Blue Qianyu hangs the phone, I want to go to the next room to see a small thousand wings. At this time, the mobile phone receives a text message. Blue Qianyu opens, it is Xiao Han sent: "There is an important thing to talk to you, about the night flame! "

See this text message, blue thousands of feather, Xiao Han did not find any questions like her? ?

should be.

Blue Qianyu quickly called Xiao Han, the phone quickly turned on, Xiao Han low voice came: "Why didn't you pick up my phone?"

"I ..." Blue Qianyu I want to explain what, but think about it, I still say the truth, "I don't want to have another branch, if I can keep enough distance with you, this will not happen tonight."

"The distance between us is far away ..." Xiao Han's voice is slightly dumb, "You don't have me at all, and the night flames can't think of it. He lives to be framed."

"You shouldn't say this." Blue Qian Yu is a bit angry. "Tonight is a man who will be angry, Night flame is no exception, not to mention that he has always had a thorn, always feel that I have a rest of you. "

"Then you haven't restored to me?" Xiao Han looked softly.

"Of course, no." Blue Qian Yu is not hesitant to answer, "Now I just regard you as a friend, a person who is worth care, but there is absolutely no male or female."

"Well ..." Xiao Han bitter smiled. "Maybe I should not be lucky enough, asking such a problem is really looking for it."

"Don't talk about it again." Blue Qian Yu transfer topic, "You just texted to talk about it, talking about me, what is about the night flame, what?"

"You only care about the night flame." Xiao Han said, "If I don't say this, don't you call me at all?"

"If your purpose is to let me call, then you have reached." Blue Qian Yu is ready to hang.

"Wait !!!" Xiao Han immediately called her, "I really have something to talk to you ..."

"Say, what is." Blue Qian Yu is asked, "If you talk to me some messy, I will hang it."

"Tonight, have you found a lot of doubts? Qin Wei is very problematic, there is also the Han Xiu City ..."

"You also found it?" "Blue Qian Yu is shocked," Do you feel that Han Xiu City's back look is like your brother? "

"You said Xiao Qi ???" Xiao Han's volume became big, "I think Han Xiu City has problems, but I haven't told him with Xiao Qi. I have been thinking about it. Our people, but I didn't know him at all before the Night flames, so I wanted to call you, I didn't expect it to get unexpected answers. Is he really Xiao Qi? "

"I am not sure, I just felt that he had some gods like Xiao Qi, and their appearance is completely different, but after the incident of Jusheng, I started to be more sensitive to this kind of thing." Blue Qianyu uneasiness Said, "If Han Xiu City is really Xiao Qi, then he will not let go of the night flame, nor will you let you, you can still be self-proclaimed now, but the night flame is dangerous in jail."

"Don't worry, I will send someone to investigate." Xiao Han said, "You have to do it now is to protect yourself, other things have me to handle."

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