"Love is sometimes anything that can be met, when there is no rotation, even if you work hard, you really fall on your head, you can't hurry, this time, we should cherish, Once you missed, you will never have a chance. In fact, this truth is very simple, everyone understands, just put it on him, always see it. "

Qin Xiya heard these words, can't help but shake, she thought that Xiao Han was excited when the bowl of medicine was excited, thinking that she was sad and sad, he was distressed by her ...

He is really different from her.

Did he really fall in love with her?

Qin Xia thought of a headache, raising his hand, lie forehead, I don't know what to do.

"Xia, go back to me, now the situation is very confusing, only Xiao Han can protect you." Blue Qian Yu supported her shoulders, and he worked hard, "I saw people in the heart, one day, you will understand him It is true or false with you. Anyway, you are going to be, even if you find that he is not true, you are not late. "

Qin Xia is fascinating, there are some shakes in my heart ...

But I thought about Xiao Han's words he said in the International Trade Building. Her heart was cold, panic shook his head: "No, I will not believe in you, I will not believe."

"Xia ..."

Lin Qian Yu also wants to say something, Qin Xia turned to the security checkout, Blue Qian Yu chased behind, but Qin Xia has passed the security check, the blue thousand feathers did not have a ticket, she had to stand there and shouted: "Xia, don't be impulsive, you listen to me ..."

Qin Xia holds his ears, run forward, one word does not want to listen again.


Qin Xia walked to the boarding plane, looked at the time, there is more than an hour before boarding, she walked with the backpack.

Qin Xia pushed away the door of the toilet, just stepped in and stepped on a banana skin, and fell on the ground. He hurtd his body. The abdomen immediately passed dramatic pain, like a knife in the abdomen repeated communulation ...

"Ah -" Qin Xia screamed, but there is no one to pay attention to her, now it is half-night, the passengers and staff of the airport are very small, and there is no one here.

"Help, help ..." Qin Xia was soaked in the rain, the abdominal pain was difficult, and it was still not bleeding, because she just took the backpack in his arms, backpacking in the abdomen.

Qin Xia shouted for a long time, no one came to save her. She had to work hard to stand up slowly. She did not find out that there was a person in the back of her hand. She wanted to push her ...

"Xia, Xia ..." At this moment, suddenly came from Xiao Han and Blue Qian Yu anxious shouting.

"Xiao Han, I am here, save me ..." Qin Xia took the whole power shout.

"Xia." Xiao Han quickly rushed in, see Qin Xica leaned on the wall, pale, full of sweat, painful, he immediately hugged her, "What happened? What happened?"

"My stomach is good ..." Qin Xia cried.

Xiao Han is shocked: "Child, do you have anything?"

"Hurry to send the hospital, what is it?" Blue Qian Yu is anxious.

"Oh." Xiao Han quickly rushed out of the bathroom, ran away from the arrows, shouting, "Si Hui, called ambulance -"

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