qin Wei smiled and charming, a bright eye looked at the night flames, she didn't understand, why she is so good, Night flame is not interested in her, and I like Blue Qian Yu ...

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