Love at First Kiss: My Devil Husband Surrendering to me

Chapter 616 must stick 2 (replenishment more)

Blue Qian Yu and Leles looked at the car and successively took the car.

Their bodyguards are ready to drive, but the driver of Wen said: "Apologize, today our hostess is a home banquet, it is not convenient to bring bodyguards, everyone is alone, but everyone can be absolutely assured, our owner A careful preservation system has been arranged, and it is absolutely able to protect everyone's safety, and you will not let everyone have any injuries and slow !!! "

"Yes?" Leishao smiled, "Wen Minister thought of real thought."

"Yeah." Blue Qianyu said, "The temperature is always good, I want to make people don't want people to make people in his banquet."

She turned her to Zhao Jun command, "You stay at home, don't follow it."

"This ..." Zhao Jun is somewhat unfamed.

Blue Qian Yu made a look, he led his life: "Yes."


Century Imperial City is a seaside hotel in New York, extremely luxurious, is a Wemeworry industry.

On the beach in the South Australian waters, there is already a luxury yacht, etc. here, welcome you VIPs.

There are also many media reporters to be outside the anti-coordinate line, rushing to take pictures after a fear.

Blue Qian Yu and Leles have attracted all media concerns, everyone is putting sharp questions -

"Mrs. Night, is it to face bankrupt now?"

"The night of the old man stroke, the night is always in the night, does it mean that the property of the night is inherited?"

"Mrs. Night, may I have any relationship with you? The external rumor is your property of the killing of the night, deliberately, the night is angry, then the stroke, is this?"


When I heard these problems, Le Yan frowned, worried about the blue millet, and put her in his arms and carefully protect her.

Blue Qian Yu does not respond halfway, still smile, indifferent, not talking about the sharpness of sharp sharpness.

"Mrs. Night, please give it a pleasure." The reporters continue to ask.

Blue Qian Yu still did not answer, follow Leles to go to the hotel.

"Mrs. Night, will you be married with the property of the night home?"

I don't know which reporter has already asked, Blue Qian Yu stopped and looked back, and the reporter gave up: "Here, it is what I ask."

"Want to answer the night?" Wen Jia's bodyguard asked.

Blue Qian Yu nodded slightly, and the bodyguard put the reporter and his camera. The reporter held the microphone in front of her, excitedly asked: "Mrs. Night, you will become rich in a day, will not take those Property remained? "

"Your question is very good." Blue Qian Yu smiled slightly, "I have always been a lot of rumors to me, but I have never like to be public, never published speech in front of the media, I will take this opportunity today. Say with everyone ... "

Blue Qian Yu is proud of the chin, saying to the camera: "Everyone calls me a mantar, in fact, this is wrong, I am divorced before the two years ago, although I will comply, but we There is no residual procedure. In the law, I am not just a night, even if the night is really there, those property will not be rotated. So, the night home business partners don't have to worry about I will Take the property and shares of the night home, affect everyone's business! "

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