"You are right, only close to them, you can find useful clues. What's more, I check Han Xiu City and Qin Wei, will also participate in that dinner, maybe I can really find some spider silk."

"That will wait and see."

"Okay, you will go to accompany your girlfriend first, I don't bother, when I have time to come out, I know, I know, how to say it is my future."

"After this, let's talk, the day after tomorrow, I will accompany you, when your cavitation makers."

"Oh, ok. Right, remember to call my mother."



Hang up the phone, the blue millet is half-worr.

The worry is that the Wemewood originally thought to be the savior. If Han Xiu City behind the scenes, it is really him after the scene, that is a smaller, and the Wenhai is deep, and it is difficult to deal with it than Han Xiu City;

Hi is, no matter how much a clue, I have always been looking for that behind the scenes, but I have been working hard, and now I have finally have a direction, and I will soon prove his true purpose.

Thinking of this, Blue Qian Yu comforted himself in his heart, and his bad people will be punished since ancient evil.


Blue Qianyu got up, and called Li Vice President, asking about the company's things, Li Deputy said that everything is very smooth, very good, let her don't worry.

Blue Qian Yu is very comforting, saying that I wanted to go to the company in the afternoon, Li Deputy said: "No, there is nothing today, you are also white, or take a good rest, if there is time, go to the hospital to spend The old man, I am too busy these two days, I have no time to visit his old man. "

"It is good, then I will go to my grandfather in the afternoon, go to the company tomorrow."

"it is good."


Blue Qian Yu took lunch at home, then took the thousand wings to the hospital to visit the night old man.

Zhao Jun just came back from the outside and personally took people to escort them to the hospital.

On the road, Blue Thousand is teasing Xiao Qianyi: "Thousands of wings, I haven't seen the grandfather for a long time, I'm going to see you, let you see the grandfather?"

Xiao Qianyi seems to understand, beautiful big eyes flashed with bright light, nodded: "Well, good, see grandfather."

"Millennium really!" Blue Qian Yu knew the cheeks of the small wings, there were too many things to have recently, she didn't have time to accompany him, now look carefully, and found that he grew up, speaking more than before. .

I really hope that the little wings can grow up quickly, and they can guard my mom, guarding this home. . .

"Lady, you seem to say." Zhao Jun suddenly said.

Blue Qianyu quickly checks the bag, it is indeed the phone is ringing. She took out and saw that Bo Wei came, she quickly received the phone: "Mr. Bo ..."

"Lady, the old woman wants to see you and the young master." Bo Wei said respectfully.

"Just, we are already on the road." Blue Qian Yu said with a smile, "about twenty minutes."

"Okay." Bo Wei should take the road, "but ..."

"What's wrong? Is there anything?" Yue Qian Yu asked.

Bo Wei hesitated, and the dignity said: "The old lady is very good in these two days, I am afraid that he has something to do, you have to prepare."

"What do you mean? What is the accident?" Blue Qianpu ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha hared? "

"Hey ..." Bao Wei deeply sighed, "it is a bit serious, anyway, the doctor said it."

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