After a while, the medical care opened the ward from the inside, and the doctors pushed the night of the night.

"How is my grandfather?" Blue Qian Yu is asked.

"Night old man myocardial infarction, the situation is very crisis, we must give him a first aid immediately." The doctor pushed the night old woman to the emergency room.

Zhao Jun, Bo Wei, Blue Qian Yu and the night's bodyguards have rushed back, Xiao Qianyi saw the grandfather lying on the bed, probably scared, suddenly "wow", cry.

Blue Qianyu quickly picked up the thousand wings, and calmed the road: "The thousand wings don't cry, don't cry, grandfather will not have something."

"The ancestors, grandfather ..." Xiaoqianyi milk evoked, Zhu Ze's peelful amber scorpion looked at the night old woman.

"Let's talk to Grandpa, hurry up, we all need him." Blue Thousands of .

"The ancestors, grandfather, fast ... well ..."

There is still a little less clear. I don't know if I have heard the night old woman on the bed. I hope that the young feather is sad. I hope that God adds to the snow at this time, let them go ...


The first aid lasted for more than four hours.

The night family is anxiously waiting outside, Leizie knows that the news is rushing.

The little wings fell asleep, Leizan took off his jacket to him, and loudly advised: "Qian Yu, or you will send you thousand wings, here is hospitals, many germs, children stay here is not very good." "

"My grandfather's inspection came out again." Blue Qian Yu is like a jack of a thousand pounds, it is going to breathe, she now I hope that Grandpa can come over, otherwise she really don't know what to do.

"Would you like me to send a young master back?" Zhao Jun asked.

"Let's wait." Blue Qian Yu hurts the little wing, "The first aid should be almost the same, etc.

"Well, let's wait."

Zhao Jun nodded, looked at Bo , and he would not exempt some feelings.

Since the night of the night, after the first aid room, Bo Wei has been standing on the wall. It is not staring at the door. At night, the old man is in an accident, he is like a losing soul.

This feeling that Zhao Jun is the best feeling, the night family is very good, such as him, it is an orphan of the unlikely, fifteen years old, with the night flame, night home for him, send him Go to the military school to learn and give him the best arrangements.

This kind of kindness does not have, so the night is very loyal.

"You go to Mr. Bo," Blue Qianyu said softly.

"Well." Zhao Jun nodded and went to pour water.

"Lady!" At this time, Vice President Li also rushed, she was still meeting, heard the news immediately, "How is the night of the night?"

"Still first aid." The voice of Blue Thousand is somewhat oxide.

"Don't worry, it's okay, it's okay." Li Vougress patted her shoulders, "The night is a good person, he will not have something."

"Well." Blue Thousands nodded, she wanted to make himself strong, but saw that these people were so loyal to the night home, her heart was moving and fragile, at this time, they are like her loved ones, Give her unlimited support and comfort.

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