Love at First Kiss: My Devil Husband Surrendering to me

Chapter 484 Pretending, I don't know anything.

"Hey ..." Blue Qian Yu still does not dare to confuse, "No, maybe it is a rumor?"

"It is impossible, Shu Shi uncle is recognized." Qiao Qing disappointed sigh, "and I also asked him, he did not deny it."

"What is the girl? French little princess? Is it a french royal family?" Blue Qian Yu asked.

"The grandchildren of the King of France, the orthodox French royal family." Qiao Qing said coldly. "I have seen the girl's photo, I have been very beautiful, but I am very small, I just fidilized, she like Leigh Now I live in Hong Kong now. The purpose is to be with Le Le, I heard that the family of her family also took the initiative to make friends with Leray. "

"Oh, the girl is really powerful."

Blue Qian Yu knows that Leles is a very responsible man. Whether it is for voluntary or accident, he has taken a relationship with that girl. Maybe he really married the girl for the reason. Blue Qian Yu doesn't want to decide to Lead, just hope that he can marry a girl you love.

As for Qiao Qing, maybe she is really a good one with Leles.

"Hey, I really regret it now, why can't I take the initiative?" Qiao Qing regretted, "If I also take out the girl as the girl, the face is pursuing Leles, maybe Leles now My friend is me. "

"Don't think too much, this kind of feelings are just right." Blue Qian Yu comfortable, "Okay, Qiao Qing, my car has arrived at my mother's home, I will not tell you first."

"Well, you will see the drum, you must not talk about it, you don't know anything."



Hanging up the phone, the car stopped in the cold home, Zhao Jun got off the car and opened the door, the blue thousand feathers took the car, and the fire walked home.


Upstairs, cold lying lying in bed, Shen Sanghai feeds her drink, she just drunk, wrinkled: "This Chinese medicine is too bitter ..."

"Good medicine is bitter." Shen Sang's high-hearted persuasion, "Drink again, drink it, you don't want to let Qian Yu and Leizhi see you right?"

I heard this sentence, if I didn't have a soul, my low shed the medicine, I drank two ports and said: "I seem to have heard the car, is it?"

"No, who will be so late?" Shen Sanghai voice just fall, and he passed the footsteps outside. He and the cold look, the two faces change, "I really came." "

"Fast, go to the toilet quickly," cold if the ice is anxious. "

Shen Sanghai quickly handed the medicine bowl to the medical care, the medical care took the medicine bowl to hurry to the toilet to go, Shen Sang Haipou took a sandwich chocolate to cold, cold, cold, chocolate, resolve the smell in the mouth, or I don't think enough, get up and spray in the bed ...

"Hey!" Blue Qian Yu knocked on the door outside, "Mom, Shen Shu."

"It is thousands of feathers." Cold, if it is panicked, "How did she come at this time? What did you say to her?"


"Mom, I am coming!" Blue Qian Yu is a sweet call outside, "The stomach is very hungry, have you eaten?"

Cold if the ice heard the voice of Blue Thousand is very easy, and the heart is relieved. She probably just came back to see me, did not find anything ...

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