When I heard Han Xiu City, Qin Wei's look became more downsful. Yes, Xiao Han used three years to settle the Custu Group in the United States, using a lot of gray means, he is indeed a wild businessman.

Otherwise, he is impossible to reach this in such a short period of time. For a woman, he even told his night.

If he really married Xia in the future, he will definitely fight for the property of Qin family.

The feelings of Qin Wei and Qin Xia two sisters have been so good, there is a very important reason, because their sisters are very different, Qin Wei is to hegemony, what is going to get, Can Qioniya The character is gentle and gentle, and the sister is from the little to the big, never fight with my sister.

If you really want to face property disputes in the future, I am afraid this kind of kindness, it will be broken ...

Qin Wei did not want to make this, so it must be prevented from happening.

Thinking of this, Qin Wei immediately took the mobile phone to chase out, and he called Qin Xia on the side -


Xiao Han's car was very fast, Qin Xia sat on the pick-up seat, quietly looked at him quietly, her mood was very nervous, she liked him for many years, waiting silently, I hope he can look at her.

Now I finally have the opportunity to get along with him. She is very nervous and looking forward to it. As long as he is willing to take her step, the remaining ninety-nine steps will be taken by her ...

"Jining Bell -" The phone suddenly rang, Qin Xia was busy to answer the phone, "Sister!"

"Xia, where are you?" Qin Zhi asked anxiously.

"I am on Xiao Han's car." Qin Xiya saw Xiao Han.

"Hurry and get off." Qin Wei said seriously, "He wants you to be cheap, you can't be so stupid."

"Sister ..." Qin Xia is sinking, "Don't say this, Xiao Han is not such a person."

I heard this sentence, Xiao Han smiled coldly, deliberately scare her: "I am that kind of person, you will go home with me, I will be set up tonight, now get off."

"Xiao Han ..." Qin Xiya was ashamedless.

The Qin Wei, who was the phone heard this sentence, hurriedly said: "You listen, you listen, the bastard is not a good man, you quickly get off."

"Sister, you don't say this, I don't tell you." Qin Xia didn't hang up the phone, and looked at Xiao Han. "Sorry, the sister is more strict."

"She can play outside, you can have a baby, you will have a few hundred more hundreds of prevention. Is it too much to laugh?" Xiao Han is interested in licking Qin Xia. "She is really afraid that you are suffering, or afraid of you Marry me, I will compete with her for home production? "

"How is it?" Qin Xia said the interference, "My sister is not such a person."

Immediately, she remembered the focus of Xiao Han just now. "You just said, I, marry you?"

"I said," Xiao Han opened, cold and cold, "I have marriage phobia, I will not marry in this life."

Qin Xia was shocked, the smile of his mouth became stiff, but then she thought about: "Marriage phobia is because you haven't encountered a real love woman, maybe one day, you will change the idea What? "

"Really love woman, I have already met ..." Xiao Han looked at the scenery outside the window, and his eyes became deep.

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