"Oh!" Han Xiu City said, "He may be interested in you."

"The others are very good, very sincere to me." Blue Qian Yu smiled slightly, "Unfortunately I had a husband, I can't give him a chance."

"You are always constant to night." Han Xiucheng said coldly, "even if he has so many things, you have always adhered to the night, everywhere for him."

"There is no way, who makes him a first man." Blue Qian Yu is very emotion, "Before I met him, I talked about two boyfriend, but I have not developed very deep until I met him, many things like this. Determined. "

"Perhaps woman is like this, likes to overbearing strong men." Han Xiu City recalls the past past, and flashing with complex cold light. "The more you have a courteous, the more you don't like it, the contrary, that kind of feelings , Forcibly occupying you, you love to die. "

"Nor like this ..." Blue Qian Yu sighted, "In fact, two boyfriend, I have moved true, I want to talk to them, and even almost married the second boyfriend. Unfortunately he For me is false, in order to achieve my own purpose, I actually sent me to the bed of the Night flaming ... "

"Maybe, he is also a bitter."

Han Xiu City remembered the matter, still feel very embarrassed, that is his shame, not only lost the favorite woman, but also lost his future and self-esteem, now think about it.

He wants to say a few words to the original, but he does not dare to disclose the identity, so it can't say more.

"What is the hardship?" Blue Qianyu smiled coldly. "Do you have to sell your girlfriend? Do you have a hardship?"

"Maybe that is not his original intention, he is also forced helpless ..." Han Xiu City is angrec, "What's more, you should resent the night flaming, is he strong - rape you, account for you, why don't you hate? He? Instead, marry him with him? "

Blue Qianyu looked at him: "How do you know that night flames - rape me, account for me?"

"I ..." Han Xiu City stunned, this realized that he had just said that he leaked his mouth, his eyes were a bit flashed, but it quickly resumed calm. "You just said it, your boyfriend is to achieve the purpose. Put your bed to the Night flaming ... "

"But I didn't say he was strong - I was raped, maybe I voluntarily?" Blue Qian Yu Trial looks at him.

"Then you are the lower!!!" Han Xiu City out of mouth.

Blue Qianyu glared at him and got up and got it. He quickly pulled her: "Sorry, I am wrong with my mouth, you don't go."

"It will be psychological because it is a moment." Blue Qian Yu opened his hand, "I and my husband, I don't want to explain to you, maybe we just started wrong, but later he It's really sincere, not as I used to be the two boyfriend, I just started to be very good to me, but I changed it later, this is a difference, the so-called life, the time is long, can you see who is true love? Who is a hypothesis. "

"Well." Han Xiucheng bolets, "We don't discuss this problem, let's talk, is it your past, what is the relationship with me?"

"What do you want to talk about?" Blue Qianyu smiled, and glanced as a silk, "What is the relationship with you?"

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